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- User Since
- Mar 7 2013, 11:05 AM (629 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
That's sensible I guess. 'Freeaim' means you only move the weapon but not your body. Weapon inertia results from - let's say - heavy movements of your body.
Me too.
Me too, especially in helicopters.
(See #20258 for helicopters only.)
Using the opportunity:
In the past I observed exterior sounds in Strider's gunner position. Check #13278 for that.
Iceman provides a video comparing different scopes without mods in #19257.
After I've seen that, I'm convinced about the problem.
Side effect: This post is a duplicate and will get closed.
Please add repro steps to show your problem.
There is no functional (!) 3D-editor in the game. Developers use 2D-editor only. Development and implementation of 3D-editor is work in progress and planned as expansion, not as DLC.
That means: First are DLCs to come, later Arma3 as platform will be upgraded (including 3D-editor).
I have the same problem. Had to reconfigure my hardware with external software so that the "zero force" point moves from the center off. The '+ axis' is now very wide, the '- axis' is very small. See below:
original (hardware based)
0% --------## 100%
after calibration
0% ---### 100%
" - Have some radio contact between Kerry and the base! This would allow Kerry to ask what tasks need to be done on the field (ask and be told about a random task), and would allow Kerry to radio when approaching an area asking if he needs to look out for anything (instead of automatically knowing about it). Also allow Kerry to phone home via supports when he completes a task, giving the player feedback for his actions."
Very nice idea.
Thank you for that fix. :-) Your campaign improvements especially in context with patrol missions are just awesome and very well thought out.
Remaining/ arisen problems (found in Borus hub):
Headgear and glasses (on head) are not transferred but replaced by randomly generated ones.
MX-black variants are replaced by No-black variants.
I reported:
"This problem is only present, if sidemissions are absolved without a squad."
That means:
If I start (and later finish) a side mission WITH my patrol team, everything works as intended. The problem occurs ONLY in side missions that I started (and later finished) WITHOUT my patrol team. So especially in 'Survive' every weapon stored in my Quad will not transfer to armory hub.
I didn't think it would take so long... I really yearn for that fix.
... (Jun 18th, Wednesday) Update: 'Campaign improvements'
... (Jun 19th, Thursday) Bug discovered.
... (Jun 20th, Friday) Bug reported.
EXE rev. 125350 (Jun 23rd, Monday) Problem is still present.
EXE rev. 125365 (Jun 24th, Tuesday) Still present (fix is pledged for "probably next dev branch".)
EXE rev. 125390 (Jun 25th, Wednesday) Still present (although fix is pledged).
EXE rev. 125433 (Jun 26th, Thursday) Still present.
EXE rev. 125433 (Jun 27th, Friday) No update in dev-branch.
- (weekend)
EXE rev. 125519 (Jun 30th, Monday) Fixed. :-) (Minor problems are remaining.)
Confirmed. Always sat on driving seat (Quad or Offroad) when 'mission complete' screen faded in.
Additional info:
Restartet campaign not from the beginning but from episode 2.
Using dev-branch.
All mods disabled.
Restarted from episode 1. Problem is there, too.
After game update 1.22 (campaign improvements)
Gear from sidemissions that is stored in car is not added to weapons pool.
This problem is only present, if sidemissions are absolved without a squad.
(Testet for sidemissions from Borus hub and sidemissions from Gori hub.)
forum's thread for this issue:
activate freelook toggle [Num *] and you have it moving only to the hips
I don't know for what 'humidity' is used in game, but you're right. Fog should influence humidity.
Noticed same problem in Ifrit, too.
The difference between the 'actual sidestep' and 'toggle sidestep' is explained in description above. Here in short again.
At the moment:
Ctrl+D leads to sidestep right... and after that
Ctrl+A leads to normal stance.
(Compare this to 'lean':
2xE leads to lean right... and after that
// 2xE leads to normal stance.)
Toggle behaviour would be:
Ctrl+D leads to sidestep right... and after that
Ctrl+D leads to normal stance.
... so you can switch your sidestep on and off just as you do it with lean.
The contrarotating concept is very obvious in the 'Firing drills' when you want to lean and make a sidestep and after that you want to get in normal stance.
(... and by the way - I'm German... :-) )
Personally, I prefer this key binding:
E - Toggle sidestep right
2xE - Toggle lean right
Key bindings can be customized, example:
E - temporarily lean right
2xE - toggle lean right
Ctrl+D - toggle sidestep right
(Be aware: TOGGLE sidestep right means, you can switch your sidestep on and off. At the moment, you can only switch it on and have to 'sidestep left' to switch it off.)
For vertical stance adjustment, I prefer:
Ctrl+Scroll wheel up - stance up
Ctrl+Scroll whell down - stance down
(... as it is in your ticket, plutoto.)
I support your idea completely. Nonetheless, here it's about the "sideways stance adjustment" primarily.
Solution is simple:
Place waypoint A (number is 0).
Place waypoint B (number is 1).
Place waypoint C (number is 2).
Now you want to change their sequence. You have to double click on C. In dialogue box: left side, 3rd line - there is the entry "Waypoint order".
Change the value from 2 to 1.
1st waypoint is A.
2nd waypoint is C.
3rd waypoint is B.
want to revive this post
"want to revive" - the 2nd
Combination of scroll wheel with different keys is very necessary.
