User Details
- User Since
- Sep 17 2013, 9:04 PM (597 w, 5 d)
Aug 27 2021
still not fixed...
still not fixed...
still not fixed...
still not fixed...
still not fixed...
Jul 16 2021
@Tankbuster been working reliably since.
Jul 15 2021
Mar 18 2021
Feb 24 2021
run YAAB several times with CMA malloc after 2.02 and no crashes/problems
Jan 7 2021
Yes, when you disconnect from a server you connected to from "recent", "friends", "official servers" or "internet", please, make the in-game browser "go back" to "recent" tab, instead of "lan" tab. Thx
Dec 19 2020
Works fine since day 1 it was fixed in perf/prof branch
Dec 10 2020
dup of T67308
dup of T67308
dup of T67308
dup of T67308
dup of T67308
Nov 28 2020
please, fix this, after more than 7 years
helicopter/jet roll left/right (A/D) using a controller/joystick is much much weaker than with keyboard
it's not a wish for useless stuff and not low priority, since it's not working correctly and makes using joysticks/controllers a pain in the ass (vs. keyboard), partially defeating the support of joysticks/controllers
Oct 21 2020
AMS, Kahila, MOS, LRPS seem to be bugged as well
Oct 20 2020
Oct 19 2020
Oct 18 2020
also ED-1 are called UAV instead of UGV, for some reason. but they can't fly, so A - aerial is not correct, but G - ground is.
When you take controls of Akinaka ED-1D, there is the action "To gunner's seat", which shouldn't be there, since:
EXE rev. 146007 (game)
EXE rev. 146007 (Launcher)
Size: ~2.1 GB
Sep 18 2020
this problem affects Xian from Apex, since you can rotate its engines, but but exhaust heat will alway remain going out horiontally, even if engines are pointing down (vertically).
Sep 17 2020
You have to change the category from Arma to DayZ, since Arma is not DayZ and you won't get any help in Arma section of feedback tracker.
@Slavka4459 You most certainly have not much video card memory and RAM + manually limted paging file size.
Let Windows manage paging file size, set it to auto - don't select any limit for paging file size manually and certainly don't disable it.
Need to restart PC after changes for paging file settings/size.
Jul 2 2020
same issue here since like forever
Checked in current DEV - fixed!
fixed - checked in DEV - ticket can be closed
May 18 2020
will this be fixed?
will this be fixed?
any news on this? really annoying to tell all the players all the time to set the overall view distance in video settings to 12000 m, despite them having the slider in our mp mission itself, so the missiles/rockets can hit the target
this ticket is still relevant in current stable patch
this is used a lot in our mp mission and I imagine the impact of not deleting variables is large, in our case.
May 12 2020
May 8 2020
Hopefully fixing this will result in fewer server restarts needed to maintain/restore performance
Apr 29 2020
Anybody? Hello?
Apr 23 2020
Mar 25 2020
fixed - checked in DEV today.
fixed - checked in DEV today.
Mar 24 2020
A-164 Wipeout right ailron is now positioned/rotated correctly, but it's so much darker than the left, that one can't even see the details, whereas on the left ailron one can clearly see all the details.
fixed - checked it current DEV!
can be closed since it's fixed in DEV.
checked now in DEV - fixed!
@BIS_fnc_KK any news?
Checked in current DEV - fixed!
Checked in DEV right now - fixed!
Mar 19 2020
It's fixed - ticket can be closed. Checked by Dedmen
Jan 31 2020
Please, finally fix the ability to see through deployed smoke when looking through Strider's windows, being outside of it.
Please, finally fix the charging handle from moving on each shot like a jackhammer on TRG-20, TRG-21 and TRG-21 EGLM, since it doesn't need to be moved/touched even once/ at all, because there is a "button" you can press instead, behind the mag itself, after loading new mag, before shooting.
See video proof.