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- User Since
- Mar 15 2013, 11:54 PM (624 w, 3 d)
May 18 2017
May 10 2016
Mods please change the category from "Other" to "Feature Request".
Devs/mods, could we get an update on this?
You shouldn't be able to board the helicopter via fast rope. It's only used for insertion. SPIE Rigging may be what you are thinking of. Even then you still will not re-board the aircraft until you land.
Agreed! Mods and Devs, any word on when this will be implemented?
Agree with the general. Once the flight crew Says its ok to deploy ropes and ropers, then players get the option to exit the aircraft.
Too lazy to edit prior to upload = more time to test beta. :-)
Real life.
Not really what I meant. I meant to say that it's a feature in the game. Hopefully BIS decides to incorporate it. I took some video of us doing fast rope training yesterday. When I get the opportunity to edit it, I'll upload it and post a link here.
Hopefully BIS doesn't let rockstar show them up with GTA: V. Looks like they have rappelling.
@rogerx I thanks for the props, I think deployment authority should remain solely with the helicopter crew. And I made a test mission doing helocast in the ocean northeast of kamino with AI being the swimmers deployed and an AI pilot using a the simple "eject.sqf" file and a few script commands. Seemed to work fine from a 3 meter hover and then to a separate waypoint to drop more troops. Wasn't very hard to set up.
already upvoted your ticket tyl3r99. I really hope this makes it into the game.
@Raoul1234, in MP I would only want the pilot deploying the ropes as he is certain where he wants the DZ/LZ to be and only he (or the crew of the heli) know if those certain parameters that I listed above are being met. If (tyl3r99's ticket for the fastrope WP) gets implemented then you'll get your wish about the AI deploying them.
I have a number of things to say on this topic as I'm somewhat of a subject matter expert. (US Marine helicopter crewchief)
@SnIpEr.IT, fastroping has nothing to do with CQB. It's a method of insertion when it either isn't possible or feasible to land.
@rogerx, as far as your suggestions how to implement, I'd say you have the order a little mixed up. Here are my suggestions (modifications of yours):
Ropes will deploy when,
- The PILOT activates the "deploy fast ropes" option (via mouse menu). [only available when at airspeeds below 5 mph and altitude between 25-50 feet]
- The passengers activate the "fast rope" option (via mouse menu). [only after the pilot has deployed the fast ropes] Ropes will remain until there are no players on the rope. Then the pilot will receive a "Rope Undeploy" option replacing the "Deploy Fast Ropes" menu option. But to reduce menu clutter, the option may only be present once the conditions above are met?
DEVS, I would also suggest adding in SPIE Rigging along with this. And keep in mind that fast roping isn't done one person at a time. Fast roping is unique to the aircraft. Little birds typically fast rope simultaneously from each side of the helicopter. The CH-47, CH-46 and CH-53 typically fast rope from the "hell hole" and the ramp simultaneously. You want to minimize your time spent hovering over enemy held territory as you are in a VERY vulnerable position.
Those are some decent examples.
A MEDEVAC/CASEVAC would be great to remove the wounded from the battlefield.
Agree and upvoted.
T0bias, it's because of people like YOU, that this is disabled. Go back to BF3 if you want to bail out of an aircraft for absolutely no reason. Realism is what I'm striving toward with this "game". I'm sure the majority of others will agree with this statement. That's why people play Arma and not bullshit BF3 or COD. Now go back in your hole like a good boy...
You have a valid point. In real life the pilot DOES have the option to ditch the aircraft and all passengers aboard.
Now I will stick with the old quote "Never argue with an idiot because hey will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience"
Quote "Or they decide to be cute little trolls and fly towards an obstacle and then
bail out while the aircraft is on trajectory, watching as the helicopter smashes
into said obstacle and explodes."
I'm not going to lie. I do this in Arma 2 sometimes but never with passengers onboard. Usually I use the eject option to keep the engines running to grab ammo or something to minimize startup time when getting back in the aircraft.
