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- Apr 25 2023, 1:03 AM (96 w, 6 d)
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Sat, Feb 1
Jan 30 2025
We'll try to test it further.
Because BRDM-2s have 8 wheels.
Jan 29 2025
Jan 28 2025
Jan 26 2025
Jan 23 2025
Looks like it happens only to US lanterns, Soviet ones behave normally.
Jan 22 2025
Bird-eye view model is ok.
If enemies are in building zone, game should make them invisible in building mode. Then add proportional presence. Two problems solved.
Jan 14 2025
Jan 12 2025
Please remove comments of "KingCurls" regarding all iterations of this problem. His comments are misleading.
Jan 8 2025
Or just add new AI mortar team who only knows how to use mortars
And abitity to spawn them from Captain or higher
It's a bad idea. Everybody would re-transfer it further and in 2 minutes we'd have Majors everywhere.
Orders system could be viable option. Player with higher rank could order players with lower ranks to perform some actions and in such circumstances they could do things above their rank. On the other hand it would be totally inaccurate doctrine-wise for Warsaw Pact soldiers.
Jan 7 2025
Jan 6 2025
Either roll back to older Nvidia driver - 555.85 or install the newest one.
Before installing any of those remove present display driver using DDU:
Jan 4 2025
Same thing in Experimental
Jan 3 2025
Jan 2 2025
He's right. Maybe it's worth deleting that part.
Or only mention that duplicating is possible without actually saying how. And leave that part about being banned?
Jan 1 2025
Yep, it's a duplicate of my previous ticket. And for the last year NOTHING has been done to fix it.
Please combine those two tickets:
Dec 27 2024
1.2 update changed the soundscape completely. Before that I don't remember having sound issues. Now it's quite common bug when sound stays "behind" you. It happens 3 out of 10 times after using Transport request.
Dec 25 2024
Good idea and I wish we had old system on PC back - 2x Caps makes radio open.
Good idea.
Dec 24 2024
Official Arma discord channel, reforger_discussion
"You seem to be confident in how casual players will act after just saying we cannot see how they would react to these changes." - I assume that you've played long enough to see how less experienced players react to new or changed mechanics.
"spawning on a point that is being captured is a gamey mechanic that feels bad for both teams (staring at command/radio relay tents waiting to blast players as they respawn and vice versa is not good gameplay" - so don't do it, because it is indeed shitty behaviour. Imagine that you've spent some time resupplying and building a nice base, and your team loses it, because nobody goes to defend it. And if this base is Andre's Beacon, it seems unimportant until you control Entre-Deux. I am certain that you know what I mean.
"It seems like you want to argue for the sake of argument" - projections FTW!
Anyway, we have different point of view, that's why I've made this ticket and I will be trying to convince people that it's not a good idea, because I have enough experience to predict its consequences.
Casual players will not travel to attacked base. Now you can always ask people to spawn on such base. After introduction of the new mechanics, you will have to transport them there EVERY time. Spawned AIs is not enough to defend the base, we all know that. Thus capturing bases will be much easier and rounds will be unbearably short.
I don't know how you draw that conclusion: "trying to predict how you are going to win every game?" It's not first nor last time people here are using personal arguments.
People are not using basing mechanics at all. They are transforming the game into mindless FPS shooter. Introducing this new mechanics will make that problem even bigger. 1.3 is in Experimental only, so casual players (huge majority) cannot test it, so you cannot see how they behave. Join any Vanilla community crossplay server. You'll understand what I mean.
Why not wait? Because there were already couple of mechanics that were introduced and then removed. This one presents as such.
Achievements are quite interesting indicator of players' engagement in the game.
Trucker Joe - 5000 supplies delivered per round in Confilct (no matter if official or community) only 0,4%
Major promotion - 1,3%
So only 30% of people ranking to Major delivered 5000 supplies.
Another interesting one is percentage of people who destroyed 25 vehicle in total - 0,9.
Players are not using fast-rewarding features of the game. So why all of sudden would they start using new, fairy demanding mechanics that requires a lot of additional actions only to risk being killed? Especially that they can just go to the NEAREST base where enemy is? Or put MHQ around Montignac.
Just answer that question as if you had 50 or 100 hours in the game. Not 1, 2 or 3 thousands.
Dec 23 2024
I am afraid that you will be dearly disappointed by this. We look at the game through eyes of experienced players. People will still count on someone to go and defend the base. It's the same as with supplies. Everybody needs them, but only few bring them, yet on platoon channel there's constant "We need supplies at..." "Let somebody resupply ..."
