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GPU Hangs Crashing every 10 minutes and sometimes right off the rip when I join a server.
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Please provide the following when creating the Ticket:

Game Version number:
Modded?: (Yes)
If modded, please list the mods:

Issue Description:
Constant Crashing I freeze and sometimes my secondary monitor goes white when It crashes causing my whole system to go down


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Windows 10
Steps To Reproduce

I just load mods from the 2287 fallout server

Additional Information

This report includes files that may contain personal information. For more information about how we process your personal data, please visit

Following files will be included in the report (if they exist):
C:/Users/gomez/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/logs/logs_2024-09-22_14-43-54/dxDiag.txt
C:/Users/gomez/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/logs/logs_2024-09-22_14-43-54/crash.log
C:/Users/gomez/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/logs/logs_2024-09-22_14-43-54/console.log
C:/Users/gomez/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/logs/logs_2024-09-22_14-43-54/script.log
C:/Users/gomez/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/logs/logs_2024-09-22_14-43-54/error.log
C:/Users/gomez/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/profile/.save/ReforgerEngineSettings.conf
C:/Users/gomez/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/profile/.save/ReforgerGameSettings.conf
C:/Users/gomez/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/logs/logs_2024-09-22_14-43-54/ArmaReforgerSteam_2024-09-22_14-45-07.mdmp

In addition, following summary information will also be included in the report.

User: DESKTOP-7VH8R0L\gomez
Computer: DESKTOP-7VH8R0L
Mode: Client
Command line: "G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma Reforger\ArmaReforgerSteam.exe" -addonDownloadDir G:\ReforgerMods -addonsDir G:\ReforgerMods

OS: Windows
CPU: GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700F CPU @ 3.00GHz
RAM: 32677 MB
VRAM: 8006MB
GPU Driver: 561.9 [ 5.9.2024 (18 days) ]

Exception: GPU hangs!

Event Timeline

Gomo created this task.Sep 22 2024, 8:54 PM

Does the same thing happen with vanilla/unmodded game?

Gomo added a comment.Sep 23 2024, 12:47 AM

yea but rarely

OK. Stress-test your GPU using Furmark and some temperature monitoring program (for example GPU-Z).
If it won't crash when under load, one of the mods may be a problem.

Gomo added a comment.Sep 23 2024, 1:05 AM

alright i'll try that

Gomo added a comment.Sep 23 2024, 1:08 AM

It must be one of the mods cause Iam Furmark and its fine its only on arma when I crash like this

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Sep 23 2024, 3:58 PM

Looks like rolling back to older Nvidia driver - 555.85 fixes "GPU hangs" error.

Looks like rolling back to older Nvidia driver - 555.85 fixes "GPU hangs" error.

No one listen to this person, they keep posting the same thing in peoples comments and this has no effect apart from making things worse! Don’t trust them!

I am trying to help you.
Try solving your hardware mess first and then complain.
If rolling back to a legit, official, older display driver made things worse for you, you should ask some adult for help with your computer.