If you drop or pick up backpack with "AddBag", "PutBag", "DropBag" PUT or TAKE event handlers do not fire
Also when you addBackpack while player has a backpack, the old backpack is auto dropped to the ground, PUT eh doesn't fire either.
If you drop or pick up backpack with "AddBag", "PutBag", "DropBag" PUT or TAKE event handlers do not fire
Also when you addBackpack while player has a backpack, the old backpack is auto dropped to the ground, PUT eh doesn't fire either.
add event handlers
player addEventHandler ["PUT", {hint str _this}];
player addEventHandler ["Take", {hint str _this}];
add backpack
player addBackpack "B_Parachute";
now add again
player addBackpack "B_Parachute";
old backpack is on the ground no eh triggered
drop backpack
player action ["PutBag"];
dropped on the ground, no eh triggered
pick up (point at the backpack)
player action ["AddBag", cursorTarget, "B_Parachute"];
nope still not firing
tested on dedi