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- Jun 27 2013, 5:17 PM (610 w, 3 d)
Jun 22 2016
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May 10 2016
For me there's 2 bigs problems in Arma, the menu system and the new system of stance adjustement, not really the adjustement by itself but the way to use it, so I made a ticket for the many use of the scroll wheel, I'm sad because not much people here took a look on, but it's related with the menu system cause of the use of the scroll wheel, it's why it's linked in my ticket with this ticket. So please another time and because it's really important for the gameplay, CAN YOU READ MY TICKET PLEASE!
It's not only about the stance ajustement but all the possibilities with the scroll wheel.
For me there's just for the medic interface menu that we can use a menu type America's Army, usefull for this, but we need to stop the treatment everytime we need for protection and this menu only for this. If you use your mouse for a menu your locked, like when you must medic someone where you need to watch what you do. This type of menu when you know the position of the treatment options is very simple and quick to use but ONLY for this...
I'm totally agree with this ticket, I've given here a link for my ticket for the differents use of the mouse scroll wheel, a thing really important for a better gameplay, I want your feedback cause there a link for this ticket, so can you please read it, thanks.
I have done a ticket for multi-use of the mouse scroll wheel, can you please read it, there's a link for this tread
This is true that we need to be ready to fire all the time ( except map, inventory...). Now a radial menu can be good for medic treatement ( like America's Army ) if we are able to give a more realistic treatement ( not the case now ).
Dyslexsi gives the good way. Space key can be used like it is now for action, press one time for context action ( open a door, take weapon...) or open menu without direct action ( exemple: options for driver... ), 2 times for special menu ( more options; change seat, go to gunner...) and keep pressing for hot action ( put a charge, to set off, put a mine...).
By pressing a key for action we let the scroll mouse button free to use for changing the stances in action. ( without menu or change the scroll button for menu by two keys )
Ok for the menu. I've posted a ticket to add possibility to use scroll button for adjusting stances in key mapping. I'm really for a new type of menu(s) but I really thing that the scroll button is the best way for adjusting stances, and maybe a key or 2 for menu(s) combined with the use of scroll button.
Please read my ticket, I'm sure with a new menu it's the best way...
The idea to scroll into positions with scroll button is really good and the best way.
Or simply action and interaction.
Action: pose a charge
Interaction: enter the car
And I thing that everybody has tested this to enter a car, pose a charge, that you can't get after posing, and if you push again on the button, there's a big explosion, and friendly kill.
I thing a radial menu with the same utilisation of the scroll mod button of mouse can be a good compromise, because the problem is to let the LMB free to click for fire, and to let the movement of your character free. But not a big menu like in AA.
You will say so what the advantage of a radial menu : the clarity. Maybe another option in the config for those who want to stay with the old menu. You can separate differentes types of actions.
But clearly this types of have to stay stealth like this one now, so maybe in a corner to let the field of view.
And maybe a menu that you can set as what you want.
Good idea, have to be tread...
Why do you downvote this? Give a reason!
I'm 100% agree with you, BIS takes a lot of risks with a little team to make many projects in the same time : A3, DayZ and Take on Mars ( I think Arma Tactics too ). The fact that lot of time we heard that they don't have time ( the release is too early with no campaign and a few content ), the team is too little ( a team separated by the projects too ), many things changed for A3... So yes a 64 bit version is possible, why... Because natively devs work in 64 bits and they spend more time to translate and optimize to 32 bits, but the old versions, the base for the game is in 32 bits. If they do this for VBS ( I think BISim is bigger than BIS ) it's possible to do it, but they need all their ressources...
Lot of wishes of the community is not made, BIS lost is passion since OFP! We are always here and we need more attention...
It's possible via the context menu, but I think just to move can be a good way too.
To give possibility to stop the treatment for yourself or if you treat someone.
Treat yourself or treat someone...
The best thing is to give the possibility to cancel all the freezing animations.