I will repeat, for the last 10 days Reforger had influx of 50000 new players. If vanilla conflict will be too hard for them, they will force-casualise the game. In 128-player server, there will be very small group of players actually defending bases. Rest will fight at Montignac and rounds will last 30-40 minutes.
I wish I was wrong, but reality speaks for itself.
Even now, when defending base is so easy, very few people spawn on attacked bases.
90% of players don't like driving, don't care about driving, don't know how to do it. So they don't drive to attacked bases.
99,99% of players love flying and can't do it.
So if you sum this up, for most player it will change the game into 30-minute long fight with AI and then loosing/wining without even experiencing any highlight of Conflict.
Why? Because a team of 2-4 people with Willys can drive around every enemy base and capture one by one. Not to mention heli.
In the first week over 50000 copies of PS version were sold. It marks a huge change for Reforger and Arma franchise. We're just stepping out of dark burrow of very niche game into the wast world of casual players.
Such mechanics as this new one may be too hardcore for them. They will still be playing the game, but they will be purposefully omitting it's core features. Exactly as it happens now with supplies, spawning AIs, making self-defensive layouts of bases, using radio spawns, proper communication etc. I'm not even mentioning teamwork, because at the moment it's nearly non-existent.
I can manage with any new mechanics, you can also and many other more experienced players. But I'm worried that such changes may slowly kill the idea of Conflict.
Dec 22 2024
Yes, it should be.
Dec 16 2024
I could not reproduce it. Tried two times in GM. I have only the correct ones.
Some mild profanities would be acceptable, but all his posts were unreadable.
I don't have problem with cursing, but it's definitely not the place for that. Despite I did it here couple of times, but it was nothing compared to this individual.
Could you please remove all posts with this guy's profanities as well?
Dec 15 2024
Go to game Settings/Gameplay and find this:
Dec 14 2024
OK. I am trying to help you. I already helped some people with this problem. They had additional addons folder somewhere on their hard drives. In this folder they had partially downloaded mods which caused problems.
So if you're certain, that you removed it all - OK. but remember that reinstalling the game (unless you somehow made a clear install with clearing registry and EVERY file) does not solve this.
Yep, it happens sometimes. Not always, it's random, but it happens.
So now check default installation folder for mods:
C:\Users\[your user name]\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\addons
Sometimes after changing default directory, then changing it back to default, Reforger stores some mods in that default location.
Your problem is clearly with some modded content. It happens after the updates, because mods are not updated yet.
Make a screenshot of your mod manager. It should look like this:
In the log file you've attached there are 48 mods loading with the game.
Delete mods from "addons" directory on your hard-drive, wherever you have them and probably the problem will go away.
You could also check this:
At some point turning it off used to help.
It's a security feature, but if you're not planning to launch Орешники from your computer, there is no real security concern for you.
Yes it is like that in A3.
I also don't like many changes BI is making in every update. Some of those changes are for the changes' sake only - look at 1.3 on Experimental.
OK. I though that after the update you have a problem with switching optics in general.
And yes, now it's not possible to change it when not aiming.
It makes sense, it's more realistic. IRL you need to aim to choose between looking through irons sights or optics.
Try LALT+NUM7 or LCTRL+NUM7. Just to be sure it's not assigned anywhere else. And assign it temporarily to any mouse key, so you will be sure that keys are pressed simultaneously.
For me it works like that:
Paste a screenshot of your key bindings here, please.
Dec 13 2024
OK. Look at the screenshot below. I assigned my "Switch weapon optics" to M5 (mouse button number 5). And I am sure that it's the only key bindings for this button. It is possible that the same combination of keys you are using at the moment for "Switch weapon optics" is used by some other action. So assign some unique combination like LALT+LCTRL+LSHIFT+9 to "Switch weapon optics" and see if it works. If it does, it means you had the same keys binded with different actions. If id doesn't work, problem may be elsewhere.
So there is the same key/key combination assigned to two different actions. Check it all.
Dec 12 2024
And it's still not fixed in 12th December update.
Check the key bindings, there are some changes, so maybe that's the cause. For me it works exactly as previously.
Dec 11 2024
Dec 8 2024
I am trying to help you.
Try solving your hardware mess first and then complain.
If rolling back to a legit, official, older display driver made things worse for you, you should ask some adult for help with your computer.
Dec 4 2024
This problem absolutely can be fixed by making the increment/decrement changes happen inside a transaction.
Even if it will be impossible to place supplies on the ground, you could still duplicate them, simply by using vehicles as a point of transfer.
