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- Jan 25 2014, 8:22 AM (579 w, 3 d)
May 11 2016
The rollback worked. We tried 3 different servers today, all had loot everywhere. Although we only tested on public/persistance on.
I was wrong, Dix_xib is right. Some buildings respawn loot, some don't.
After a few hours of more testing, we came to the conclusion that loot respawns only in certain buildings, like outhouses and guard houses. But these buildings seem to spawn more and more items every restart.
Yesterday we found a sword and a dozen clothes in an outhouse, next day a bag of garden lime spawned in the same outhouse but the sword and all the clothes were still there. Same with guard houses, I found 3 AK buttstocks in a single lootpile. Usually you find only one buttstock at a time.
Although the loot system is broken as it is, the game is still very much playable if you know where to look for loot ;)
edit: i just read that comment above mine, so I may be completely wrong here but thats what I wrote from my experience of the past few hours:
You won't find any loot anymore in buildings which are always frequented by players. By now, the whole east and south coast on every server is devoid of any loot except books and shoes and other crap no one needs. Anything valuable you can find is only there because other players missed it or didnt bother to take it.
Go on a server with very few players, go as north-west as possible, you will find tons of loot like it used to be before the patch.
We went on a server with 2 or 3 players, made our way up north, found lots of seeds in farm buildings off the beaten path. Then we continued our way past
that large new city and looted some small villages. We found a Mosin, several pistols, ammo, food, drinks, backpacks, vests, even a few tents. Everything we need to survive a few more days. But all the stuff we took will never respawn until this bug is fixed.
I agree, rarity is a good thing. But stuff should still respawn after a while, like once a day or so.
what nexdemise said. no loot respawn at all since the day 0.55 went live
This could be a server specific issue, or maybe you guys just had bad luck.
During the weekend I've been playing about 20 hours on 5 different servers and everythings fine with the loot quantity, as it always was since I started playing DayZ Alpha (250 hrs on record since january).
Yesterday I died 2 times and got fully geared up (gun, ammo, backpack, misc stuff) within the hour. Also I found two rifles and a pistol in a police station, of course I took all of them and hid them in the bushes nearby. Maybe that's what happened to you as well.
Loot quantity isnt really an issue, for me and my buddies at least. Except for the fact that there are too many food cans lying around. Makes hunting pretty much obsolete.
Here's a story about bad luck: We were 3 guys (almost)fully equipped with military clothing and Mosins/AKMs, but none of us had a axe, knife or a can opener yet. We searched at least 3 hours for a sharp item to open our cans or gut an animal. No luck whatsoever! One of us nearly died of hunger! Sometimes it's just bad luck that you dont find the things you need.
quote: "Players that log out inside a certain or any building spawn back in a forest close by."
Not a good solution. It would be much easier for Combat Loggers to escape battle, and it helps ghosting. Say, you are trapped in a building under siege. Log out, log in so you spawn in the forest, go and kill the guys from behind.
quote: "Items picked up by a player who shortly appears on another server disappears. "
Not a good idea. Sudden relogs can happen for thousands of reasons, server hopping is only one of them. You can't punish players with technical problems.
quote: "Not allowing to log in and out while inside buildings at all seems to me like the best suggestion."
quote: "you could have a safety net area that says "you can not log off here" message moving that player out of the no camping zones."
Does not work. Alt-F4 and you're off the server regardless of your position.
quote: "The only way this is fixable is to have the players load somewhere in a safe zone."
This isn't a solution at all, this will only create more problems and frustration. Getting killed as soon as you step out of the zone for example.
quote: "players nearby someone logging in can see and/or hear him/her before he/she can see anything."
quote: "SOLUTION: re-implement the login warning reload sound!!!!!!"
This should work, but let the spawning char say "Hello anybody here, I'm coming now, beware!" (in a scared voice^^) or sth like that so you won't confuse it with actual reload sounds.
Anyway, the problem with this are still all those connection issues. You shouldn't be punished for looting a milbase when the server crashes and you have to log on another server where coincidentally a nearby player awaits your appearance. This is only a problem for public hive servers though, for private shards this solution is good enough I guess.
OK now for my own suggestion.
I think, in order to solve this you gotta kill the root of the problem, which is server hopping. Why do people hop servers? Because they want more loot in less time. So the solution is quite simple, don't give them loot!
So when a player relogs inside or near a building, all loot in that building disappears. You could even have it disappear in the buildings next door and around if necessary. This and the above-mentioned login warning sounds should do the trick, I hope.
Maybe have the loot disappear 15 or 30 seconds before the actual character is spawned in, so when players in the area see loot disappearing before them, they know someone's logging in and can prepare.
Of course this solution isn't perfect either, it basically steals the loot from other players in the vicinity. But at least it would keep greedy players from logging out in milbase buildings for the sole purpose of server hopping for loot.
/edit: grammar and such^^
Fair? Yes. At least it's fairer than forcing characters to sleep like in Rust.
You have no control over your character while you're offline and it will only lead to more whining and frustration. Without any server restart warnings and with all the current connection issues, you'll have people sleeping in random places all over the map. That's not fair at all I think.
