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- User Since
- Feb 4 2014, 6:08 PM (580 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
I've been getting this problem every time I switch servers, even as a fresh spawn with no gear.
Virtually everyone I play with gets the same "Please wait" screen when logging into another server. Sometimes I will have to wait for the 100 second timer but sometimes I will spawn instantly. It seems kind of random at this point.
Seen this happen a few times. Seems to be related to desync or lag.
It's darker when there is no moon out. It's not a glitch at all.
This is not a bug, a cheat, or an exploit.
You can choose to change your graphics settings to what ever you prefer and so can the other players. Demanding something like this is selfish and only serves to alienate players who don't have powerful systems.
"I like the way the game looks maxed out, I do not want to have to play on low just so I can have the same advantage."
That's great, but that's how YOU like it. The developers are not going to force other players to play with maxed out graphics just because you get a little butt hurt when someone kills you.
Re-read what I said.
This has to do with server side lag and how client locations are reported to the server.
It's called lag.
Zombies are server side driven so they will hit at the location in which the server believes you are currently at. This is why some times you get teleported during desync because on the server side your location is different than it is on the client side.
Obviously some items can't be patched (tac vests) but I agree to an extent that some more items should be able to be patched.
You can't just patch tac vests since they provide damage protection and in real life you don't just find random threads of kevlar laying around (unless you work for Dupont).
Sewing kits only provide a cosmetic change to clothing since shirts and pants don't provide a huge degree of protection from bullets/zombie kits. It's really just for aesthetics.
Adjust it to your liking and leave it that way. If someone likes to play with tunnel vision/eagle eyes then so be it. It's not a bug, just like gamma and brightness adjustments are not bugs or exploits.
OP thinks that $50 million automatically creates a perfectly working piece of software with in moments.
Software development is a process. The fact that you made this thread proves you are completely ignorant to how that process works. The devs work their butts off to improve the game every day and bring us new features.
If you really expect an early alpha build of any game to be glitch free then you need your head examined. They add content during these stages, then they iron out the major bugs, and finally polish it off with balancing.
inb4 mods lock this thread and ban hammer your ass into oblivion for being suck a fuck stick.
Really? It's not very real?
Who are you to say what is realistic about zombies? Zombies don't exist so your point is null.
This is DayZ. Not The Walking Dead.
Survival in DayZ is not supposed to be a walk in the park.
Yes there are balancing issues but the zombie speed is not one of them. I find it to be much more exciting now that the zombies are an actual threat to your life.
How ever with that said, the two issues that MUST be changed are as follows:
- If we cannot run full sprint up hills, zombies shouldn't be able to either
- Their detection range is ABSURD! The fact that they can spot you from over a mile away is ridiculous, and yet sometimes you can literally stand in front of them for 10 seconds before they react. Obviously the devs will work on this later on so I don't expect it to be fixed yet...for now it is just a fact of life in DayZ.
Walkie talkies don't do anything yet. You can only attach a 9v battery to them but otherwise they don't do anything.
It's not a simple issue to fix. The devs have been working on this issue for a while now and if you have paid attention to the blogs they gave some specific reasons why this happens and what they are trying to do to fix it.
The Zombie aggro and detection are ridiculous. That and coupled with the fact that they can run full speed up inclines while we are limited to walking (really?) makes no damn sense.
Noo....I completely forgot what night time was supposed to be. You missed the point as did a few others.
Night time in this game is completely pointless and otherwise unplayable unless you have a flashlight. It only suits two purposes at the moment:
- Night time servers allow players with increased gamma and brightness to safely loot Chernarus without getting ass raped by bandits/zombies
- To please the small minority of players who want to be "immersed" in the gameplay.
Obviously night time needs some work because it is not even remotely realistic when it comes to how we actually view night time so in it's current state, it is just annoying and unplayable UNLESS you bump up gamma/brightness and turn off shadows/clouds.
