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Vehicles starting up after player exits
Confirmed Internally, NormalPublic

Description stable and experimental


Turn off vehicle and exit. Can wait for close door or run off immediately. Vehicles will start up and run on its own.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

This is only if key bind for player forward movement and vehicle acceleration are the same key (W by default if I'm not mistaken)

Turn off vehicle. Hit key to get out (X by default). Move away from vehicle as fast as you can (W by default).

If player does this at any time during the get out animation, the vehicle registers this as acceleration and starts back up. Even when player waits till they think animation is complete it can still happen, but less likely.

Additional Information

No programmer, but maybe make it so once the get out animation starts, any key input is no longer detected as vehicle input.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Nov 8 2024, 1:20 PM
This comment was removed by RickJamesBitch.
RickJamesBitch edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
RickJamesBitch renamed this task from Vehicles starting up after exit to Vehicles starting up after player exits.Nov 9 2024, 2:46 PM
RickJamesBitch updated the task description. (Show Details)
RickJamesBitch changed Severity from None to Tweak.
RickJamesBitch changed Reproducibility from N/A to Always.
RickJamesBitch edited Additional Information. (Show Details)

Yes, that glitch happens every time player exits the vehicle from driver's side.
If player changes seat to passenger side and then exits, engine stays off.

Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.Nov 12 2024, 10:45 AM

I'm familiar with this bug, but it doesn't happen in MP, so it might be related to vehicle authority.

I'm familiar with this bug, but it doesn't happen in MP, so it might be related to vehicle authority.

Happens in MP for us. I had a video posted to show but I guess it got removed. That was a MP game we recorded.

StevieB added a subscriber: StevieB.Jan 1 2025, 7:06 PM