In T184946#2770987, @Leeroy1021 wrote:Did you ever end up trying to go back to windows 11 23H2? I was thinking about it but didn’t know if that was a fix.
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OopsIMadeStool added a comment to T184946: 7800X3D maxing out at 100 an causing major stutters.
Whoami added a comment to T189577: MAJOR - New cfgignorelist.xml change not working as intended.
and remove granade launcher
and ban dupers/lag switchers/all other cheaters
and ban players who crashes servers on purpose
Whoami added a comment to T189980: Time to console ban.
PSN: Moving_LikekVon involved also
TPepperoni666 added a comment to T184946: 7800X3D maxing out at 100 an causing major stutters.
No I didn't. I have just stuck with 24H2 and waiting on a patch. Limit your fps to about 60 and it should minimize how long it takes for the stutters to occur and how severe they are. The still get bad, just not as quick.
I would partition a small amount on your driver and install 23H2 or Bazzite/ linux to tie you over until there is a patch. Save wiping your system and starting fresh
Dugan_Nash added a comment to T189577: MAJOR - New cfgignorelist.xml change not working as intended.
Why wouldn't they just disallow fence kits to be placed too close together? and why cant they ix the damage passing through walls/gates to the walls and gates behind them?
oldmann1991 added a comment to T189923: SaveCurrentFSMState Crash.
NULL pointer to instance
Class: 'WeaponFSM'
Function: 'SaveCurrentFSMState'
Stack trace:
vsmadhav.sris added a comment to T152989: All loot from my Jacket dissappeared when dropped or changed.
you can read more informative article like kcdrama reviews
Viggen edited Additional Information on T189979: P1 mag insert plays the M79 grenade launcher load sound.
Viggen edited Additional Information on T189979: P1 mag insert plays the M79 grenade launcher load sound.
Speederr added a comment to T189834: Taskbar keep glicthing - Windows 11 .
May I add, it is like the game and Windows are taking the mouse input at the same time.
rasluis added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
Is there an aprox date for stable hotfix update? anyone knows how long does it usually take?
Merlooow added a comment to T189923: SaveCurrentFSMState Crash.
EURU6300, 13.03 2025 19:14:18
Unhandled exception
Kanas added a comment to T165233: Large Framerate Drop When Using Map.
I can confirm that when FPS drops, changing the settings (texture detail) will restore your original performance.
Leeroy1021 added a comment to T184946: 7800X3D maxing out at 100 an causing major stutters.
Did you ever end up trying to go back to windows 11 23H2? I was thinking about it but didn’t know if that was a fix.
exodia added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
Great job, all my issue is solved on experimental !!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
WilliamBroown added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
Well done, we still don't have a eta! Great job. Keep it up!
Dirkalot added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
Dugan_Nash added a comment to T189740: Player Built Walls Despawning.
I did say this is on official, not community. I built 12 walls and gates, all in a line one after another this 2nd time. I was on server when it reset, and was the first in when it came back up. Are you suggesting there are some tiny little players that can squeeze in between the ceiling and the top of the gates and came by to destroy, and dismantle and dig out every other wall in the line and some how not damage any of the other walls and gates in the maybe 90 second window i wasn't in the server? No, I've played this game since 0.59 i know what im talking about, no one raided the base.
Geez added a comment to T189923: SaveCurrentFSMState Crash.
Hello ArtemDozhd.
This issue does not seem to occur on official servers nor in our testing environment. Therefore the issue must be somewhere in your server modifications. Can you please upload your server storage so we could possibly check?
thank you Geez, appreciate the effort
More to come to make the community healthy !
HAKIM added a comment to T189948: Honda cheater aim bot wall hacks.
thank you Geez, appreciate the effort
More to come to make the community healthy !
Geez added a comment to T189911: Main menu bugged (blank screen).
We have not experienced this issue during our testing nor we are able to reproduce it on our end.
Due to the amount of bugs reported and internal priorities, the reports always have to contain as detailed information as possible.
Are there any mods running/does this occur just after specific set of steps?
R34P3R added a comment to T185989: The AI is still a novice driver.
@Geez, i like to add some behaviour from Exp. The driving itself is much better. But there are still some issue if something block the road. I would not like to open a new Feedback, so i think fits here well.
taberhemia added a comment to T189911: Main menu bugged (blank screen).
I never claimed to be polite, but its certainly not verbal abuse. i replicated the issue with the official launcher in less than five minutes. Since youre getting paid, maybe try being a bit more proactive instead of dismissing it as "dzsa being the problem", i believe in you— you got this mate
holly updated the task description for T189973: Gameplay issues/bugs.
banned, thank you
Geez changed the status of T189762: Incorrect composition icons shown in build mode compared to what is actually built at the base from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
taberhemia added a comment to T189911: Main menu bugged (blank screen).
its hardly a jab or verbal assault to tell you to get off your ass and do something, only bad thing i said was directed towards the official launcher, but im glad the shoe fits my guy ;)
taberhemia added a comment to T189911: Main menu bugged (blank screen).
actually worse than blizzard
taberhemia added a comment to T189911: Main menu bugged (blank screen).