If I remember well LAA is a max of 3 GB, so yes I'm for that. What's the limit of GDDR?
But for graphics it's not better to use the memory on the graphic card?
Take a look on my ticket it's to sync the actions of AI
Or use the aiming dead-zone.
Duplicate, search a little
Why people do you want to downvote this cause it's happen now in reality? Lots of people want realism and the game is in 2035. I didn't vote yet but I watch that nobody wants this... Plus the fact that there's a very little chance that BIS makes it, it's not fare! It's why an new OFP is neaded because there's no problem with futuristic things, and for me it was the better game largely better than A2 OA for his time, so imagine now... It can be really awesome, ye sometimes I'm sad to lost the conflict between Russia and USA, it was the best!
Not really sure that it will happen cause BIS doesn't want gore and there's no women yet. I agree but you said that soldiers who lost a leg return to combat? If it's that congratulation for them, and a good idea.
Sure that the animations now are a big problem cause you're freezed during it, a pause when moving or just cancel the action can be good.
Duplicate of my ticket
Duplicate of
A body armor is not designed to protect to such caliber, to a 7.62 yes. A 12.7 ( .50 ) is really much powerfull! After there's prob ingame with body armor and I don't know with the last updates. But 12.7 is designed to be really really powerfull, with special amunition you can hit a tank, the bullet goes inside it, so imagine the devastating power.
If you want to do a mod go to
The community is big, you can ask how to do, I'm sorry I'm not an expert, but lot of people can help-you. If you can make a mod with a more precise hitpoint impact on the character it could be awesome, I'm waiting for a long time for a realistic mod for wounds and medics, wanted it in the game but too restrictions! Well try on the forum lots of people can help you with the tools.
What caliber? If it's a .50 it's normal, you can't imagine how much powerfull it is.
Also look at my ticket with the difference of lightning.
I remember a picture of a person for the motion capture on the back. My idea for the control is to use A ( Q ) and E combined to switch on the back when prone.
Maybe it's can be good to make a ticket for a feature : prone on the back. It's related to your ticket.
Unless you're on the back...
Yes, but I'm talking about positive elevation when prone.
You're true, but for prone with a positive aiming...
Ok but you should update your ticket with the different stances, like stand-up 90deg. , crouch maybe 75deg, and prone maybe 45deg max. It's just examples but need a realistic limitation depending on different stances.
+1 but depend on the stance, when stand-up OK but more limited when crouch or prone.
It is a realistic technic used in the armies?
+1. Need to change this horrible screen since a long time now, but something realistic.
I really hope too, but maybe with updates after the release, the feedback tracker is more for bugs than features now.
You're idea is good, AI needs to move at a random point in the room, it has to be combined with the clearing room technic ( another issue, don't remember ) with one or multiple AI ; for awareness. I think it's possible and Arma really needs it cause AI will really use buildings like that. It's important that AI decides to enter a building for tactic when it can be a good cover to attack or to defense. Really need to be in Vanilla game, too much mods it's too complicated.
Ok +1, I'm for a more dynamic system.
Not exactly, for vertical stance adjustment I prefer without Ctrl, because for movement it's better without another key in combination with the scroll wheel, it's why in my ticket I give the issue on the differents actions ( menu link with the scroll wheel ).
Sorry because English is not my born language, sidestep is to move on the side actually Q ( A ) and D, what's toggle sidestep? I think that's your ticket is like mine for a better gameplay / control.
Take a look at my ticket, it's about the multiple use of the scroll wheel and I'm talking about the changing stances
I read with attention, so what's your idea? Sure that this stance adjustment is a big problem when moving. If there's too much keys it's can be worth. Do you have keys in mind? I know that we can set it in key-mapping if it's happen but by default?
A big bug!
Yes the effect is definitively better but the grass unrealistic, too high. Is it ossible to have the effect in A3 with a big open world?
