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List of helicopters/planes where it's impossible to get out when under armor fire, due to get out animation and DPS (damage per seconde) to the player
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I can get out just fine from Mi-48 Kajman from pilot/gunner, when under fire, since Mi-48 Kajman has no get out animation for pilot/gunner.
I can't get out from AH-99 Blackfoot from pilot/gunner, when under fire, since AH-99 Blackfoot has get out animation for pilot/gunner.

I can get out just fine from UH-80 Ghost Hawk, AH-9 Pawnee, MH-9 Hummingbird, CH-67 Huron, Mi-290 Taru, CH-49 Mohawk and from M-900, from pilot/co-pilot, when under fire, since they have no get out animation for pilot/co-pilot.
I can't get out from PO-30 Orca and from WY-55 Hellcat from pilot/co-pilot, when under fire, since they have get out animation for pilot/co-pilot.
I can get out just fine from V-44 X Blackfish and from Y-32 Xi'an from pilot/co-pilot/gunner, when under fire, since they have no get out animation for pilot/co-pilot/gunner.
I can't get out from Caesar BTT from pilot/co-pilot, when under fire, since Caesar BTT has get out animation for pilot/co-pilot.
I can get out just fine from A-143 Buzzard from pilot, when under fire, since A-143 Buzzard has no get out animation for pilot.
I can't get out from A-164 Wipeout, F/A-181 Black Wasp II, To-199 Neophron, To-201 Shikra and from A-149 Gryphon from pilot, when under fire, since they have get out animation for pilot.

SOLUTION: - remove get out animations as it's done on some helicopters and some planes (like it was in Arma 2), where it works just fine without these get out animations.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Event Timeline

Groove_C created this task.Jan 23 2020, 9:20 PM
Groove_C renamed this task from List of helicopters/planes where it's impossible to get out when under armor, due to get out animation and DPS (damage per seconde) to the player to List of helicopters/planes where it's impossible to get out when under armor fire, due to get out animation and DPS (damage per seconde) to the player.
Groove_C updated the task description. (Show Details)Jan 23 2020, 10:20 PM
Lex added a subscriber: Lex.Jan 24 2020, 4:17 AM