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- User Since
- Jan 24 2014, 4:39 PM (579 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
same here.
you generally run faster with weapons/items in hands on the latest build. Don't know if it's a bug or not. I like it.
I had the issue, that i shot with the amphibia S, but the bullet didnt disappear. Shooting was not working with that already used bullet, but when i unloaded the bullet it disappeared and on the left was the message that the gun is already empty. Same issue with the next bullets.
I should have tested it more, instead of throwing it away..
Edit: spelling
same happens if you have a gas lamp in your hands and die. The light is not fixed correctly to the source.
dublicate of 0000078: Character save loss [PRIMARY REPORT]
same here. Very annoying, i ran over the whole map just before server reset.. and then couldnt get my stuff back :/
maybe you also should change the immediate dying, if you fall 2 meters deep onto soft ground. i had 2 morphines and a stick with me.. so i could have fixed 2 broken legs and an broken arm. :P
Confirm. Just wanted to say the same.
In every fifth garage you find a binocular. Should be MUCH more rare.
I saw about 15-20 binoculars the last 2 days..
I'm uploading a video, showing the same problem.
lets see what the new pathfinding brings to make it more survival and less pvp.
and i am still for less loot on military bases/airports. once reached, you are fully equiped with hundrets of bullets and 5+ clips.
Edit: +1 for ello. we need really more experimental servers.
there are some problems here..
EDIT: posted the vid already here:
yeah, lets play zombies. lets wait near the spawn areas and eat tons of new spawning players. And then run around miles and miles for nothing else.
sounds fun for me. not.
DxDiag is located in %SystemRoot%\System32
run the .exe and safe all the information, upload it, done.
confirmed. jumped from some buildings, because char couldnt be stopped.
welcome to
pls use the search function to avoid double postings
ruined status is not implemented yet.
"Additional Information: why isn't there search function in here? "
there is a search function
from one to now, i am not longer able to reproduce this..
cant confirm that.. if you have a firefighter axe, you can kill 10 zombies in 10 seconds without even getting damaged.
yesterday i just killed 7 zombies in one row, all of them attacking at the same time. they didnt even made one hit on me.
wait until they are 5 meters in front of you, move towards them, hit before they do, move back, done.
far too easy.
immediate bleeding is just realistic. you should also get sick, if they hit you while you are bleeding.
but the baseball bat makes not enough damage, same for the crowbar. there you need too many hits for a kill.
and about the difficult to evade.. wtf, you can just run around them, and they wont be able to hit you.
and another thing. if you aim on a zombie, it will get attracted. even if you are prone and on 800 meter distance. but i will make another issue for that.
if you didnt even find an axe, you should really gain some experience with this game before you write something into issue reports. sounds like you just played 1 hour, got killed 2-3 times and now complain about difficulty. its really easy to find an axe (maybe 10 to 40 mins (if server is full) searching)
you also can avoid them, but they are so easy to kill, there is no need.
why should they 'fix' immediate bleeding? its just realistic - if you take a hit, you gonna bleed or else get hurt.
survivor detection.. you can go to a zombie as loudly as you want and just kill it with 1 axe strike, if it turns its back to you. They dont react. This should get fixed.
i took my firefighter axe to kill all zombies of zelenogorsk, and didnt even start bleeding at all. here are some examples i uploaded.
easy killing from behind:
some kamikazefight vs 4 zombies on the mainroad (as you see, i didnt start bleeding even as they hit me):
and the last vid shows how easy 1vs1 is:
watch on 1040p, quality is not very good, didnt want to wait for uploading too long.
also, my fps are really low in the city while recording..
confirmed, but only for really short times (not even 1 second). sometimes while leaving houses, i think. no real issue, if you ask me.
confirmed, its reproduceable. just go there.
added the location on the map.
current game version: 32.114557
i can confirm.
you can do it also with drinking from canteen or waterbottle.
dont know, if it counts as eating/drinking, or if it just disappears into nowhere, because there is no message on the lower left if you spam eat/drink buttons and jump over the animation.
seems like someone just postet it some minutes before..
can not confirm.
my magazines were all right with 10, 20, 30, 40 and 60 bullets.
can not confirm.
can confirm. happend to me 10 minutes ago. this lucky guy got away without my bullets in his nose. afterwards he almost shot me.