Are you talking about Extended Armor? Because it's nothing about armor with hitpoint but an easier option to have an "Extended Armor" so more protected everywhere and not just at the armor.
Look at my ticket
The best thing for BIS is to make automated process to convert A2 content into A3, fonctions library changed etc... But textures, models made into A2 will be more difficult to changed into A3, too much work, so the models will stay the same with need functions added, a backward compatibitity I'm not really sure; directX 9.0c to directX 11 or 10, it's like Windows XP to Windows 7/8, there's backward compatibility but you can't use all the functions of the new Win... So maybe an automated converter for all that content will be the best way. Only BIS can do that cause they know well their engines, functions well. The only thing is not to limit A3, and to have original content for it, BIS needs more ressources to do that. But please keep in mind that it's a new game and a new engine will lot of new features and that it's to A2 content to be a the level of A3 and not the opposite, A3 needs to be enhenced an to continue to be. Too much work to rebuild A3 for a backward compatibility so a converter, maybe PhysX is the more difficult...
Ok +1. But I hope that BIS will continue effort for A3 content and maybe a DLC with new campaigns not futuristics, I can dream...
Well, in 2035 I'm not really sure that the A10 well be in the Army, too old!
One question; it A3 too be at the level of A2 or A2 to be at the level of A3? ( I'm just talking about the engine )
It is easy to set all A2 and OA content to the level of RV4? It is possible to do this without to limit A3 in lot of differents improvements? What I have seen that with lot of updates in A3 dev build, the version when you start a saved mission are not compatible. So it is so easy to do it without to brake the development of A3? I'm really for AiA, but it is possible without a real enhencement of A3 and to continue after the release? If it's possible without all the bad issues I'm OK, but if it's too complicated, it's reduced the content or improvements or features in A3 I really doubt! A3 has to move on without restrictions...
You're wrong, this topic is interesting but I don't vote, I just comment. OK I didn't know that you were the autor of AiA, good job! The feedback tracker is for everybody pros. or cons. the subjets. Again good job for AiA because I think it's one of the most better mod and a good idea. My point of view is just that A3 is a gap in the differents engines of Arma, AiA was working but with the updates it doesn't work now. The engine handle now PhysX, dynamics lights and others new things, I think the devs have too many things to do like features and content for A3. Again I'm not against compatibility if it doesn't affect the enhancement of A3. AiA needs work after the release, but it's not possible to have all the features of A3 for A2 OA content or to remake A2 OA content at the level of RV4, too much work! So I repeat IMO it's not a high priority, the priority is the new game A3 even if I'm for more content, OK A3 is futuristic but it's like that. Continue your good job after the release to make it possible, but we need more work for A3 than to spend the time ( with a little team ) for an old game. A2 OA is already done and ready to play.
I agree that it's a compatibility issue, A3 must advance and I prefer content and features for it, A3 has to break is compatibility for enhancement. Wait a little for a stable version of AiA, A3 is not finish yet or play at A2 OA. What do you want? That devs spend there time for this compatibility, there's better thing to do for A3. No one do that for the others games, it's a new version with a new engine.
I agree with you but I repeat I didn't vote yet. There's a lot of work for BIS to do it, RV3 vs RV4, and I prefer now that they spend more time on the features and content in A3. A3 is futuristic but I prefer OFP than A2 OA, not for the tech, but for the beast it was, but same thing too much ( and more; RV1 vs RV4 ) difficult ( I imagine how OFP can be good in RV4 ). There's PhysX now and it's not the same work, with the dynamic light same problem. I repeat that I'm not against, but A3 is the new game with a new engine so it's better that they do the work for it, so it's a low priority.
Maybe it's a little too much to ask now. A lot of features are wished and the game will be released in a few time. Better to enhance A3 first!
I'm not against but the priority is A3 will lot of features wanted by the community. I didn't vote yet.
Nothing here, the sun is high and the character has his head a little forward, so what? The computer calculates the shadows better than us!
