Hello in advance I apologize for the duplicate did not know how to close my similar report now that I have a little more information with which faced not I alone, and as it turned out such people are also there for what I am glad and at the same time wasted tk this bug well very badly affects the game the essence of the bug as I said earlier lack of normal damage on AI it is underestimated, and there is no efect of blood, efect occurs when I try to add edits to the proxy character and pack the mod, as another person suggests the problem is in the moment of packing the mod (maybe) if it is not binarized everything will be fine. I get so that as soon as I download binarized this mod I get minus blood and minus damage and to achieve a normal effect it is necessary to restart very much sometimes for 3 hours I provide both the video and the mod with which I achieve such an effect going to the server (not local, dedicated).
and also any such operations with the player's proxy will have the same effect.
Also, here are some comments from the Discord community.
Dolphin: why is there a P:\ on the meatbones.rvmat path?..
Dolphin: i get the feeling bin is erroring and not adding the p3d, so when you test it ingame, it doesnt have any data because the file doesnt exist..
Dolphin: because the path is wrong.