Helicopter pilots are trained how to properly auto-rotate and fly with stuck pedals/lost tail rotor. They are NOT trained to bail out of their aircraft. I'm speaking from real experience here.
Real helicopter pilots don't have the option to bail out in flight. They HAVE to attempt to land te helicopter then bail out.
Should only be possible while the aircraft is on the ground to keep the engines running. I don't think it should be possible while the aircraft is airborn.
I don't drop like a rock at all. At bank angles of 90 degrees or more you should lose lift as the rotor blades are not oriented upright. I use extreme bank angles of approximately 90 degrees to do quick stops with out gaining altitude.
Please stay on topic here. That's the reason that this feedback tracker exists. Not to argue back and forth.
Looks like Google blocked it. Here it is again on a different host.
AppData folder is uploaded.
Have only had a freezing incident since the latest dev build that eventually caused my computer to restart.
Will upload next weekend when I get back home. Thanks for the speedy reply.
This is a duplicate of multiple other tickets. #3909
Confirmed. I thought it had something to do with the new fatigue system (which I hate btw)
I think wind drift is the single most important factor right now. At 500 meters you will have to offset your aim about a foot to compensate for a 15 mph cross wind (throwing rough numbers here because I don't feel like calculating it). This is important for making long range sniper shots.
And if you want to have your rounds affected by pressure and humidity, they might as well add terminal ballistics.
I have no problem with it being added to higher difficulty settings or being optional. The only time that I could seeing this used would be with extremely long range sniper shots and artillery being effected by the Coriolis effect and gyroscopic drift.
I think having to compensate for humidity and pressure is a little too much. Simple gravity drop and compensating for wind is realistic enough for me while playing a game.
I agree this a game breaker when playing MP
Agree with gigglebok
think this may have been resolved in version 0.77.109136. I tried duplicating and think it's been fixed.
Quote Slugster "Not just visual - they crash the helicopters every time. If on
ground then the rotors are destroyed."
This happens in flight as well. I tried taking off as soon as a "glitching" player entered my chopper and flew fast to prevent this but as soon as you lower your airspeed the glitched player ends up still colliding with the rotors.
Still happening in the current dev build. It's impossible to carry passengers with this bug. Everyone gets stranded as soon as someone collides with the rotors.
Upgrade priority from low
Confirmed. This happens in the latest Dev Build. All choppers are effected to my knowledge.
This is a pretty well written ticket. I recommend adding more tags.
Even though it a duplicate, it still gets my vote.
Good ticket. I'd like to see this implemented.
I think it's fine the way it is.
This isn't realistic AT ALL. Downvoted!!!
I've tested ported fixed wing aircraft in the @Allinarma Mod. These utilize the A2 flight model and show no different handling characteristics so we do need an Arma3 fixed wing aircraft to test.
Comment to item # 2 on the ticket. Not all aircraft have the ability to climb vertically with no loss in airspeed. Actually very few aircraft can.
Related to #10475
In real life the crew chief and gunner also have the ability to deploy chaff/flare.
@exxDUDExx - the loss of airspeed while banking hard left or right is realistic as you are changing the pitch attitude of the aircraft to change heading thus the loss of airspeed.
Flight dynamics are much more realistic now in the latest dev build. Running landings were tested at 100 kph and work just fine. The brakes are applied automatically so don't attempt touch and gos. Speeds above 100 kph will cause damage. So far I have tested the AH-99, Mi-48, AH9 and MH9.
The helicopter demonstrating water taxi in the video is not a CH-46 (Sea Knight). That is the aircraft that I fly on. That is a Royal Air Force logo on the side of the plane.
@ Byku Can you be a little more specific with # 1 & # 2? What do you mean rotation? Roll or Yaw? In the latest Dev build the roll issue was fixed and I confirmed it last night.