But I agree, making all servers private essentially eliminates server hopping. (it still doesn't really get rid of players who think logging out in a high-value-loot building is a wise move)
May 10 2016
Yep, upper floor room, left side between bed and window is the spot that kills you.
Happened to me 2 times, in both cases at the NWAF, northern military office/jail.
1st time I was trying to grab somthing under the bed. I changed my stance up and down, turning and wiggling around (you know how unresponsive looting can be sometimes). Death while glitching into the bunk bed I supposed at that time.
Tried to get back to my body but didnt make it before restart.
2nd time I was just crouching there, sitting completely still. I took a soda can that was lying on the bed, and when I tried to drink it, I died. Last thing I noticed was the can opening sound, but it never came to the drinking sound.
Ran back to the place and found my dead body not inside the room where I died, but outside the building, just below the window where it happened. Seems like the drinking animation pushed me into the wall, killing me and dropping me out of the building.
Not on all servers. 2 out of 6 servers I tried today had the correct time that was shown in the server browser. All others showed daytimes between 9h and 17h in the browser but when I joined it was pitch black night.
edit: sorry, seems to be a different issue but may be related
took me 2 minutes to set up sensitivity to be able to play as before. try harder
Confirmed, no buildings at all in that valley
edit: also, those rock formations in the screenshot don't exist either
I just killed a few more zombies with ONE single hit to the head. Its really easy if you sneak up behind them. The only type of zombie I've seen so far that takes more hits is the soldier zombie.
I agree with Nainakai, latency is probably be an issue here. Bloodsplatter usually indicates where you hit the body, but this is far from accurate when both player and zombie are moving around each other. So you might mistake a hit to the shoulders for a hit to the head.
I disagree with lenni20, zombies are no longer ordinary humans and its perfectly fine that they can take more damage. I hope for even stronger types of zombies like Dr. Ivan from DayZ Origins. There should be a lot more PVE elements!
If you read the changelog, you'll see its intended. Zombies take 10+ hits with a fireaxe, unless you hit the head. Then it's 1 hit as before.
Sorry this doesn't have to do with the actual issue, but it's quite funny how many people still think this building is a school, even if it doesn't have any classrooms at all. In fact, there isn't any school building anywhere around Chernarus. This building however looks more like a job agency or township office. Anything but a school. I'm hoping for the devs to add a real school building with a few classrooms, a gym and a kindergarten. Like the one from DayZ Origins ;)
Besides that, I can confirm this issue. I have always found a random gun in that spot if someone wasn't there before me. Not really a bugging issue to me though. I think we all know it ain't gonna get fixed anytime soon. Loot table balancing most likely has low priority until beta is out. Well, maybe my upvote helps a bit...
And it's also a completely unnecessary feature, that doesn't add any realism or immersion, it's just implemented for the click-lazy whiners from this thread
I agree with Anon13, please stop wasting my money by adding more and more bugs. Fix the existing ones.
Happened to me and my friend too, inside the 2-story barracks building on the south side of NWAF.
I broke my leg while picking something up on the upper corridor.
My buddy broke his leg while standing between the bunk beds in the upper room.
Both times it was totally random, no Zombies or other players nearby.
Game version: 0.35.115188
I've seen zombie textures disappear for a brief moment (less than a second) and then reappear again.
Never noticed that when I hit a zombie with an axe, but when they just run at me. Happened like 3 or 4 times today, Zombies were pretty close (less than 10 m).
Seems to have happened randomly, most Zombies showed up fine.
Game version: 0.34.115106
GFX: ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series, 1 GB RAM
I hope they'll never fix it. Shooting a sitting defenseless person is not nice! :P
A similar thing happened to me, game version 0.34.115106
Same as described above, one gun on back and one in hands, then re-logging to the same server.
But instead of dropping the gun while logging out as described above, my character dropped the gun after logging back in. Then I found 2 guns lying on the floor, with all attachments and ammo duplicated as well.
I was able to reproduce this 100% of the time. If you re-log after a server restart, the gun your hands will be gone though, and it won't duplicate.
Confirmed, this happens after drinking/eating a can directly from the ground without moving it into your inventory first. An invisible can will occupy a previously free slot after consumption.
I think I've noticed this only when my inventory is nearly full. When there is plenty of space available, a can consumed directly from ground is visibly moved to a free slot first, then it's going to 0% and you can throw it away. I'm not sure though, since I'm almost always out of storage space. Will test this again with a fresh character and empty backpack.
This usually happens when an unconscious player exits the server and goes back to main menu before being killed.
The body doesn't even disappear or drop when that player re-enters the server. The upright body seems to stay until server restart.
I was able to reproduce this 100% of the time before the 2 patches last week, after the patches I tried it again but I couldn't make it to my corpse in time before restart.
I've seen this too. I shot down a guy who just logged in right next to me. I guess he rage-quit, because the body disappeared about 30 seconds after I shot him down. I ruined this guy's day, but at least he confirmed another bug :P
Game version: 0.35.115188
I tried to revive a dead player (still logged in, not respawned yet) with a pristine defibrillator (working battery inserted), there was an error message like "you cannot revive a dead person". Maybe it works only with unconscious players?
