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- User Since
- May 19 2015, 10:11 AM (513 w, 6 d)
Jun 28 2017
I believe this has been fixed with build 0.62.140275.
Jun 21 2017
Jun 9 2017
Hello Geez,
Hello Geez,
Jun 8 2017
It seems that the official servers do not share the same hive as rented public servers.
May 25 2017
Feb 7 2017
Hey guys, my friends and I recorded this (along with an fps counter) it may be helpful for the developers! :D
Feb 4 2017
Feb 3 2017
Does anyone else feel like hitching is occurring more on servers with more players? It definitely feels like it.
Nov 15 2016
Nov 7 2016
Oct 28 2016
What version? I assume you mean 0.61? 'cos I felt the same thing
Oct 13 2016
The blue lines appeared on Nvidia cards in 0.60 experimental, yet that was fixed. Why no love for AMD users?
Sep 14 2016
Any update on this? It sucks to max everything only to have trees look like poop :/
Aug 12 2016
Jul 26 2016
Thank you Geez for the helpful replies. :)
Alright, will ammunition and magazines still continue to spawn at these crash sites?
Jul 21 2016
Jun 19 2016
Bug still present on stable.
Hello, will this be fixed as a hotfix or will we have to wait until 0.61?
Jun 7 2016
Added Pavlovo military base, is this bug going to be noticed?
Jun 6 2016
May 11 2016
Get rid of maxMem, threads and maxVram launch parameters
get rid of maxmem maxvram and threads launch parameters ok
Perhaps you should make this ticket private! :)
Hello Geez, thank you :)
Yeah it's called lag switching.
This is a troll.
I tried to reproduce it so I know this bug is genuine but couldn't.
Can't seem to reproduce it.
We need this for an alpha game while we're alpha testers, in case we get stuck in certain places.
What was the issue exactly? I thought with central loot economy they could just turn on and off the spawning of items.
get rid of maxmem maxvram and threads launch parameters ok
Perhaps you should make this ticket private! :)
Hello Geez, thank you :)
Non-crafted backpacks last 4 hours.
This has been resolved I believe.
Head in-land.
Jesus.. everyone loots the coast, you'll find loot off the coast.
Guns are also suppose to despawn within 30 minutes.
It happens if someone opens up an ammo box and they don't have enough space in their inventory for the paper left over and it drops on the floor standing upright.
How about get an actual PC instead of wasting money on a Mac.
Are you sure the items you dropped which weren't cleaned up haven't been interacted with players since you dropped it?
"Restarted the server, with the help of another player we searched every single spawn point twice; only one crash again."
The timers separated from server restarts, restarting servers doesn't affect it.
What's the status on this?
Pretty sure it's not meant to be normal.
I know you can take it off, but in real life if you were to skin and gut something wearing something (god forbid anyone resorts to cannibalism) their clothes wouldn't just vanish.
Get off the coast.
If you read the status reports, they're intended not to spawn loot.
Yeah, one of the barracks in Zelenogorsk only spawns plate carriers xD
It's pretty clear you run the game on low settings.
You need an upgrade.
That's a horrible CPU to play DayZ on. I use an i5 4690k and it runs fine.
Fixed in current 0.58 experimental :)
Fixed in current experimental, loot is distributed evenly now.
It's related to bugged statuses.
i.e if you're shooting at someone who has a bugged status, they're invincible because their health/bleeding/hunger/thirst has not updated.
UN helmet is also not spawning.
Upvoted for visibility, I need my rangefinder! :3
This happens with the Winchester as well.
If the gun spawns which takes .45 ACP (not at dynamic events, such as the 1911 or Derringer), then the ammo should spawn for it as well, not at dynamic events.
I've not found 5.56x45mm boxes either, actually come to think of it, I've also not found an AK101 or the magazine.
"This method is used by many people but I couldn't see any report on this issue on bugtracker"
It's because they're private, unlike yours -_-
Normal and leather sewing kits, and cooking pots spawn in 0.56
Get off the coast/spawn towns.
Removed your start up parameters?
"and his butthole explodes"
That made me laugh so hard for some reason.
I posted about the same problem here - including other guns, such as the 9mm guns, or SKS/CR527 carbine ammo.
Can confirm, this happens with any gun with a speed clip.
- Mosin clip
- SKS stripper clip
- Shotgun speedloader
- Magnum speedloader
Yes, that did help Darcion! :)
My point was is that the ammo for the guns I listed is only military, even though there is civilian guns which take that ammo.
I agree with what you said.
It just makes sense because there is civilian rifles which take 7.62x39 everywhere.
With how common AK magazines are and how easy they are to get, I don't want this idea.
May 10 2016
Zombies were never the things to be scared of, it's always has and always will be about the players.
Setting the objects setting in-game affects the sceneComplexity so there's no point in manually changing it.
viewDistance and preferredObjectViewDistance have the best FPS increases.
The problem is your FX and Athlon AMD processors, they're really low-mid range and their core performance isn't up to par with Intel.