Supplies can be duplicated only when game lags.
I understand that it's almost impossible to fix lagging in online gaming. So BI could just by-pass the problem by introducing cool down time while supplies are being transferred.
Dec 3 2024
This "feature" spoils the game completely. If one player who sneaks into the base can deplete 7000-8000 supplies to zero in 15-20 seconds, the whole supply system doesn't make sense.
Nowadays more "players" know about this, let call a spade a spade, glitch, it breaks tactics of Conflict completely. That glitch causes that it doesn't matter how big and well supplied the base is, because any base can be now devoid of supplies faster that anyone can spawn there.
If it's as designed, design is wrong.
Change it on Official servers, please.
Dec 2 2024
It's the cause of your crashes. Generally it's a part of graphic driver. Lately there was a new update of Nvidia drivers (you have RTX 4070 Super) The last known driver that runs without any problems is 555.85.
Try rolling back to 555.85 version of drivers using this official Nvidia page:
Could you try to delete mods from your add-ons directory?
Start the game, go to Mod Manager and disable all mods. Try joining any official server. If the game won't crash, one of mods may be the problem.
Nov 29 2024
Nov 26 2024
Try recording a video and attach log files from the session when it happened.
Vote-kick system should not be anonymous. And there should be a simple menu of choice to chose a reason for voting. Menu could contain reasons like: TK, trolling, verbal abuse/obscenities. If someone would make a false accusation and vote-kicked player could prove it by providing a video/picture evidence, then false accuser could be punished/banned.
Nov 25 2024
Nov 24 2024
Yep, it happen almost every time when two players are trying to get to the same vehicle seat simultaneously.
Nov 21 2024
Nov 19 2024
It's not resolved - it's temporary by-pass of a serious problem. Please fix it on your end.
Nov 16 2024
Looks like rolling back to older Nvidia driver - 555.85 fixes "GPU hangs" error.
Looks like rolling back to older Nvidia driver - 555.85 fixes "GPU hangs" error.
Looks like rolling back to older Nvidia driver - 555.85 fixes "GPU hangs" error.
Nov 13 2024
It's been 5 months. Proxy chat is still broken as it was. Is Bohemia even planning to fix it?
Nov 11 2024
Yes, that glitch happens every time player exits the vehicle from driver's side.
If player changes seat to passenger side and then exits, engine stays off.
Oct 29 2024
Oct 23 2024
Try this. Most of the times it works.
Shut down Reforger and Steam.
Go to the directory where Steam stores game files and find "Battleye" folder (for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma Reforger\battleye). There's "Uninstall_BattlEye.bat" file. Run it and DO NOT do anything else.
Now just start Reforger. Battleye will be installed automatically when the game is being loaded.
Oct 22 2024
Oct 17 2024
I am checking Experimental and so far it look like supply glitch is fixed. We'll see how effective the fix is when it comes to Vanilla and more people.
Many of those problems, including:
- choppers, cars and trucks surviving multiple rocket hits,
- players invulnerable to bullets,
- duplicating supplies
are caused by desync and lag.
Until those two issues are fixed, there will be no real fix, but only by-basses.
Oct 13 2024
11 months!!!
Bohemia WTF?
Sep 24 2024
I need to ask again, have you used that "Uninstall_BattlEye.bat"?
On BE official FAQ it says:
"Client not responding
This can happen if the server’s or your connection times out for quite a while or breaks up completely. A common solution is to update your modem/router’s firmware. Also, make sure that you aren’t running “Cucusoft Net Guard” which is incompatible with BE. Other than that, please ensure that there are no problems with your internet connection (you might want to contact your ISP)."
Sep 23 2024
OK. Stress-test your GPU using Furmark and some temperature monitoring program (for example GPU-Z).
If it won't crash when under load, one of the mods may be a problem.
Sep 22 2024
Does the same thing happen with vanilla/unmodded game?
Sep 21 2024
Try turning off Windows 10 core isolation.
It's a safety feature, but if you're not using your PC as an important network terminal for even more important global company or some three-letter agency, it won't do any harm.
If you're using your PC as an important network terminal for even more important global company or some three-letter agency and you install online games there, your supervisor should be tried, convicted and shot on site immediately :)
Sep 17 2024
Bohemia, WTF? You haven't even reviewed this bug. It literally make the game unplayable. And it happens randomly to everyone.
This bug is present in vanilla since a year or so!
When will you finally fix it?!?
Sep 8 2024
It is already added in Experimental.