Works perfectly on: M4 Scorcher (, M5 Sandstorm MLRS, Rhinos, Hunters, Prowlers, Slammers.
B_APC_Tracked_01_AA_F / B_T_APC_Tracked_01_AA_F (IFV-6a Cheetah) - commander turret not returning to its initial position (
B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F / B_T_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F (AMV-7 Marshall) - commander turret not returning to its initial position (
B_APC_Tracked_01_CRV_F / B_T_APC_Tracked_01_CRV_F (CRV-6e Bobcat) - commander turret not returning to its initial position (
B_APC_Tracked_01_rcws_F / B_T_APC_Tracked_01_rcws_F (IFV-6c Panther) - commander turret not returning to its initial position (
Works perfectly on: MSE-3 Marid, 2S9 Sochor, Ifrits, Quilins, T-100 Varsuk, Angaras
O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F / O_T_APC_Tracked_02_AA_ghex_F (ZSU-39 Tigris) - commander turret not returning to its initial position
O_APC_Tracked_02_cannon_F / O_T_APC_Tracked_02_cannon_ghex_F (MTR-K Kamysh) - commander turret not returning to its initial position
Works perfectly on: AWC 302 Nyx (AA), Zamak MRL, Striders, AWC 301 Nyx (AT), AWC 304 Nyx (Autocannon), MBT-52 Kuma
I_APC_Wheeled_03_cannon_F (AFV-4 Gorgon) - commander turret not returning to its initial position
I_APC_tracked_03_cannon_F (FV-720 Mora) - commander turret not returning to its initial position
I_E_APC_tracked_03_cannon_F (FV-720 Odyniec) - commander turret not returning to its initial position
I_LT_01_scout_F (AWC 303 Nyx (Recon)) - commander turret not returning to its initial position