Thank god someone said this I've never had serious issues on the server before and it is literally unplayable, I get a maximum of 10 minutes on the server before it crashes, and it's usually ever 2-3 minutes. Insanely annoying
Recent Activity
Instead of using binoculars like in raft wars, pilots often use optical devices to observe and identify targets from a distance.
@Geez what does your response mean ? no one will do anything about it ? you or one of your colleagues will ask battleeye to look into it ? or you are already doing everything you can and too busy working on the game to do anything about it ? bigger and better games have failed, if your whole dayz team doesnt spend some time to do something about the cheaters with chinese profiles on ALL official servers in huge quantities especially after big updates. you will soon have no one but new people and cheaters playing on official.
you probably bought cheap cheats
official has become totally unplayable, and i dont know why they refuse to do anything about it.
Update. Yesterday this started working again, and BattlEye stopped blocking the TrackIR dll, so it's possible something has solved this. TrackIR was not updated and this was prior to the latest update released today, so I don't know if BattlEye itself resolved it? I will monitor for a few more days then consider it resolved.
I was not aware another person made a feedback tracker of this. (Can be combined).
I really enjoy the game and want to continue playing, however if this can't be fixed then there is 50 dollars down the drain on a game I can't play.
I tested this a bit further.
Please fix this. It makes the game not worth playing
I have three servers with the same mods but one server is experiencing this.
My server keeps going down as well
Log D:\TCAFiles\Users\heladiog\65845\profiles\crash_2025-02-27_16-02-33.log started at 27.02. 17:18:47
Same problem here, seems to happen at random times for me.
I am also experiencing this issue
I couldn't agree more, walking through the forest with a squad sounds like a bowl of rice crispies it's far too frequent
cant stay connected. trash servers afternew update. dont get the gsame in this state
Can confirm these crashes seemed to occur when a stair was dismantled on a watchtower. Lvl1, lvl2 and lvl3.
As mentioned 100 times i didn't hack the game i don't know even how to. I downloaded info and something like a Trainer to send them and these lazy scammers banned my account. Give me my money back if you are so unskilled to open your eyes. Give me my money back or uban my account. These guys can not be so stupid. They do it on purpose when they ask you to give information about hackers so they ban you. They have a fetih
@Geez it happens again in same place with same teammates 27/02/2025 at 10:22 PM EET (+- few minutes)., also our four different stashes was found - it looks very strange to me.
Looking at my growing list of restart times, the server crashes appear to be about 40 min apart, on average. Which happens to coincide with a few of the static events... Thinking about making all of them inactive to test.
so i just took my 3pp character over to this same area on a different official server. i had a longhorn in my hands which i was using to look with the scope, running around this area for a couple of minutes with no problems. i found a hunting scope in a wrecked cabin and the moment i put the hunting scope in my hands and looked through it, the game crashed.
I always thought this was the case but I’m glad to see a detailed post made for it
tried both, same crash. i've played hours on other official, including Sakhal, it's just this one specific area + weapon combination that's crashing.
I have the same problem.
The most crooked patch in recent times
The developers don't play what they do
Would just explain a increasing, not reducing.
This needs to be fixed urgently.
I agree, these two things feel unnatural do not fit in the game. Many players bind lean to the same buttons as Move Left and Move Right, which makes them automatically lean when they are moving side to side. In my opinion the best way fix the lean issue is to slow down the movement whenever the player is leaning. This would counter the keybind abuse as it would slow you down. This is the way it used to be in ArmA 2 too.
Server 1:
This crash has started happening right after previous update 1.26 but on a much less scale than its now. As I am aware it was reported already ?
I had this crash before also but it was very inconsistance. Sometimes not happening for 2-3 days sometimes 1-2 times a day.
Now after 1.27 its like at least 3 times a day + client crashes.
Also have exact same problem on two servers.
Allright reduced the Models, added more Parts as Proxies made them work, but doesnt explains to me why i had to reduce them so much. Normaly the Barrack has 30919Points and 33000 faces, which wasnt a problem before.
Ok well use context clues then, it is related to physics and simulation. Do you have something that moves on it's own, a train, a boat, a building? If so remove it, from what I understand this is not affecting vanilla servers so it is technically fixable on your end.
I have no Airdrop or Heli crash modifications outside of vanilla heli crashes.
У меня 2 сервера с разными списками модов отличные друг от друга даже картами и на обоих эта проблема. Все это сопровождается либо крашем клиента либо крашем сервера.
Just since nobody has said it HERE, remove airdrop/helicrash mods, it seems directly related to the physics simulation.
Same roads I've had for over the past year...
I have same issue at my server
I logged in directly to the official server, and the game crashed when uploaded to the server.
So i tried to pack that Mod for you, but now a lot of my Models wont get packed because of too many Vertices? There have been changes in 1.27 ?