VERY annoying bug. its like bullettravel calculations start from your stomach..
animations of bulletimpact seemed to be in the air, about 10 cm above ground.
well, very awkward. you are right, i didnt know of this double-alt function..
this is no bug.
thank you.
pls use the search function. this bug is already known.
same as issue 0007268
please use the search function. its already acknowledged
confirming that. i also had a bullet out of a magnum, and couldnt combine it with others of the same caliber (all bullets used to be from one stack of ammo).
"combine" option was selectable, but didnt work.
if i remember correctly, i didnt lose the bullet. but had to reload my magnum with that single bullet, cause it couldnt be combined.
maybe it only comes up if you use a speedloader und eject a bullet from there, cant remember.
good point. sunglasses have no use at the moment, right?
think they want to implement it in future patches.
and sunglasses shouldnt be wearable with any kind of mask (including motorcycle helmets)
gas masks dont reduce your runspeed in the first way in real life, it reduces your stamina. which is ingame still infinite.
i think there are 2 different 'stuffed'.
1 for water and 1 for food.
if you only drink all day long lots and lots of water, your stomach will be full, but you are still hungry, right?
but after eating a can of spaghetti and a can of beans completely, it really should last longer than 2 minutes. maybe you were already almost starving and your food-level was very very low?
i already hat 2 messages at one time:
"My stomach feels completely full" (water)
"My stomach grumbles" (food)
while showing the 'stuffed' sign in the inventar. kind of confusing, but of course you know, what to do. in my case, i couldnt find any food, because the cities were already completely looted.
why is this getting downvoted?
Cyrillic maps is the only way making sense.
what do you do, if dayzdb wouldnt be there? its no ingametool, so its no part of the game. in first place, its kind of soft cheating to use the dayzdb map.
why else should there be maps and a compass ingame, if its not supposed to use them?
Noticed this too!
I actualy dont like how much stuff was spawning in these tents. Maybe just
stuff would be better for gameplay"
absolutly right.
please use the search function. this is just another doubleposting.
thank you
i would like this feature, but i would change something:
the strength of the guilt for killing someone should depend on this:
from low guilt to strong guilt:
- he has a gun and ammo for sure (visible guns in his hand, maybe aiming or camping)
- he has a gun for sure (visible guns like m4 and mosin, shotguns)
- he maybe has a gun: he has a backpack, where a pistol could be hidden.
- he just has a melee weapon, no backpack
- he is completely unarmed
i would also like to reduce the KoS, i dont like to do it, but i got shot so often while i was greeting them or just facing them.
maybe there is still to much ammo in this game, or too less use for it, so sometimes i have nearly 500 bullets in my backpack.. for mosin. thats enough for A LOT zombies.
what i also think is: killing a zombie with a gun is too easy. you should have to shoot their head to destroy their brain, as in many movies you have to. if you have a gun, its almost impossible for zombies to hurt you.
with this acknowledge you dont fear them anymore and concentrate on killing other people - even if its just for defending yourself or for having something to do at all.
confirmed. just wrote the same issue.
has to be fixed!
well, i think zombies beeing able to appear everywhere from now to then is one of the best features :P
less mosin and m4, more sporter guns and pistols. its much more fun, if you cant kill with 1 shot or even have to reload to kill someone (if you dont hit his head or something).
and i have never seen an open quiver where you can only put 5 bolts into..
i can put 15 bolts into a bottle of water... how small is this quiver then?
can still confirm with the lastest game version: 32.114557
video proof:
still happening on version 44.123800
i was standing on a balcony, just taking out a weapon. Glitching through the balcony -> falling -> dead.
eat-all button is absolutely enough.
i would like you to think about something:
if you are almost starving or dying of thurst, and then eating or drinking very much, you should vomit right away.
i have the strong feeling, these 'invisible' zombies glitched into the ground and are attacking from there.
i also was attacked through the floor of an hospital (zombie in first level, me in second lvl)
gonna search for a report issue for this.
i just shot a zombie from over 670 meters, while i was testing my damaged long range scope.
object detail setting at normal.
cant tell you about other players. if there are any on this distance, i dont see em. i dont have a partner to test this.
but in a youtube vid i saw some player-kills on around 1000 meter.
would be interesting, on which distance you can see other players through your LRS and without LRS, and if it depends on object detail settings.