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- User Since
- Apr 13 2013, 3:15 AM (623 w, 1 d)
Apr 17 2018
Sep 29 2016
This issue is fixed in 1.64
Jul 13 2016
Was playing solo. I did not respawn prior to the incident. I approached New York from SW.
The last radio message I got was about civilians present in the AO iirc.
Jul 12 2016
Game version: 1.62.137494
Jul 7 2016
I can confirm updating the video drivers to Radeon Crimson 16.3.2 apparently fixed the issue for me.
Jul 4 2016
Actually I would prefer the LOD blending to simply work on all cards (unless it's a driver bug that Bohemia has no control of).
Jul 1 2016
Jun 26 2016
Has been fixed recently.
Has been added recently.
This affects all types of facewear but only for player units. See also
Can confirm. These strange shadows are sometimes even visible through walls.
Jun 21 2016
+1. Apparently a load-in animation is too difficult, but at least the "Load vehicle" action should only be available when the ramp is open.
Jun 15 2016
Jun 14 2016
This is basically the same issue as with underslung grenade launchers.
Jun 13 2016
May 10 2016
Creating a ticket about 10+ different issues, most of them being highly subjective, is not going to accomplish anything.
Possible duplicate of
As of 1.26 they seem to be actually working but are far too dim so they can only be seen from close up at night.
Just to clarify: They were working in earlier versions (because Iceman tagged this as feature request)
Upvoted. Related:
Confirmed (1.08). I think this bug was introduced in one of the recent updates.
@Fireball This would be realistic but also plain suicide as you should not be able to throw an explosive more than a few meters, whereas the lethal radius is actually larger than on land.
If the current implementation "makes you unhappy" what changes would you propose instead if you disagree with my suggestion?
While I very much sympathize with your ideas of a better vehicle inventory I consider them quite unlikely to be added to vanilla Arma3.
Therefore I still prefer my proposal over the current system which is rather annoying than realistic.
In my eyes the current implementation is not more realistic as the one I proposed.
I cannot even access my own vest while sitting on the driver seat.
A realistic implementation would have to differentiate where exactly what type of cargo is stored in each vehicle, which is undoubtedly out of scope.
@AD2001 How does having a monitor mounted in front of you affect your ability to access the luggage?
Duplicate of
In any case it's a bug, but it has already been reported:
Still present in 1.04.
Issue occurs regardless of the value of the "equipment" parameter.
You have enabled "vehicle freelook" in the settings.
The exact same principle depicted by FeralCircus applies to ironsights as well.
Not sure if you are trolling or just fail to make your point...
You know you can just team up units as you like?
For everyone suffering from this issue as well, this is my (ugly) current workaround. Note that the array _nonexisting_classes is only an example and still needs to be extended.
Will return an array of all objects within area of a given class.
This will also find "pseudo-objects" stripped of their class for performance reasons.
0 center of area
1 classname of objects to find
2 radius of area to search in
_center = _this select 0;
_class = _this select 1;
_radius = _this select 2;
//these are classnames which are stripped from pre-placed map objects for some performance reasons:
_nonexisting_classes = [
["Land_Net_Fence_8m_F", "net_fence_8m_f.p3d"],
["Land_Net_FenceD_8m_F", "net_fenced_8m_f.p3d"]
_replacement_name = [_nonexisting_classes, _class] call BIS_fnc_getFromPairs;
_result = [];
if(isNil "_replacement_name") then
_result = nearestObjects [_center, [_class], _radius];
_name = ([str _x, " "] call BIS_fnc_splitString) select 1; if(_name == _replacement_name) then { _result = _result + [_x]; };
} forEach nearestObjects [_center, [], _radius];
I would like to hear any proposals of better solutions.
@micovery "1 meter is not enough to detect a Land_HBarrier_1_F, even if you are standing next to it. The distance between the player (feet), and the center of the H-Barrier, is about 1.3 meters." The 1m are not relative to the player but to the game logic object and the unfiltered output proves that 1m is enough in this case.
I also cannot setPos other pre-placed objects which _are_ properly matched by the classname filter.
So if BI thinks this is really necessary for performance sake I would like to ask how I can filter the unfiltered list myself to get all objects sharing a certain p3d file.
Can not reproduce anymore in 1.20.
They apparently do not only have no parent but no class themselves at all anymore, making them pretty unusable for any kind of scripting as far as I can see.
Can still reproduce in 1.14
Still present in 1.12
Why are not all animations supported by BIS_fnc_ambientAnimCombat? Are they missing transitions?
Kind of fixed with the new M2A4 UP variant.
I think adding extra commands like "addMagazineToPrimaryWeapon" would be the best solution as it provides maximal flexibility and does not break existing content.
You cannot enforce the sound level of speakers/headphones so enforcing ingame sound levels is futile.
OK, so you mean the ratio between the different ingame sound levels.
@MulleDK19 You might. But others reading this ticket might not.
AMSL = Above sea level
At least some markings so you can estimate distances.
Even if it's completely dry and hard as you say, it will not be nearly as smooth as asphalt.
Looked for some pictures in the summer:
Confirmed for 1.02
It does.
Duplicate of
I think this is still present in 1.06.
Should be easily fixable.
Where does the scope end? …
You are missing the crucial fact that, in contrast to your example, the independent FIA units already exist in the game, they are just deliberately hidden from the editor.
Still present in 1.12
Still present in 1.12
Same applies to "Naval mine (bottom)"
"Naval mine (moored)" is floating at the surface, while about 1m below would be appropriate.
Can not reproduce 0.77.109799.
Open UAV Terminal, right click flying Greyhawk, click "Connect to UAV".
Still present in 1.10
Still present in 1.00
Yes it very much does as the commander's position is completely worthless this way.
Also the Tigris's twin, the Cheetah does not have this problem.
On close examination the camera's attachment point also seems to be wrong, being around the driver's hatch instead of the turret.
Still present in 1.10
When using the direct targeting instead of the artillery computer, it seems to deploy HE shells instead.
@Fennecus Mirrors seem to be _very_ difficult to implement ;)
can reproduce
duplicate of