So, while I like to safely traverse the map without getting KOS every hour, night time helps a lot. You might feel differently and want to play in night time servers because it gives you some sort of excitement but I'm willing to bet that in time night time won't even be in the game anymore because of the obvious balancing issues with lighting AND the fact that only a handful of people will play it with default settings.
Kind of glad there is no night right now. It's unplayable at night now since the 0.42 patch. Shadows and clouds never completely disable so even with full gamma and brightness it's difficult to see anything.
The missing SKS ammo has somewhat become a running joke between my friends and I. Before the 0.42 patch SKS ammo was about as abundant as the sky it is no where to be found. SKS's spawn like crazy though!
confirmed. have the same issue over here too.
This happened to my friend last night while in Zelenogorsk. He died from the fall.
Happens to me all the time when I die. It makes death even more frustrating at this point and it really kills the initiative to play the game.
I usually just exit the game upon death and wait an hour. It seems like it might have something to do with the hive database and public servers so perhaps waiting for some time will give everything a chance to refresh.
Confirmed. Same issue here. The respawn issue seems to be very widespread, despite their claims to fixing the problem two patches ago.
I've almost lost the initiative to play the game because of this. With all the cheaters in the game and this massive gamebreaking bug, there is no way we can honestly play and enjoy the game.
This almost got me killed one time. A zombie was coming after me and I was walking towards it and pulling out my M4 at the same time. I wanted to stop walking but my character kept moving forward. He got a few hits on me before I could react.
happened to me twice in one day already.
Having the same problem here. I haven't been able to respawn for the past 2 hours.
Just got my character reset again. Can't possibly play this game anymore.
It has now become a gamble when ever I join a server.
I found wooden sticks today. It has literally been 2 weeks since the last time I found any wooden sticks...I was convinced they removed them from the game for a while.
Having the same exact problem here too.
Guy shot my friend and now he hasn't been able to respawn and stay alive in between servers. He spawned as a female, then we left the server and he spawned again in the ocean. Now he can't even join any servers.
I broke my legs (thanks to being glitched off a ladder) and now I'm unable to join any servers.
Confirmed that this is an issue related to other players in the vicinity.
I was playing with one friend for a few hours with smooth FPS the entire time, but once we met up with another friend to add to our group, we ALL experienced serious FPS lag. The other player doesn't even have to be with in visual range either.
We tested the theory that it was caused by our friend who joined late by asking him to leave. Once his body disappeared from the server after log out, the FPS returned to normal. Right now the game is a slide show with extra players on the screen.
Same thing happened to me twice already with in 2 days of playing the game. The second time it happened to me was near an airstrip. I logged out for a bit to go take care of some other things then when I came back I had lost everything.
I quickly logged out and changed servers and it resumed my place with all my gear. It must be some sort of communication problem with the hive.
Not sure if this is the same building but I'm experiencing the same glitch outside Elektro as well as other locations with the same building model.
For me in the issue I linked too I was crouching. The first time I had a weapons cleaning kit in hand, the second time I only had a hammer. Both times this happened while in crouch and being stationary.
Ill try and record a video of this happening
This building can be found at the power plant outside Elektro as well as on the outskirts of Vybor.
I'm trying to travel there right now to record the bug in action.
I had the same issue with my dual AMD HD 7850's. I was having massive graphical corruption in the DayZ client and getting unusual crashes. I tried running FurMark to check for any sort of artifacts but it seemed to run fine.
I found out that both my graphics cards were on their way out. I was having memory issues with both cards that FurMark did nothing to detect. The only way I knew I was having an issue with the cards was by running a Litecoin miner. It was reporting a significantly lower hash rate than normal since it is heavily memory dependent. This wasn't a lot of information to go off of but I confirmed my suspicions later when I started producing a lot of hardware errors in the Scrypt based mining program. Although FurMark ran and looked fine, it apparently did not stress my GPU's to the point where the issue came up. This also never showed up in any game I tested (BioShock Infinite and Boarderlands 2).