As described above, there's a broad area of usage:
• vertical stance adjustment
• velocity control
• weapons selection
• fire mode (also think of different types of throwing a handgrenade)
• zeroing
• zooming (may be)
• and of course: menu selection (action menu, main menu, command menu, high command menu)
At the moment, from all these possibilities we have:
• menu selection
... what a poor performance. Please make it better then it is.
As of
post #657
... this issue is not (!) resolved.
+1 nice finding
Please add your game settings (difficulty and AI level for friend and foe). I can not agree on 'regular' with standard AI level.
After two (uncommented) down votes I added additional information to specify my idea.
Thanks for your sincerity. Forgiven and forgotten.
Nonetheless the problem with the feedbacktracker is still not solved. Like we now know: If a user pushes the update button without any update (or maybe with update) the feedbacktracker sends emails, although the issue is 'unmonitored'. Is does not send emails, if the issue is 'unmonitored' and you add a Note. (I added a Note in 0010355 after I unmonitored the issue, and as expected I didn't get an email.)
I'm not sure about that. If you accidentally not monitore this issue (-> 10854) and you get an email due to "A NOTE has been added to this issue.", then you're right. (Please post it here or in separate ticket, because in my opinion emails should only be sent, if you 'monitor' an issue.)
First of all I thought this, too. But then I studied the change log and watched on every 'side information' (like severity, reproducibility, resolution etc.) and nothing changed at all. I think the initiator of 10533 (-> Mariner) has nothing to do with it.
Please watch the issue 10854 ( if you get several emails about this (-> 10355) issue.
Waypoints and commands should be released on signal. Means:
1.) You command your fireteam to 'move to position xy on my sign'.
(Then you command another fireteam 'move to position yz on my sign'.)
2.) You give command 'All units go.'
Maybe different signs are necessary, so you could say 'move to position xy on alpha (bravo, charlie, ...)'.
This concept is nice to find in commanding of fireteams. But more important it is in high command.
Just read the PDF at
Now I think, making reflections in game, just to show that devs can (!) make reflections, is not really a good idea. Indeed it's true what Laqueesha said:
"In real-life, these kinds of optics are designed to minimize reflections from light sources."
Please visit
AI behaviour is in continuous rework. Within the discussion-thread (2nd link) the developers have explained in several posts, what they need from us (feedback giving users) and why they need it.
"More info" means:
1.) You have to give a test-mission (pbo- or sqm-file within zip-container) even if you only put two characters at anywhere on Stratis.
2.) You have to give repro-steps. What have you done, where have you looked to, did you fire et cetera.
3.) You have to explain the characteristic behaviour that is suspicious or buggy.
4.) Optional: You can explain the behaviour that you would expect.
The developers need repro-mission, because there are several variables that can (!) influence the AIs behaviour, like daytime, fog, height, surroundings, environment et cetera. (Especially your Rambo-problem has to do with surroundings, because AI is on the move to cover and ignores you on the way...)
To sum up:
You have explained, that two concrete aspects of AIs behaviour are suspicious, namely:
1.) The AI sometimes runs directly "into" you.
2.) The AI does not work as a group.
1.) a repro mission
2.) repro-steps in detail
1.) Need more info.
2.) If you have the same problem "again", then you should link to an earlier issue.
3.) Alternatively you could reopen that issue instead of open a new one.
Well, what I would expect is:
press zoom in toggle -> zoomed in
again press zoom in toggle -> normal view
press zoom in toggle -> zoomed in
press zoom out toggle -> zoomed out
again press zoom out toggle -> normal view
And last but not least:
press zoom in toggle -> zoomed in
press zoom out toggle -> zoomed out
press zoom in toggle -> zoomed in
+1 Thanks for video proof.
If you want to change the weapon to another weapon with grenadelauncher, you loose one grenade (or flare, or smoke) of your magazines! Can't access your pics. Browser shows error 403 "Forbidden".
+1 Dr_Death
+1 TTc30
+1 Ferrard. A high official radio etiquette should not be a requirement.
But also:
+1 Stalker. At least make a bit more official.
@Stalker: May be you should change your description to find a good compromise between reality and gameplay. And take into account what 'armapirx' said: Calling in an artillery strike with "1st person point and click" should be removed, too.
As of SPOTREP No.00011 this issue is solved:
◾Removed occasional animation glitch after Team Switch
Would like to hear, if anyone else has the problem with (teamswitched) units plopping away. Please test it and leave your comment here. Thanks.
Still reproducible in 0.61.106195
Still reproducible in 0.61.105957
Seems to be solved. This bug didn't occur in beta-phase.
Recommend to close. - Greetings.
@armapirx: Very illustrative video. Thanks für that. (And okay - music is not your fault ;-) )
+1: I think, this is very important. Personally I use very often "full zoom out" and "full zoom in" when I walk as soldier through landscape and city. Whenever I then toggle from "full zoom in" to "optics view", I'm absolutly annoyed about this problem.
A very nice idea which is corresponding to the new car control by mouse, too.
May 9 2016
+1 With significant effect on handling.
It's been a long time that my aim suffered by this issue. I think it is already solved, may be by accident. :-)
Could not reproduce under any circumstance.
This seems to be caused by the player's character "random animations" (like shaking legs and arms or looking around).
I am satisfied with Arma 3's performance - at least so far as I can play on Altis without extreme FPS-drops. Therefore I needed to enable the 3GB RAM switch on Windows 7 32 Bit.
Here is a link if you have performance issues especially on Altis:
Nonetheless I would like to see more usage especially of GPU.