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- User Since
- Dec 16 2013, 11:45 PM (585 w, 7 h)
May 10 2016
I was stuck in there too first i thought i don't come out but after 10 Mins of running against the door from all possible angles i managed to get out of it alive :)
But still a very effective jail cell indeed ^^
I was able to log out while handcuffed too, when i logged back in to the same server i wasn't handcuffed anymore.
Well next time try it in the forums and don't forget to use the search function :)
I have colorblind issues too but i wasn't ever sick or something and although i drink and eat very much, i don't seem to be able to regenerate to the point i can see colors again...
I have a similar issue with colorblindness and no regeneration effects... at least i don't get any feedback about that.
This problem seems to be fixed for me since 114 :)
good lord, is it really so hard to understand a bug tracker?
nevertheless it should be done something about it to make the game experience equal to all players.
well only the "connecting to" process is not working players who are still on the server can play the game actually ^^
Nice Bug, hope that i don't come along one of those guys like you are :)
But since i never experienced such a bug, i think it would be essential to know how to reproduce it in order to fix it...
Well unlike in the mod swinging the axe don't make always gunshot sounds and i'm pretty sure they are working on it :)
Well should be fixed with 0.30 right?
Well... that is not a solution... it is an exploit and should be fixed asap aswell ^^
Well this idea would make sense if the player at least has a radio or GPS and a map.
Also players should only see new markers (since they listening) and not all of them.
I understand this system but i still think that starvation happens way too fast and one will die from it way too fast considering that in reality one can survive couple of weeks without food and only by having one source of water.
Edit: Maybe there should be multiple levels of disadvantages by not eating for a while but it shouldn't be lethal this fast.
Edit2: Maybe it is possible to get a small amount of energy by drinking water too.
@platiccactus Acclimation is a good point here and it should be the way like this, but you can't argue with realism if it is possible to starve/dehydrate in less than 1 day (no matter how unprepared someone can be, that's just ridiculous) and i would understand that my character passes out for some time when totally exhausted, but if it's only exhaustion why isn't he wake up again?
@Viper i agree with you that the current fatigue system is somewhat unrealistic and unfinished yet, but what do you mean with "other aspects"? It's a survival game, get used to it :)
Furthermore i think that the blur effects are pretty ok, considering a serious dehydration (wich really happen too fast atm).
I got this issue too when i was attacked by some zombies there, tried to move against the wall, glitched right trough it, couldn't get out anymore and was killed by the zombies in the process ^^. As far as i know there is the opportunity too press esc -> restart too kill yourself too.
@Prospect that isn't a duplicate, because in this report it is possible that you can get attacked by invisible Zombies (happened to me too) and not just hearing zombies where none are.
i found some more doors that couldn't be opened in one of those new 4 floor high apartments (all doors on the third floor couldn't be opened altough the dialog said it could)
hmm maybe a more minimalistic approach could work here: if every 5,45 seconds in Dayz 1 extra seconds elapses then the in-game day will be 2 hours shorter than normal(not very much), but that would mean that in relation to realtime the day/night border is shifted by 2 hours per day, so every player could see every day/night-time by playing only 2 hours a day(same time of day) in 12 real days (in about 6 it's night and in about 6 it's day) i think that's a good trade-off.
Well i think realtime day-/night-cycle is on the one hand the most realistic approach but on the other hand i would love to see day-/night-cycle like in Dayz Origins :)
so this bug wasn't fixed with the newest version?
I like to restart, in fact the more stuff you get the more boring it is :D
But i agree that this fatigue system in the moment is rather pointless ^^
seems like the dxdiag is still missing:
Well why do peaople make lists inside one single report? I think it would be easier for the devs to create one report for one issue or is that wrong?
The problem seems to be fixed for me it didn't occur for weeks now (since 114) :)
I'm using a DLink DIR 600
Actually it crashes every few seconds in Cherno or in near of it -.-
Edit: Sometimes i see confirmation of changes screen now (added screenshot)
Edit2: Looks like Screenshot can't be saved when this happens...
Edit3: sometimes i get an out of memory exception although i still have 10GB of Ram availble.
Today it crashed near of Krasnostav
today it crashed mostly in near of big citys like Cherno or Elektro (almost immediatly after entering)
beside described above i got today the message "dayz stopped working" and an "out of memory exception"
I've attached the files here thanks for your response :)
I like it as it is, it should be hard to aim and there shouldn't be any twitch aiming/turning possibilitys in DayZ *downvote*
I got this issue too, when i pressed my back against a wall in a chruch. First i was glitching through the wall and then i couldn't get out of this anymore ^^.