I bought a brand new R9 280X to replace the 7850's and the issue never came up again.
I'm not suggesting you replace your video cards immediately. Try uninstalling your drivers completely and the reinstalling them. Also monitor your temps to make sure your GPU isn't experiencing some sort of temperature issue.
However be aware that programs like FurMark and Kombustor might not always show these kinds of hardware issues.
I don't think the majority of people who up vote this even understand how useless night time is in DayZ.
Think realistically for once people.
- The majority of night time servers (when it worked) were almost always empty or only had 1 or 2 people. When Day cycles into night, MOST people just end up leaving the server to find a day time server. This has nothing to do with how "realistic" or unplayable night time is, it is the fact that given the CHOICE, most players will choose to fucking see.
- Besides that obvious fact, in real life we don't go wondering around in the woods during the night time unless you are a complete idiot. We would set up camp in a safe place and get some rest. THAT is real survival. So in essence, playing DayZ in a night time setting (realistically speaking) is completely pointless because it would be UNREALISTIC to be wondering around in the dark.
So night time boils down to two things and it only suits the needs of a minority of players who choose to be unrealistically immersed in a night time setting. As I said before, the devs will probably remove night time all together due to the fact that most players choose to play during day time, most night servers are completely empty, and it is actually unrealistic in the first place.
As for locking the gamma and brightness...that won't happen.
- Not everyone's monitor is the same
- Someone will eventually figure out how to manually change the brightness/gamma and shadows/clouds in the cfg files which would easily give them an unfair advantage over the idiots running around being "immersed" in the game play.
- It is not an exploit or a cheat because everyone can do it. Just because you choose not to do something doesn't mean you can dictate what others can.
The HDR rendering needs to be improved/expanded to solve the night time issues. The game is unplayable without increasing gamma and brightness because the HDR does not do enough to adapt to low light situations.
Example: Go into a night time server, gamma and brightness all the way up, and turn your HDR to very low. Switch between Low and Very Low and you will notice a huge difference.
In real life our eyes adjust to light dynamically which is why we have limited night vision and more or less can see in the dark (especially if the moon is out). In the game however we don't have enough dynamic range to adapt to low light situations to make it playable.
It seems that the hit zone for the melee weapons will randomly move to the side of the players view. You can see this happening in the animation as the player swings his axe to the side instead of in front of him.
I witnessed this twice with a fire axe and thought something was wrong immediately when the swing animation was different.
You literally have to have the zombie be 90 degrees to your right in order to hit them.
The issue seems to go away when you log into another server.
I experienced this last night. I wasn't just hearing zombie sounds either. I could hear sounds of chewing, gulping, opening of soda, gun shots, grunting, and moaning.
The server was empty with exception to myself and a friend but we both definitely heard gun shots at the same time while being very far apart. The noises seemed to be synchronized across the clients in the server.
Just got reset AGAIN.
I've spent the better part of 2 days running around with no gear because my character gets reset twice a day now.
I safely logged out yesterday in the woods outside the SWAF with a little bit of gear on me and when I tried to get back on today my character was back at the damn shore.
Take just a few moments of your time away from adding new features and fix this massive bug. The game is unplayable and worthless with current features if there is a possibility of our characters getting reset every day.
At the moment this bug is too big and common to even bother playing the game for me. I have faith that the developers will fix this huge bug soon enough but for now I'm going to wait until the issue is resolved.
Thumbs up to the community for bringing these issues to light, but that's what early access is for after all!
Just happened to me. Fully loaded gear all gone for no reason.
Now I can't respawn either
I see this all the time in the game. It does make the game a bit more interesting by adding some extra drama by knowing you are not even safe in a building.
However there was only one instance that I can recall where the zombies did not clip through buildings. They went up stairs and around obstacles as they should. Like I said it only happened one time a few days ago but I haven't seen it since.