I would like to detect when the player was headshot by a remote unit. Right now, it is impossible to accurately detect player headshots locally on a timely basis, because the current event handlers do not possess this capability. For example, if the player is shot in the chest by a 50cal bullet, the "Dammaged" and "HandleDamage" events will return a hit value equal or greater than 1 for various selections, including the head, spine, and arms. The only event that can accurately detect headshots is "HitPart", however it only works if the shooter is local.
"HitPartLocal" event handler; it would trigger under similar conditions as "HitPart", except only if the attached unit/vehicle is local, and regardless of the shooter's locality.
The parameters should be identical to those of "HitPart", and it should always execute after all "HandleDamage" events associated to the hit have been executed, just like "Dammaged".