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BRDM has 4 unused wheels
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


Game Version number:
Modded?: No (Yes/No)

Issue Description:
The BRDM has 8 wheels, 4 of which are unused in the game.


Operating System
Linux x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Take a wrench
  2. Walk to a BRDM
  3. You will be able to see the action suggesting to repair wheels in between actual wheels. They can even be damaged and repaired, but aren't actually needed for anything.
Additional Information

The possibility to repair these wheels makes it confusing what wheel you're actually repairing. I suggest either disabling the possibility to repair them, or to make them usable in the game

Event Timeline

Krozj created this task.Jan 30 2025, 3:06 PM

Because BRDM-2s have 8 wheels.

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jan 30 2025, 3:53 PM
Krozj added a comment.EditedJan 30 2025, 3:57 PM

I didn't know that. Anyways, what's their purpose in the game? You can't use them in any way (you have to lower them to use irl), so that's confusing.

Are you talking about the so-called auxiliary wheels? (Literature : In addition, two pairs of auxiliary wheels, each operated by a chain, can be lowered from the floor of the trough for extremely difficult terrain.)

BRDM has 8 wheels

If possible, please change the name of the ticket.

For example, a "player can repair small wheels that are not used in the game".
These are unnecessary actions that should not be shown.

Krozj renamed this task from BRDM has 8 wheels to BRDM has 4 unused wheels.Feb 1 2025, 8:13 AM
Krozj updated the task description. (Show Details)
Krozj edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
Krozj edited Additional Information. (Show Details)