Today I found the same issue on another server managed by some one else. If someone CANNOT replicate this please also comment here because I would really like to pinpoint if this is something happening on specific cases because as of now I find this bug on every (updated) server (Which I assume is not correct as I can see other people still playing on servers around the world. They cant be all Windows servers or non-dedicated servers).
Recent Activity
I drive trucka off road through forests often with no issues aside from the expected ones of driving over a rock/stump and being stuck due to that. Or sliding downhill and getting wedged between trees which is also expected
@Geez any update on this now that we have steps to repro?
Related to T186929 and should be resolved by future update.
I haven't seen it in a while @Geez, seems you guys got it fixed. The only thing that needs to be worked on for vehicles is the path prediction system, the server sometimes tosses us into tree's.
Thank you @lava76 checking now
If you say 1.27 that probably means I have to wait for the experimental patch to hit stable branch, correct?
Hello, JsonApiStruct does not work with static arrays so you have to use dynamic arrays.
lol, no amount of money will allow them to return it, it is probably already wiped
Still can't join almost all European servers. Some NA work, but I live on another freaking continent. I can join a couple French and German and.. I don't speak neither French or German. I like the game itself, but playing with 150+ ping is not fun at all.
Unfortunately I can't refund the game anymore, I'm just wondering if support will respond.
This is decal issue, engine has some sort of an issue with rendering them. It can be seen sometimes on major distances through optics when a player seems to be beneath a road i.e.
Thank you for the report.
This is a known issue and it is scheduled for a fix.
Closing the ticket as another one exists on this topic.
Hello Tireseus.
Is the server still online at the moment?
Hello arrows321.
This could possibly be a network issue.
Hello Alibpx.
Please contact BattlEye directly at
Also you can check the BE faq
Thank you for the report.
This will be investigated by BattlEye.
Hello everyone.
Is this still an issue?
Thank you.
AI follow-driving is currently not planned for the Arma Reforger.
Hello videogames.
This should be a dried waterfall, everything is as intended.
Hello RickJamesBitch.
We have tested this on our end with the same mods but we were unable to reproduce the issue.
I completely agree with the points raised by @purechaos.
Striking a balance between realism and fun is key, and Squad’s approach to simulating challenges of real-world combat is something more games should take inspiration from.
It was a corrupted DB I restored the server DB to the previous backup and it worked fine
@Geez He is probably talking about antitorque pedals
Added: Server name display in the top right corner. This can be turned off in the Interface settings.
It may be partly related to T178172
Like DayZ style -
Additional Parameters
timeStampFormat = "Short"; // Format for timestamps in the .rpt file (value Full/Short)
Changed: Friendly fire kills in the kill feed are now visible to the entire team of the players involved, showing both the killer and the victim. The game master is still able to change the setting to the default killfeed, as well as the players involved only killfeed setting.
Seems to only be a PC issue afaik
As far as I understand, this can be done in 1.3
Relates to T182162
Players automatically reconnecting back to the servers are not regaining their roles in the group
If you don't return to the game for a long time, you will be kicked from the server for this reason, when your game freezes
It is not currently listed as a known issue, but it is still relevant.
In same behavior
This is not a critical issue for the vanilla version of the game.
Same behaviour for
Hint added.
Please change name of ticket - "BRDM-2 crew" it's not good