Currently in our profiles we have the following directories:
- "missions" (single-player missions, available in single-player editor only)
- "mpmissions" (multi-player missions, available in multi-player editor only)
So my suggestion is that a 3rd directory is added that can be read by both the single-player and multi-player editor. With ArmA 3 it's more common to have a mission that works in both single-player and multi-player thanks to steam workshop support. However testing a mission in both environments is a hassle and could be solved with this simple addition of a 3rd shared missions folder.
A suggestion for a new directory structure:
- "missions" (single-player and multi-player missions, available in both editors)
- "spmissions" (single-player missions, available in single-player editor only)
- "mpmissions" (multi-player missions, available in multi-player editor only)