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Better Vote Kick Logging
Feedback, NormalPublic


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Issue Description: There seems to be frequent issues where the vote kick system is being abused as a means to troll, or simply remove a person under false accusations.
There are means of finding the person who started the vote from within the logs, for example:

NETWORK : Creating player: PlayerId=63, Name=joe blogs
NETWORK : Updating player: PlayerId=63, Name=joe blogs, IdentityId=<jo blog's reforger id>
SCRIPT : Player '63' approved vote | Vote Type: 'KICK' | Vote value: '-1' | Count (1/17)

But there is no log entry on who they are calling the vote on, making it hard to fully know who the vote was against when dealing with such situations.

It would be useful to at least have:

NETWORK : Creating player: PlayerId=12, Name=john doe
NETWORK : Updating player: PlayerId=12, Name=john doe, IdentityId=<john doe's reforger id>

NETWORK : Creating player: PlayerId=63, Name=joe blogs
NETWORK : Updating player: PlayerId=63, Name=joe blogs, IdentityId=<jo blog's reforger id>

SCRIPT : Player '63' approved vote on Player '12' | Vote Type: 'KICK' | Vote value: '-1' | Count (1/17)

Even better for it to output:
SCRIPT : Player 'joe blogs' approved vote on Player 'john doe' | Vote Type: 'KICK' | Vote value: '-1' | Count (1/17)


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Please include reproduction steps here!!!!

Event Timeline

BigAsTTees updated the task description. (Show Details)

Yes please, let us have an ability to find server trolls who regularly abuse this system

This comment was removed by LouMontana.
Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Mon, Feb 3, 2:03 PM