@ exxDUDExx Those are considerations to selecting a landing zone. Per the CH-46 NATOPS there are six major concerns when selecting a landing zone:
- height of obstacles that determine the approach angle
- size and topography of the landing zone
- possible loss of WIND EFFECT
- power available
- departure route
@oukej I left a note on that ticket. What I'm talking about is different. If you max out the wind slider on the editor and hold a stable hover, lets say at 3m, the aircraft should drift in the direction that the wind is blowing. You should have to have cyclic input into the direction of the wind to hold that hover without any drift. This should be most noticeable when you are presenting a larger cross section of the helicopter to the wind (from the 3 or 9 o'clock in relation to the nose of the helicopter). Currently the aircraft experience no effects from the wind while holding a hover.
Aircraft are not affected by the wind. That should be added into the ticket as well. I think it fits the title.
Yes for vehicles and cargo.
and (6) fast roping and (7) air lifts
all of which already have a ticket
Related to #10475
Confirmed. I placed a AI piloted MH-9 and set a few MOVE waypoints using "this flyinHeight X;" in the ON ACT box with various different altitudes set and used in place of the X. At the end of the waypoint routing I had a HOLD waypoint set using the same command at 1m altitude above the sea. The AI pilot would not even attempt to reach any of the prescribed altitudes. This was done with the AI pilot's skill setting maxed out on the slider bar.
I think that it's good that your character needs to "recognize" the object for an interaction option is available. I hate having 10 separate options to choose from on the mouse wheel menu.
I like where predator's head is at. The sudden quiet being used as a cue that there is something nearby would be a nice feature.
From what I've read, they've been helping improve the standalone DayZ.
We are all waiting for many things to be implemented. I have already lost faith in their ability to fix bugs or implement new features.
Is BIS going to review this?
I already put some decent info here
Hopefully they will add rappelling in there with it. Each has its unique purpose.
Edit: I didn't really put as much info there as I thought. Maybe it deserves its own ticket.
Don't see any tickets on SPIE rigging. Feel free to create one.
Special Purpose Insertion/Extraction (or special Patrol Insertion/Extraction depends on who you talk to)
I believe there's already a ticket on fast roping. You DEFINITELY get my vote on this one. Hmm... What about SPIE rigging?
Many of these animations I disagree with. There's nothing more annoying than waiting in a chopper to leave base and some 14 year old player is doing his "dance" animation in front of the chopper. I don't play this game for stupidity like that. I want the feel of combat. If you want that kind of "immersion" from dancing, go play dance dance revolution or whatever it is kids play now a days.
And the solid (or flashing) green light on the right side and red light on the left are referred to as "navigation lights"
F35 is still under development. And those lights are referred to as "formation lights".
It's called Blue Force Tracker and is in use today by the US military to prevent fratricide (friendly fire).
There's tons of info publicly available on it and shouldn't be too hard for BIS to implement.
It's got my vote.
Agree. More configurations should be added. Or the ability to change the aircraft load out in game via an aircraft loading area.
Can I plus 1 this again? This REALLY needs to be incorporated.
Upvoted. You should be allowed to customize your aircraft's load out just as you would your character. It's necessary to properly configure your aircraft for the mission at hand.
Agreed. Definitely need manually actuated landing gear and flares deployable by either pilot or copilot.
Moving maps and "glass cockpits" are the standard of today so I see no reason for it not to be utilized in 2035.
Related to #10475
Agree with b101uk.
Incorporate an operable ramp with a ramp mounted weapon system for a tail gunner. Standard for today's military.
Duplicate of
@ Dr Death, the 90 degree angle of bank turn that they performed when breaking right CANNOT be performed by using yaw pedals alone. I say leave the pilot in the rear seat as it is now.
The US Navy is currently experimenting with this technology and I think it would possibly be fielded on US warships by 2035.
And we see that the US Army scrapped that program. That could've been one of the reasons.