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- User Since
- Mar 12 2013, 9:02 AM (625 w, 5 d)
Feb 27 2023
Samatra, there is already a killed EH.
Feb 26 2023
Apr 25 2021
Apr 24 2021
Fixed, can be closed.
Apr 21 2021
Feb 24 2018
Jan 23 2018
Any chance that this will make it into one of the next releases? :-)
Apr 9 2017
Mar 18 2017
Feb 7 2017
It's back!
Feb 4 2017
Jan 14 2017
Jan 10 2017
Seriously, that was now the last time that I report a bug or a crash.
Jan 8 2017
Dec 21 2016
The problem persists...
Dec 17 2016
Dec 14 2016
It's the same bug but I do not waste time anymore with the search function in this feedback tracker software.
Forgot to mention, so far it only happens with vehicles with AI in it. Vehicle destroyed, running engine sound stays!
Nov 23 2016
This is still happening in 1.66RC
Nov 20 2016
Nov 13 2016
The problem that autoReport = 0 does nothing with custom difficulty still exists! Please fix this for 1.66.
Nov 12 2016
Oct 19 2016
Here is the mission where I get it:
Forgot to mention it not only happens in the Eden editor itself but also once you hit Preview, switch to another application/window (I use notepadd++ for example) while the mission is still running in preview and go back to the A3 window. Bang, moving circle cursor, A3 won't accept any input anymore!
Oct 18 2016
I hope you were already able to reproduce it. It's getting more and more frustrating. Not a single addon loaded and once you come back from scripting (focus back to A3 window) you only see the mouse cursor as a moving circle when you are hovering over the A3 window but A3 does not accept any input anymore. Still able to close A3 by clicking the Windows close button (red X upper right corner) but that's the only input A3 accepts.
Oct 15 2016
Oct 3 2016
I can't provide exact repro steps, that's the problem. It mostly happens when I preview the mission and go back and the A3 window has lost focus for some time because I rewrite a script in an external editor for example. Again, I'm not running A3 fullscreen but for editing always windowed.
Oct 2 2016
Well, since A3 1.64 update for me the eden editor also freezes without using any mods or addons...
Sep 27 2016
Jul 25 2016
Probably also related:
Jul 13 2016
It's not the mission which is causing it because when I add drawingInMap = 0; to my server.cfg I can't draw lines on the map when running the mission. So map eventhandler was nothing more than a guess :)
Maybe caused by adding a draw eventhandler to the map?
Jun 22 2016
Can also be reproduced in the editor by simply using
player setUnconscious true
Jun 21 2016
Forgot to mention another thing... If you delete the static weapon then also the corpse disappears (animation issue?)
Jun 20 2016
Jun 9 2016
That's what the admin of the server says:
I'll try to find a way on how to reproduce it.
May 30 2016
Just start a mission with (base) respawn on a dedicated server.
May 29 2016
And is there any way to get rid of dayz and Take On Mars projects?
May 28 2016
It's not a mod, addon, function or script. It's an issue that at least exists in MP since Arma 1.
And as you can see, there are players listed even more than once in the unit list on the left!
A screenshot of a MP mission where players can recruit AI, again, AI not allowed
Forgot to mention, it's in 1.60RC but I guess it's the same in the current DEV version.
May 27 2016
More than once...
May 26 2016
May 25 2016
And by the way, this is not for adapting a mission from MP to SP but I and many others make missions for dedicated servers in the singleplayer editor.
This is still valid. Please change it so that remoteExec with any target executes in singleplayer/editor.
May 21 2016
I have to say that UI wise the new tracker is a major step backwards :(
May 10 2016
No, it doesn't resolve the issue.
It should always work in SP, no matter what kind of target it is. Otherwise for testing purposes you have to write extra code.
19:53:40 Campaigns\dfa.pbo - unknown
99,9% of the missions played in MP are community made missions. If they cause crashes then you should find out why your game crashes (it's still the game which crashes not the community made mission).
How should the mission maker find out what causes the crash without having access to the engine?
RPT was already flooded with those messages in dev versions prior 1.38.
And that was completely without any third party addons!
Check this one...
