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Invincible AI in official conflict servers
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Modded: No

This has been happening to me and my friends since the game released in early access 2 years ago, unfortunately it doesn't seem like it has been fixed since returning to the game

Sometimes your bullets will not damage AI, I recently experienced this after returning to the game when pulling up to a supply depot with FIA AI and not being able to kill them. I wasn't able to kill them when switching to other guns either, I was just spraying into them doing no damage. My friend who was in the car with me was able to damage AI so it was only affecting me. It was only until I re spawned that I was able to shoot and kill AI again

It's happened to me before and I'm sure if I keep playing it will continue to happen so I'll be sure to record the next time it happens and reply with it here


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

I don't know what exactly causes this issue to happen but it has been a very longstanding issue with the game and has happened to me on several occasions on official conflict servers

Event Timeline

Try recording a video and attach log files from the session when it happened.

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Nov 27 2024, 10:42 AM
gnif added a subscriber: gnif.EditedSun, Feb 16, 6:17 AM

This is a modded server, though I have also seen this in the official servers also:


Nothing at all to show in the client or server logs.

I have also had this happen where I have had to put the weapon on the ground, and then pick it up again to fix it.