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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 12:12 AM (629 w, 12 h)
Nov 14 2023
Already fixed internally, awaits merge. Thanks for report.
Released in
Future improvements are planned for additional short delay after ADS is toggled in, if focus delay did not finish yet.
Oct 24 2023
Fix is being tested.
Oct 18 2023
The script abruptly cancels focus timeout when camera updates with delta time 0, breaking the intended logic. Further fixes are needed. Addon for testing:
Jun 1 2022
This is intended, the Kill function only expects True damage type as otherwise the death is not guaranteed due to damage handling - thresholds, multipliers etc.
Sep 14 2020
This task can be closed now.
Aug 30 2016
Aug 29 2016
I tested the issue under 1.64 RC and it is still broken there.
Aug 28 2016
Jul 12 2016
Please note magazineGroup config attribute is documented in - as such I believe this issue should be given more attention. Lack of common magazine interface is rather serious limitation of 3rd party mods.
May 10 2016
I would be surprised if dynamic lights were cast even during daytime before, when we could use that option regardless of time of day.
Removing action menu show condition is not the same as disabling feature completely. It was working correctly before.
This was designed to be so.
Implemented gun convergence 400 meters away for Wildcat and Pawnee
Data lock :/
Data lock is not yet over
Resolved locally, will be out after data lock.
I have some changes that should deal with it prepared locally, will have to wait some time though.
Increasing inertia to defeat the described effect.
For all I care it has been fixed long ago by pettka and programmers.
Unfortunately I believe the additional MG is not possible either. However will see about the rest during the course of next months.
The optics won't change I'm afraid. However something more could be done with other details, will consult it.
However, yeah, it could be improved,
It's proper damage texture for armored vehicles.
Should be working
Note that I added hidden selections. The "issue" with plates present in only some vehicles is a feature, not bug.
For all I care it should be present on DEV branch. On STABLE - when the patch is rolled out.
Problem was missing rotor center memory point. Should be up on DEV since yesterday.
Tracks should not sink into ground. Check out single player to see how it should look.
I think I resolved the issue already, so no misunderstanding on my part occured.
One zero was missing.
Insufficient info
Fixed in next DEV update of Armor_F_Gamma
Fixed, added mirrors (being tweaked by modeler)
A placeholder solution for it is missionmaker should be able to simply disable AI for now.
That was message to programmer :)
Fixed internally
Please think of solution for when flight time exceeds bullet lifetime in your free time. :)
Please try again.
Some feedback regarding APCs and AA vehicles:
- hitpoints and fire geometry AA vehicles will be improved.
- RCWS is delicate is by design. You're hitting an area where sensors/mechanics are stored, not just random place.
- Gorgon and Kamysh - you've just destroyed optics, so it's not surprise you can't aim anymore.
- AMV you managed to hit turret ring which is NOT armored well. Nice one.
- T-100 can indeed have smaller fragile zone around engine.
- There are few tanks in the world that can sustain APFSDS hit from THAT close. If anything, tanks should be more fragile to such powerful round.
- 10:07 You have managed to hit gun's mantle. What I would expect IRL is that you'd tear that turret apart, and kill all occupants of the turret.
Best regards, thanks for detailed report and hope you enjoy our game.
Considering as fixed unless proved otherwise
Please try if issue persists after next Dev branch update of armor_f_gamma
The issue is quite difficult to track because of way damage system works - primarily the lack of projectile and armour fragmentation causes it to be extremely difficult to balance.
Regardless, I'll try to fix such issues within available technology.
Chops, maybe you could check how's the situation now? Since 1.12 it should be much more difficult to get stuck with armored vehicles; not the best solution possible without deep changes in PhysX implementation, but at least one doesn't have to be that careful.
Could you provide more specific info, about what is working and what is not?
We have direction stabilization. The muzzle keeps direction compared to world coordinates.
Quite much like what I described in my tank tutorial under DAMAGE section.
Thanks for input :)
If I want to have damageable optics, I need to have way to make AI blind.