I agree that it can be easier but with 3rd person view in MP some people abuse of this, it's too easy to see someone while prone in the grass or behind a wall, that's my point of view. After yes it can be helpfull with helis and vehicules, the fact is when it's turn on no balance with players in 1st person. Sorry but I can't vote for that, I'm against this 3rd person view, everybody at the same level, servers should turn it off, after in SP it's another problem.
3rd person view is arcadish, play in harder difficulty!
Those who play with 3rd person should play to Call of Noob, Battlenoob or Noob Strike! ;-)
3rd person is arcadish!
+1 but totally removed, I never understood why the 3rd person exist for Arma. It's a simulation, you don't have an outside view in real life. And so much easy and not equal, sure that in MP you can loose face to a totally noob abusing of this. At least keep it just for SP for lower level, but in MP there's no sense.
Question to ask on the forum.
You must post a tread on the forum.
3rd person view should be remove in general, too much arcade!
Well I think it's one of the most important thing for this game but have no answer from devs!
Sad, devs are more using the tracker for bugs now, lot of old wishes for features are not satisfied. Please BIS wakes up!
You can give ideas for standard mapping, but keep in mind that it need to be customable in the key mapping. If you've got ideas for a really accurate standard mapping give it for additional info, I will put it in the ticket, it's maybe one of the most important thing to improve control/gameplay in A3, thanks for your interest, it's not only my ideas and it's for everybody to enjoy more to play.
Ok I didn't know that an horizontal scroll wheel exist on mouses, if BIS wants to change and to be interest by this ticket it could be a good feature, and I will take a look to change my mouse!
Track IR it is like Occulus Rift? Because I tried it and it's really cool, the future of games, the resolution is too low now but definitely amazing, the only prob is to see the keyboard, and in Arma you need to take a look sometimes at the buttons!
Sorry I don't really understand what you mean? Do you speak about the leaning position?
It is the title or what? I think this ticket is one of the most important for gameplay and control but no more body!
Lol, we have to test now a new feature on the mouse, the scroll wheel...
Thanks for your feedback, I have to try for your ticket.
It's possible to do this easily for BIS, it's just a question of key-mapping and revaluate the key combination, more easy than lot of wishes and a big plus for gameplay / control, just need to remake the menu system and it's command.
In fact here we've got examples of reloading with all weapons, the way to follow for BIS.
Really good job. Arma need it. You know the story with Codemaster for OFP. Well, now with the high quality motion capture of BIS it's possible, they just need all the weapons in the game to do it or replicas. But for a simulation it seems important, need to simulate all!
If it's after the release no prob.
The two tickets are good, if you can like it.
Ok what you say is true for the ACOG but I found nothing on the ARCO.
Maybe you must post a tread on the forum for this.
It's normal, optics give a darker scene, like in day and like in real life. Without night-optics or night-vision impossible to have enough light through the optic.
Have you ever use binoculars?
Not really, didn't try parachutes, but maybe usefull for this like in reality if the parachute is locked into a tree. I want some explanations...
It is if you're locked into trees?
I've read a tread with a military medic who said that 5.56 is not so underpowered, giving some examples of horribles wounds with 5.56. 5.56 isn't enough powered for passing trough walls or elses, it's why soldiers complained about it, not for damaging bodies.
At the origin AR 10 ( M 16 ) was designed for 7.62 but you know the story, it finished in 5.56 for the AR 15. 5.56 in game is too underpowered compared to real life. 5.56 has a devastating power in reality, and 5.56 exist for supercavitating.
We are in 2013, A3 in 2035 so SDAR if exist can evolve. Look at my ticket, see the vids, you will see that 5.56 supercavitating rounds exist, problem that 5.56 ingame is too underpowered faced to the reality. It's in the future so no weapons of today but maybe advanced version...
A post to give some ideas
Also take a look on another ticket I made about sync action of AI when you're team leader.