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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 2:35 PM (628 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
Beta version or stable?
What mission do you play, or is it only wasteland?
Are they heavily scripted?
Unable to reproduce.
- How did you get target ID?
- It is send to all clients only if ID is 0.
jaynus: the details you gave to Dwarden - it was from client, not server
Could you please try add to server config
guaranteedUpdates = false; [^] (3,881,286 bytes) 2014-03-21 21:13
CallStack is the same as what Update was fixing.
[player] joinSilent (createGroup independent);
I was unable to reproduce it.
If you are using for example HC that is not updated, it could cause this problem.
We are working on it.
fixed in rev 116132
Fennek: Thank you, will check it.
There are also other forces.
Also, from your picture, the final force - it should only shift the airplane, not turn. If you explain me where the torque comes from, I'll be more than gratefull.
Torque, that will align the airplane with 'descending speed', is present and can be configured (I'm a programmer, not a config guy).
And pitch input will not increase your lift force by 42%, but it will cause torque and, turn your nose up, so the force from engines is used to cover the altitude loss.
Don't ask me why, but this one already was in Render time scope.
You are using modelToWorld / worldToModel that is working in simulation time scope. Render time scope is different. That is why you see the difference.
Some commands that work in Render time scope will be added.
Can you please post results from
(it is present only in dev version)
coppy all button will copy results to clipboard.
if you play from editor, you can run this command in pause menu console
Does it happen without -mod=@CBA_A3;@JSRS2.0Alpha ?
Please provide repro mission.
work in progress
rev 111178: decreased AI ability to shoot trough bushes when team member sees target
Few notes
- flight model has not changed, only automatic use of rudder was removed. This was wrong and will not return (also is different problem)
- I will add (soon) more config parameters, so some level of this effect could be achieved
So this is the ticket that killed the aircraft physics.
Could you please give me a little more details, how rudder should influence airplane?
Will look at it.
I adjust slightly , and the rudder swings the nose back the opposite direction.
Even in current beta?
would it be possible to remove it from "Airplane"
Yes, on monday.
I Also added new parameter - rudderInfluence, which can be used to increase, how much will rudder turn the plane.
would it be possible to remove it from "Airplane"
Yes, on monday.
it starts working when you are NOT pressing the assigned key for the rudder
is removed in current beta, waiting for feedback ;)
Also, could please give a little more feedback, how rudder should influence airplane?
- what you would expect, that proportion of forward and sideways speed will be, when rudder is at maximum and plane has landing speed or maximum speed
- how use of rudder should influence forward speed
- how quickly should sideways speed return to 0, when rudder is released when plane has landing speed or maximum speed
please retest in rev 111002 (or newer)
please test rev: 109954 (or newer)
please retest rev 1110011
in progress
Backwards compatibility with Arma 2 content in not possible.
We need to change/improve data and how engine handles them. Keeping several branches of code how to work with different version of data is impossible to maintain.
rev 113178 - profiler enabled in dev. branch
work in progress
rev 111384
fixed rev 109918
- removing of "TAB"(from EVERYTHING)
Don't really see the reason why.
Tab is a command to your gunner, to find next target.
Anyway, there is an 'allowTabLock' parameter for both pilot and gunner.
The reason why gunner has all weapons, is that ammo is not wasted.
If both pilot and gunner have some missiles, they will both spam them on target and 50% of your missiles will be wasted.
work in progress
BUT! That's only half of the issue more or less fixed. The other, first half is still there. AIs will turn to your position and will fire at you (of course within their weapon's config range) the moment any one of them dies.
Different issue, should not be in a post about AI tracking.
Anyway, our config master will try to reevaluate how much is shooting revealing your position.
Player is not prioritized target.
Not sure about rank.
What really happens is that they seem to know target's exact position at all times and this has nothing to do with vision.
Please retest in version 107930 or newer.
May 9 2016
Will be fixed in update
Please try to retest in latest beta
You need to disable fleeing.
The Neutral -1250 comes from the Raise (Analogue) and not lower. So I guess the zero of that Axis gets interpreted wrong.
The difference is that Q/Z are implemented as an simple autopilot which, when Q or Z is released, sets collective to stable position. (otherwise it would be impossible to hover)
But when you are using analogue you have direct control over collective. No help from engine.
Yes, 106951 is yet to be released.
Don't know when, so I just wrote rev number :).
rev 106965???
revision / exe build number
can be found in right bottom corner of main menu
Please try it again in rev 106965 (or higher)
Blackfoot helicopter:
- it is intention as this helicopter does not support eject while flying
- eject in water is already enabled
Beta version or stable?
What mission do you play, or is it only wasteland?
Are they heavily scripted?
If you are a copilot, there is an action available - take controls
Can we get current examples of where they walk through or maybe even repro missions?
I already have them.
Look at Unreal Engine, please! :)
So I did and I found a lot of inspiration that I can use. Minor detail is that I have to decrease size of maps to 500m X 500m. :))
We, the players, have to find which ones.
Thank you, but is is not needed. It is not object based problem.
I believe I will have it fixed for final release.
It's the same as fences with holes in A2 which made AI walk through them. It got fixed.
Fences are little different (part of map and can be precomputed for AI).
This is a little more dynamic problem.
- download the TDNL maps from armaholic
Please, attach repro mission.
so they only will know a general area where you could be, instead of a specific spot, so they will loose track of you sooner...
This is close to how AI works. If they don't see you, they just predict your position based on the speed and direction you had last time they saw you. Also, if you just hide behind some object, they will wait for you to show again.
revision 103721: AI no longer fires on targets that did not see and are only reported by other group members.