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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 7:46 PM (584 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
i can confirm this bug.
That's what you get for eating people. That's not a bug....
yep confirmed. GG on pushing unfinished patches on stable and ruining features being there since like 0.38 update?
+1 ,i can confirm it. I have also posted a thread about the cr527 carbine mag.
confirmed .Same here.
May 10 2016
still happening in 0.48 .So annoying. The zombie was hitting me outside the house and i was far away from the wall.
no down vote this , we all want stronger and deadlier zombies. This is a zombie game not a cod series game. Any upgrade to the zombies is always welcome. Don't hear these children.
He also relies his opinion to walking dead zombies when in dayz zombies are still infected living people who are able to run perfectly
for me it doesn't save my mouse settings. I change my sensitivity but it doesn't save. Also might not save the values of my cfgs too. I changed the values of complexity and fps but noticed nothing ingame . With 0.37 i didnt have these problems
of course it is disabled i checked everything iam not a rookie
i said ''i play with the settings which maximize your fps''
it happened to me also the time i logged in a server .No way i have benn killed by another player as i was logging in
iam 100% sure
this bug was in the previous patch too....why they didn't fix it?
confirmed .Happens a lot of times in the big ship also
Happened in the apartment buildings in berezino
Updated - Top priority !
are you sure you dont join servers with connection issues to the central hive?
np i do the same i report bugs even if they have been reported already to make sure that they are being worked on , BUT i close them as soon as they are being fixed
Dude i know about that issue ,thats why i close them. The other who doesnt know that even this close button exists mess the system
My current reports are only for the latest update . When then next will come most of them will be closed
Update - Bug is still there ,happening with all the types of ammo boxes.
close it yourself? just press close
it is not an invisible wall lol it's the ground and it will take a long time for them to fix it as it is a bug comming from arma 2 engine and the mod .Now i didn't know that it happens even so high above the ground. Seems the problem is huge at the elektro sniper hill
It have been stated here ,at the bug i had reported here
also please change your description as it is not related with any particural scope. It happened also to me with iron sight and long scope
until they fix this major bug ,i wont touch this game again
This bug is back with 0.51 gg.... Lost gas canister and a bunch of weapons because they disappeared when dropped. They no more appear even at the other side of the wall.
well @justsauce somehow you must be able to make them dry again. Above is the true issue
it still happens please fix it? It happens most times when you loot a dead body ,happens with all clothes
ummm this have benn fixed
or there should be an invite button for steam friends
had reported it before
still not fixed in 0.53 . I was playing in an official server (pers. on) and after 2 restarts i suddenly got session lost .Then when i rejoined i found out my character had been lost. Why the server didnt save a previous spot of my character?