Cannot reproduce it on dev branch. Also I'm not happy about my client freezing for a second after I execute forceWeatherChange on the server.
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May 10 2016
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WOW! Thank you very much japapatramtara!
@shredthesky The method was already available in the engine (switch command), this is why it was an easy implementation. Also array comparison in Arma was needed for a long time.
Related to #0016717
Still an issue. Must be incorrect LOD. happens at certain distance whether driver or on foot.
Rain in NVGs on that video is what I imagined it would be, would be pretty cool if the rain could be toned down to look similar in game.
I agree with ceeeb tried this just now, it is really a wall of rain. I don't know if this is true in real life but it is unplayable in NVGs
Here I used setFog depending on rain intensity
dynamic setViewDistance or just added fog would do I think.
Can I ask what are the secondary weapon items? So far there are no items for launchers to be removed (I might be wrong though)
If it would bring error message every time when player addBackpack "" is executed I'd accept this as a feature but since it shows only once and never get shown again until restart, this is not very good error handling. Make it show every time or never.
works for me (on dev)
works for me (on dev) see attached pic
works for me on dev
Edit: sorry was thinking it was different structure. Confirmed.
works for me
Worth mentioning if you attach then detach static objects behaviour is unpredictable as some objects start disappearing when looking at them under different angles and some objects become a walk through objects (no collision)
attached pic
For some reason I am not able to edit the ticket???
Anyway if i shoot at vehicle once after it is spawned and then attachto detach it it falls ok
I fired ak47 which is 7.62 and i fired ak74 which is 5.45. The latter has much less recoil, definitely not enough to cause one go off balance. Pluss there is this thing in physics that cause bullet to lose momentum because of friction, so kinetic energy, and yes this is what affect target physically is getting smaller with distance, so you cannot just compare the initial shot blowback and bullet impact one to one. As I said Holywood science.
Oh and i forgot, you are talking about death so means bullet penetrated the vest, which means it still has a lot of kinetic energy left. Like knife through butter.
Someone here learns physics from Holywood movies lol
without return:
func = {
if (true) then {
if (true) then { if (true) then { 1000 }; 2000 }; 3000
hint str call func; //4000
with return:
func = {
if (true) then {
if (true) then { if (true) then { return 1000; }; 2000 }; 3000
hint str call func; //1000
solved differently with extended breakOut
Confirmed fix, but i can't close the ticket. Cannot edit either.
works on dedi too, resolving.
executed on server it only fades with distance on client but no 3d effect whatsoever.
No 3d effect in the editor now, latest dev
I think you should really start introducing SQF 2.0 commands and gradually phase out old commands. This way no harm done. New commands already available old commands still exist but are gradually removed with enough notice. By trying to make it all universal you actually making it more confusing and more difficult for everyone including yourselves.
WeaponHolderSimulated is PhysX enabled so it should always drop to the floor. Does it float too?
Marked resolved on author's request
Doesn't bugs out any more for me too, marking resolved.
Indeed pretty strange behaviour. Easy repro:
a = call {nil}; hint str [a]; //[any] - fine
- spawn {a = call {nil}; hint str [a]}; //[any] - undefined variable a error
even more simple
a = nil; hint str [a]; //ok
- spawn {a = nil; hint str [a]}//undefined a
Thank you George, was just gonna ask you about the name :) I've added this to the list of event handlers, please let me know if I missed something.
BTW tested and it was working fine for me.
Marking resolved
Fantastic. Simple to understand and easy to use, exactly what we need! Will parms be passed in _this array or like with onplayerdisconnected _id _uid? Please dont forget the _name for disconnecting player too.
Definitely 1, but the unit object needs to be passed to onplayerdisconnected code somehow. What happens if player connects right back if eh returns true?
Onplayerdisconnected is not an event handler like otherrs as it cannot be stacked. Also it only provides uid, id and name, not the object controlled, so getting info about ex player is a bit of a challenge.
Also what samatra said, the more info about the leaving unit the better. It would be nice for persistnt mission if the save of unit state couod be done right from the event handler.
Should be called HandleDisconnect to indicate that it can be overriden. If the code returns true (by convention) the unit is left as it was and removed from any disposal manager, so that the mission maker can take care of the units destiny. If nothing or false is returned then current default behaviour is in place.
@AgentRev how are you adding the EH?