Meh, haven't checked the SmokeLauncher itself...
It indeed has a magazine reload time of 60 seconds:
magazineReloadTime = 60;
So not a bug, please close.
That I know... Yet it doesn't happen for other turrets or mags, thus it is a bug.
Drakeziel, what's the reason to defend shortcomings and obvious bugs of VA?
Players saving "composite" weapons is quite normal...
Xendance... think about it again.
You add a "Init" eventhandler to an already created object (with createVehicle), thus init most likely was already triggered before addEventhandler ["init" gets executed.
someobject addEventHandler ["init"... is pretty much the most useless addEventHandler event in the series and the init event is only usable in configs.
The only thing which would make at least some sense would be something like "someclassname" addEventHandler ["init"... which could be added before an object gets created.
This is yet another engine problem which exists since OFP was released.
See also:
Well, if you make addons/mods and missions then you'll spawn quite a lot of various classes during a mission (sometimes ten thousands of objects and not only CfgVehicles).
So what's also needed, beside removing dead objects, is some kind of FIFO system and some kind of time limit system.
First one would be something like, if 200 objects of class x exist (doesn't matter if alive or not) then if object number 201 is spawned remove the first spawned object.
Second one would be something like object x will be deleted after 600 seconds, no matter if it is still alive or not (for alive vehicles some kind of check would be needed if the crew is still alive, if so, don't delete the vehicle yet).
What's not so nice about (non playable) AI disposal currently is that the weapons won't get deleted. Means, the dead AI unit vanishes but the weapon will remain and stay on the ground (and launchers are standing on the ground, bug). So a mission maker has to take care about removing those weapon holders again. A not wanted side effect.
Already reported more than half a year ago...
Nothing to do with CBA, one can easily reproduce it without using any addons. It's just not reproducable with a simple test mission.
That's how it always was. The mission maker has to make sure that the correct leader gets selected after respawn again.
Though this should finally get improved.
Edit: I guess it's related to rank and rating. If a second unit in the group has a higher rating and the same rank it'll be selected as leader when the leader dies. But like written, that's just a guess.
It's broken since it was introduced some years ago and a ticket for it exists already for some years in the CIT:
The BIKI is not always correct. Don't forget that it is not maintained by BI staff but mostly by normal users.
Anyway, this is only possible with the mentioned getInMan and getOutMan eventhandlers. But like so many things, we probably won't see them in the Arma series.
You have to add the eventhandlers to vehicles not units. A vehicle is also an object.
What you are looking for is getInMan and getOutMan. Both eventhandler strings are in the A3 exe (since the Alpha was released) but were never implemented (they are available in VBS 2 for a long time).
MDCCLXXVI, that's no humor. Just experience with BI :)
1 1/2 years is quite good.
Yet another Déjà-vu
Let's hope that this ticket won't be open in 1 1/2 years.
Can anybody test if the following is still valid:
and if so create a new A3 ticket?
(No access to my PC currently)
(the last one was marked as resolved)
Edit: preInit ticket was also marked as resolved now (nothing will change).
(It's sad to see that there is no real interest in MP @BI :(
I'm bailing out here again, not worth it)
No, it isn't a duplicate. There are a lot of other tickets in the CIT which are still valid but are not reported here in the Alpha 3 feedback tracker.
Yet again déjà-vu :)
2 years old, I wouldn't hold my breath that anything changes.
Does also show up if there is no HC connected. And I wonder why some unit isn't a network object.
Ref to nonnetwork object 389c4080# NOID o_soldier_01.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 37a50080# NOID b_soldier_03.p3d
It would be really nice if finally more time would go into the MP part of the game.
Well, it affects paramsArray too (which seems to be nothing more than a PV too).
Sad to see that this will also not change.
It makes sense to downvote a bug in the preInit implementation...
Right, overall and diff are not the same (it's only the same if the overall damage of the object is zero, then both are obviously the same).
Currently it is not possible to create your own damage system.
Check other handleDamage tickets like for example the following one:
Often it also fires a null object for the object which caused the damage.
Furthermore using a FAK also triggers the handleDamage event and don't forget that the BIS feedback system always adds a handleDamage EH to the player object: