I can get out just fine from Mi-48 Kajman from pilot/gunner, when under fire, since Mi-48 Kajman has no get out animation for pilot/gunner.
I can't get out from AH-99 Blackfoot from pilot/gunner, when under fire, since AH-99 Blackfoot has get out animation for pilot/gunner.
I can get out just fine from UH-80 Ghost Hawk, AH-9 Pawnee, MH-9 Hummingbird, CH-67 Huron, Mi-290 Taru, CH-49 Mohawk and from M-900, from pilot/co-pilot, when under fire, since they have no get out animation for pilot/co-pilot.
I can't get out from PO-30 Orca and from WY-55 Hellcat from pilot/co-pilot, when under fire, since they have get out animation for pilot/co-pilot.
I can get out just fine from V-44 X Blackfish and from Y-32 Xi'an from pilot/co-pilot/gunner, when under fire, since they have no get out animation for pilot/co-pilot/gunner.
I can't get out from Caesar BTT from pilot/co-pilot, when under fire, since Caesar BTT has get out animation for pilot/co-pilot.
I can get out just fine from A-143 Buzzard from pilot, when under fire, since A-143 Buzzard has no get out animation for pilot.
I can't get out from A-164 Wipeout, F/A-181 Black Wasp II, To-199 Neophron, To-201 Shikra and from A-149 Gryphon from pilot, when under fire, since they have get out animation for pilot.
SOLUTION: - remove get out animations as it's done on some helicopters and some planes (like it was in Arma 2), where it works just fine without these get out animations.