If I want blowoff panels and ammo storages, I need to remove rounds that have been blown up.
Without dedicated programming support and no scripts allowed in first place these are impossible. That's how the things are unfortunately.
PhysX bugs belong to PhysX master :)
Should be fixed in current dev branch
JohnnieConcrete, I believe you should take the point Gekkibi makes.
The compass must be centered, because its readings are tied to direction of camera. If you require it changed so much, please convince mod makers to create 3rd party mod as it is possible to alter look and position of compass this way.
Shoot first, ask questions later approach isn't working out well in this situation. If I wanted AI to fire at empty camo net, I would have placed invisible target for it to shoot at.
Of course, we can always take in account that tents, sandbags and camo nets can return fire, but personally I wouldn't expect them to do so.
The problem is that AI does not want to engage targets until discovered by enemy.
Only typing "veh reveal this" into units init (veh = target) makes AI start engaging the target - choose proper weapons, etc.
Desired effect is - after some time AI should engage target and return to hidden position.
Fixed in internal files.
If you insist on using setHit, you should use "main_turret_hit" or "vez".
Otherwise I advice you to use setHitPointDamage.
Should be improved by 23.09.2013. Changing shell type in 120mm cannon will now take as much time as reloading the gun; we should take cumbersomeness of action menu in account as opposed to yelling "MPAT"; can't track "unloading" the loaded shell at the moment.
Will be fixed soon
Thanks for detailed info in this excellent report. There has been problem with merge of localization files. Most of the errors that occured have been fixed since, but not all.
Fixed in dev branch
I'll try to do some magic on it but don't expect too much wonders.
Will be available on DEV soon
Fixed at least in current dev branch.
Generally fixed for all armoured vehicles. I'll only fix reported detail problems since now.
Helicopters are not my area of work... at least in A3.
Some issues will be improved soon-ish.
The improvement on APC damage handling is still pending.
I'll work on turret damage handling during course of October.
A HitHull class in HitPoints offers such feature - when it reaches > 0.9, the tank "catches fire" and explodes or burns a while later.
So, yes, there is still big room for improvements in that matter. ;)
Thanks InstaGoat.
We worked hard to make the penetration in A3 as good as possible. However there are technical limitations for simulation of penetration we have; currently the engine does not feature disintegration of projectiles after penetration, as it should occur with SABOTs; this is probably the reason for issues described.
Side notes:
- all armored vehicles in A3 have weak points: zones like engine, ammo compartments, turret mechanisms, crew members receive damage from explosions and penetrating shots, both as a "hitpoint" and for whole vehicle.
- the BTR-K is lightly armored vehicle, it's armor is mostly comparable with wheeled APCs we have ingame. I would expect the 120mm SABOT under normal conditions to pierce two 30mm RHA plates with ease.
For now the workaround would be to use round's velocity vector instead and push it through BIS_fnc_magnitude function to obtain numerical value.
Should be fixed with next update.
Fixed by pettka long ago.
I'm checking what is possible to be done.
looking for feedback
I never said that.
All APCs received improved armor modelling.
Please note Kamysh armor is as weak as one on AMV, while Panther is generally very hard to penetrate with anything available in game. There is no EFP simulation yet.
Will be up soon
Quite important issue.
Another fast repro:
- Enter debug console.
- Track variables:
I reckon this is severe scripting issue. Assignment for Programmers in general.
I've applied the drag for APDS and SLAP rounds config. It's invaluable, thanks!
However this source:
States the .408 has really low BC. I tried to match the air friction so bullet shot with init speed of 930 m/s keeps supersonic up to 2200 meters.
Going to review .408 once again. Thanks for input!
Cannot reproduce. Rockets and missiles fall down after they lose speed.
You should use time instead of diag_tickTime, and try handle division by zero errors ;) otherwise your speed won't be exact to ingame speed
Please note my post was about 6.5mm ballistics, it's as accurate as it should be.
Haven't noticed the topic changed from its original name meanwhile, but anyway I wasn't talking about sight picture. Sorry if you got me wrong, English isn't my mother tongue :)