Hello Hoshbraun.
This was not intentional change by nitrado but rather an issue that occurred on their end. The issue should be fixed by now and logs should be accessible without server restart.
Geez closed T189590: DayZ 1.27.159420 exits during game launch when BattlEye is enabled as Resolved.
tjensen added a comment to T189590: DayZ 1.27.159420 exits during game launch when BattlEye is enabled.
Well, I tried running DayZ again this morning to see if I was still having the problem described above, and it appears to have magically fixed itself. I haven't made any changes, so I have no idea why it's working again.
Geez closed T189697: (Possibly Bugged) 6B3 Body Armour now providing identical protection front and back as Resolved.
Resolved in the next experimental.
SirAdef added a comment to T189830: Muzzle error crashing server.
There's something messed up with:
77Nerrad77 added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.
Excellent, thank you
Banned as well, thank you
R34P3R added a comment to T189896: House without ViewGeometry!.
Fixed internaly, confirmed by reyhard.
Geez reopened T189896: House without ViewGeometry! as "Confirmed Internally".
confirmed on the current stable.
Banned thank you
Geez changed the status of T189966: Streaming/Replication issue with: GetInVehicle (SCR_CompartmentAccessComponent) from New to Assigned.
Geez changed the status of T189947: Function ModifyLayers of WorldEditorAPI does not work from Awaiting internal Testing to Assigned.
Geez changed the status of T189947: Function ModifyLayers of WorldEditorAPI does not work from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Geez changed the status of T189936: JIP Replication Error (Table) after Scenario reload on Dedicated from New to Assigned.
Geez changed the status of T189969: [] Workbench 'Publish to Workshop' Menu Does Not Refresh Mod Information When Switching Mods from New to Assigned.
Geez changed the status of T189940: Cannot freelook while ADS in mounted machine-gun nest from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Geez changed the status of T189916: [] Wheelbarrow prevents entry into a barn in Entre-Deux from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Geez changed the status of T189924: [] Prefab Error: Door Action Not Set from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Thank you for the report.
This has been reported previously and it is being worked on. Closing the ticket as it is duplicate.
Geez edited projects for T189969: [] Workbench 'Publish to Workshop' Menu Does Not Refresh Mod Information When Switching Mods, added: Arma Reforger Modding; removed Arma Reforger.
Geez changed the status of T189971: No injury icons appearing on the body after player inspection from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
banned, thank you
Whoami added a comment to T189577: MAJOR - New cfgignorelist.xml change not working as intended.
Ok, thats weird. But probably true if you say so.
GraceKelly added a comment to T189577: MAJOR - New cfgignorelist.xml change not working as intended.
@Whoami yet they do, the devs have even confirmed they do.
Whoami added a comment to T189577: MAJOR - New cfgignorelist.xml change not working as intended.
I mean... Single fences dont despawn. It´s when you put them close to each other some of them disappear
GraceKelly added a comment to T189577: MAJOR - New cfgignorelist.xml change not working as intended.
@Whoami your belief is incorrect, I tested this in an open field with fences alone and apart and it occured, given the steps provided has evolved into "confirmed internally" i believe its safe to say theyre correct.
Whoami added a comment to T189577: MAJOR - New cfgignorelist.xml change not working as intended.
- Build a Fence or Watchtower
Construct a fence or watchtower as a player would in a normal gameplay scenario.
Geez added a comment to T189919: Item swap glitch.
Thank you for the report.
This is known issue and it is being worked on.
Geez added a comment to T189929: Permanent desync .
Hello UniqueTitle.
This sounds like a possible network issue.
Thank you for the report.
The types are not case sensitive so it will spawn as usual. We will fix it though.
R34P3R added a comment to T189969: [] Workbench 'Publish to Workshop' Menu Does Not Refresh Mod Information When Switching Mods.
Maybe this could also be the problem of the Scenario list
Known and fixed for the upcoming hotfix.
Hello booker241.
Do you still experience this problem?
R34P3R added a comment to T189896: House without ViewGeometry!.
@Geez, check the Video until the end, and tell me this is a working ViewGeo...
Hello Vliek.
Since you mention using DZSA launcher.
Have you reproduced this with our official launcher as well?
Geez changed the status of T189913: DOORS DISSAPEARING DURING GAMEPLAY OF OFFICIAL SERVERS from New to Reviewed.
robbobcornonacob added a comment to T159483: Dayz Experimental 1.13 Right Mouse Button Bug.
Lol this was reported 4 years ago?