@AgentRev "local" eventhandler should do it
added video ^^^
Maybe it is because your ticket has very little information? Vague description and no repro of any kind?
Thank you for prompt fix, there are however few issues that need to be looked at.
- randomize script. at the moment it looks like this:
if (isServer) then {
_rnd1 = floor random 2;
_this setVariable ["BIS_randomSeed1", _rnd1, TRUE];
waitUntil {!(isNil {_this getVariable "BIS_randomSeed1"})};
_randomSeed1 = _this getVariable "BIS_randomSeed1";
_this setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ["\A3\Animals_F\Snakes\data\Snake_Dice_CO.paa",
"\A3\Animals_F\Snakes\data\Snake_Leopard_CO.paa"] select _randomSeed1];
the problem here is that if snake is created on a client in Multiplayer, BIS_randomSeed1 will be nil and waitUntil will hang there forever eating CPU on each frame. Also it looks like BIS_randomSeed1 is the thing of the past as other scripts were updated to exclude it. So according to new randomize script "policy" it should look like this now:
if (isServer) then {
_this setObjectTextureGlobal [0, [
"\A3\Animals_F\Snakes\data\Snake_Dice_CO.paa", "\A3\Animals_F\Snakes\data\Snake_Leopard_CO.paa"
] select floor random 2];
- Snakes created on the server appear to be jittery on the client. For JIP the snake might not even sync animation for awhile and appear sliding instead of wiggling.
If such command is created it should return value from 0 to 1 instead of boolean. 1 is when the object is in the centre of screen and 0 is when it is beyond FOV (i.e. the edge of bounding box is not on the screen)
Im for new commands but i also know bis are extremely busy for that
You can already translate world coordinates to screen coordinates, object not in fov wont be on your screen.
If I start a while true loop directly in postInit environment (you can it is scheduled) I cannot enter the game because postinit needs to finish and it never does. If I spawn a while true loop from postInit environment, it ends when I drop to lobby.
Have you got repro?
Also if you are using while {true} do {....sleep x} construct try
while {getClientState != "NONE"} do {....sleep x} instead
post init where, server, client?
Has been fixed no idea when, closing
whoa! this was fast!
Uploaded screenshot after the fix. It is definitely more difficult to dupe now, but still possible using the same technique. So not fixed :(
Oh yeah, all done in the editor
Here is the dupe on video:
Confirmed. I could not replicate it exactly as in the video, but I could successfully dupe my handgun several times.
put handgun on the ground
right click tap and quickly left click hold just like on video
drag it into your backpack
you now have 2 guns
did this on empty server as well
Yes, this works in SP
Confirmed. Doesn't happen with other units, just diver.
No problem here:
player addeventhandler ["fired", {
_pr = _this select 6;
_pr attachto [heli, [0,3,1]];
hint str _pr;
where heli is helicopter. Throw chemlight and it will get attached to heli
workaround is not optimal though as it will need to compile and then call the code at runtime and depending on the size of the included file the performance may vary. #include would have been a better option.
you cannot go up only down.
A work around the include problem:
Possibly related:
Dear Simon,
Thanks again for the addition and optimisation of these essential and versatile vector commands. As I've been using them more and more I think there is one more thing that could be added to make them even better.
It is not always that you need to operate in 3d space and making these commands 2d compatible would make them complete. What's more it should not require much work on your part either.
I'm talking about defaulting the 3rd vector param to 0 when no 3rd vector param is specified
vectorCommand (x, y, z)
will become
vectorCommand (x, y, z = 0)
Really appreciate your work and looking forward to this change!
clean up. better solution found and it works.
Absolutely, thank you very much!
Hey Simon, thanks a lot for changing the syntax of vector commands, now vectorDistance is as fast as distance, so all good!
This ticket could be closed
Hi, Simon. It is bis_fnc_codeperformance script.
I did some testing "distance" vs "vectorDistance". To my huge surprise, given fixed positions to both, distance - a pretty complicated function is faster than vectorDistance, which is supposed to be a simple euclidean computation. The whole idea behind distanceASL was for a superfast function. Kinda disappointed at the mo.
closing it.
You think this is awful? You just wait, I have compiled some irrefutable data that is going to blow your mind!
at >2000 metres the difference is >13 metres
I could swear I reported this already but cannot find the ticket! Upvoted.
Aha, here we go, related:
Alt syntax was added awhile ago. It doesnt work in SP though ->