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- Mar 6 2013, 3:34 PM (626 w, 5 d)
Oct 24 2017
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Sep 19 2016
Can confirm this.
May 10 2016
Getting a better menu would indeed be nice.
Claiming that this would be "easy" to do is incredibly ignorant though.
As Lecks said, "drawIcon3d" has to be run onEachFrame to avoid flickering, that kinda makes the ticked invalid.
Check out the alternative solution of putting drawIcon3d inside a "addAction" condition. (those are also checked on every frame but only when you look towards them which makes it ideal for this sort of thing)
Seems kinda pointless to me, you can test sp-missions in the mp-editor just fine.
In case you missed it, it is already documented on the wiki:
Additional Information
In MP onPlayerDisconnected is executed only on the server
Would be good if zeus checked the difficulty settings and only created a minefield marker when the setting "MineTag" is 1.
It doesn't "have to go", it just needs to be fixed.
I don't see anyone here saying that it should stay the way it is, so no there is nothing 'wrong' with us.
Outright removing it just wouldn't be the right solution.
It's not so unlikely that those are meant as target-objects that look like soldiers but are on the civilian side only so they won't get engaged by the AI.
Either way, why do you even care if they're not used as actual civilians?
Xeno, regardless of the eventhandler I don't think the full extend of a "lockInventory" command can be achieved right now.
To name just one: Locking the inventory of an object also involves that it doesnt show up on the actionmenu. (open/rearm/take)
Locked weaponholders also shouldn't show up in the "ground" inventory.
The wiki incorrectly listed it for 1.20.
Changed that now.
The command "everyBackpack" returns pointers to all backpacks in a cargo, allowing us to access their contents directly.
The same should be available for uniforms and vests, so please add these:
- everyVest
- everyUniform
That problem still persists in the current version.
Generally speaking, every "get" command should always have its equivalent "set" command (or the other way around).
To name just a few: "setMass" and "setObjectTexture" are both missing their "get"-equivalent.
Getting a better menu would indeed be nice.
Claiming that this would be "easy" to do is incredibly ignorant though.
Just because it happens in different missions doesn't mean that it is NOT mission-related. Maybe those missions have something in common?
I've never witnessed anything like that on our server so far.
Agreed, in previous ArmA-versions you could even kill people by shooting 40mm flares in their faces.
In ArmA3 these projectiles cause no harm at all.
Problem still persists.
Was trying to use this to determine if a soldiers weapon is aimed at another person (since "aimedAtTarget" is also 'bugged' as it works only for vehicles).
I really loved the ACE system for this in ArmA2.
Shift+Numbers to switch weapons/firemodes
It even included the possibility to switch your weapon to SAFE, which can often be useful.
Civilians can do it.
So for an easy workaround just use civilian players and put them on the desired side by grouping them with another unit of that side (probability of presence for that unit can be set to zero).
May 9 2016
"Actually it's only for speedboats."
Aye, the reverse thrust on those is almost nonextistant.
Most current servers do not use signatures, so everyone can use whatever mod he pleases on those.
Just wait till the server-admins learn their lesson. That will already help alot.
A detonator item would be wonderful, this can get quite annoying otherwise.
I think its fine as it is. Not all sights can be adjusted.
@jjondle the DMR in ArmA2 isn't fixed to 400m. It actually uses a pretty smart system that changes your zeroing depending on how much you zoom in. Very few people seem to know that.
GL red dot just needs to be centered on the screen as with the regular sights.
Oh btw. did anyone else notice that the zeroing on the TAR21-GL is incorrect?(grenade explodes roughly 50 meters to close)
The effect is the same, only the stronger zoom makes it more noticable.
ArmA3 is a game, not a TV show. It shouldn't have UI-elements removed in order to become one.
It might be worth adding that this seems to be only a local issue.: In multiplayer, other players will still hear the regular sound of the grenade launcher.
Recoil is fine but I really miss the ability to rest my weapon on objects or to use bipods (as seen in ArmA2 - ACE mod).
The main question is... why do you guys even try to use full-auto for anything else than close combat or supressive fire?
Aside from that, I'm sure we will get atleast some of the old 5.56mm weapons later on (or through addons). Recoil on those is easier to handle.
Remember this (as it applies to nearly every game): The best way to get used to the controls is to customize them to your own preference!
I never claimed that cooking a grenade is smart, but it is possible.
ArmA allows us to play different factions and different roles, including terrorists, fanatics and what not. Some of which may have use for that feature.
It's also not very smart to try to rocketjump by shooting an RPG at your feet, yet the game doesn't prevent us from doing that. ;)
I like the idea of having a special button for grenades but I agree that this whole thing could get a bit more detail.
- Make the preparation slightly longer (it would be perfect if this depended on where the grenade is stored - throwing a grenade from your backpack should be slower)
- Allow us to cook the grenade
- If the weapon is lowered when throwing, bring up the second hand as aiming indicator. (for more accurate throws when we dont have a crosshair enabled)
I agree with Kakepwnz there.
I can pinpoint the direction of a sound perfectly fine (using a logitech G35), the distance however is currently very hard to estimate.
Not exactly sure when this occures, but dropping and picking up the weapon again fixes it.
I guess its a glitch of the inventory system when taking stuff from crates. (same with the civilian clothes which are only displayed local)
Its fairly obvious that it is a sync-issue Kid18120, still needs to be fixed though. :)
If anyone has any doubt in this, go play ArmA2-ACE and try it out! This is a really great feature.
The ACE implementation even allowed you to rest your weapon on teammates or at corners (see pictures above).
There is already a mod for that and after using it for a while I've got to say: Having a stance-indicator is really useful. Especially for those of us who prefer to play on servers with third person disabled. In first person it is really hard to tell which stance you are currently in.
Oh and guys I'm a big fan of realism and reducing hud elements, but not knowing which stance u'r currently in is MUCH more unrealistic than having that additional hud-element.
(I normally dont need to look at my legs to know if I'm standing or crouching)
I use this the same way i used it in ArmA2, ArmA1 and in OFP.
My standup key (space) toggles between crouching/standing while my prone key (ctrl) only toggles that. Works nicely that way.
Also, the fact that it remembers the sub-stance allows you to preselect the correct substance before you stand up. Makes effective use of cover much easier.
Changing this would make things complicated!