Maybe an option to fill it with stuff (fruits, bullets etc.) will be added later.
Confirmed. Works with any weapon. Does also work with flashlight and compass. Does not work with other items such as first aid kit, food, screwdriver etc
Are you sure it's not just wind noise? I was running with a buddy around NEAF and noticed very loud wind noise. I automatically talked very loud on teamspeak which I only noticed after alt-tabbing to desktop, the silence was refreshing. That noise sounds similar to wave noise at the coast but it's actually leaves in the wind. Too loud, I agree with that.
(also, that version number 11477 does not exist afaik?)
This happens when the player you were trying to kill is just unconscious, and exits the game (no respawn) before getting killed.
It happened to myself:
I was hit unconscious by a zombie, on the coast near Solnichniy, near a spawn point.
I exited to server browser, a few minutes later I rejoined the server and spawned near the place where the Z hit me.
My character was standing upright, Z was stilling hitting it. The character's head was turning around from side to side on each hit, as if the player is still alive and looks around.
I got rid of the Z and was able to loot the body. I hit it with a fireaxe but it just started bleeding.
15 minutes later, a friend joined the server and spawned at the same place. He discovered the glitched character, still standing. It did not disappear within 10 minutes like normal dead bodies do.
This happens for every item that has a hotbar slot and is then removed, not just flashlights. The item icon becomes white. Which is totally OK, so you know what item used to be in that slot and can put it back there if needed.
If you want to get rid of the white icon, just put something else in the slot or drag&drop the icon off the hotbar.
(I hope I understood the issue correctly, I never had a flashlight in my hotbar. Sorry if I got it wrong)
House with porch? Screenshots or better description please.
If you mean the doctor's house in Svetloyarsk, I'm gonna try that when I get there
I guess because it's actually an item that holds 60 rounds, not 2x30 rounds seperately. Well, there should at least be a short animated delay when the first 30 rounds are depleted.
Confirmed, also when a player using a flashlight is killed and the body disappears later, the beam remains.
As long as there aren't any vehicles in the game, it should stay like that :P
If it's really intended behavior, that's the only reason I can think of.
Closing, as it seems to be fixed in 0.33.114926
confirmed by 2 of my buddies, also in airfield tower but at NEAF
As FireBreath already said, it's possible to sprint faster than normal and keep punching at the same time. I tried it myself and it works. Raise your fists, then hold your fire button. Start sprinting, voilá!
That wasn't a hacker, just someone who had fun getting on your nerves. Successfully :P
nice idea, but it's not feasible atm. No one in their right mind would wait trapped until they get robbed or fall down and break their legs if they could just escape by switching servers.
Let the devs deal with combat logging/ghosting/server hopping first (hopefully by getting rid of that hive system)
While I agree the concept of paranoia/guilt as described by OP is great, it isn't somthing I wanna see in DayZ. It's a good idea for a singleplayer game like State of Decay.
In DayZ, it's not gonna stop KOS. I know I would still KOS, just to prevent my own potential death when meeting other armed players.
If you don't want to KOS or being KOSed, there are currently 2 solutions.
- Play on PVE servers. There are quite a few around already. Not a 100% KOS-free zone (depends on the admin activity), but most players that frequent these servers are friendly.
- Stop being careless. Most players I killed didn't pay attention to their surroundings. Most of the time I was killed, I didn't pay attention either (or lost a fight that I started myself).
Example: The other day on an almost empty server, I killed a guy called Gerald.
I was watching him looting the military buildings at NWAF, running from building to building, never looking around. He felt a bit too safe while looting all the good stuff that I wanted, so I shot him in the back in the moment he had no cover at all. His reaction was running in circles like a headless chicken, screaming "oh no please" in direct chat, finally dropping dead. And logging off.
Well, the only other player on the server could have been nearby too, so I spent a few minutes in the bushes, observing the situation until I felt it was safe. Now Gerald's loot is all mine, pretty neat stuff he got, much better than what I could gather on the way to NWAF. I know I probably ruined his day but it was his own fault and I hope he learned his lesson. I've been there too.
Never let your guard down, even if there's only one other player on the server. People will KOS and nothing's gonna stop them, except PVE rules and an active admin.
You have to adapt to the situation, not vice versa. So please, no humanity system or guilt system or similar things in vanilla DayZ. Keep this idea for a mod.
EDIT: well that example above wasn't exactly about KOS, but I hope you get the idea. Similar situations happen all the time and the one who spots the other first, usally wins.
Also I agree with Jaybopper who said that currently the only thrill in the game is killing other players, as zombies aren't really a threat due to their low numbers. This will hopefully change soon, then it's gonna be a different game.
silencers dont work yet, but I died too without hearing the shot. Maybe because I was dead before the firing sound reached my ears...
Other than that, I heard reports of randomly dying on a ladder in versions before 0.32, cannot confirm myself because I never played older versions.
a pile of books makes an excellent fireplace... I hope they'll add this feature, books are a nice gimmick but otherwise useless. Unless there will be crafting recipes, which makes looting and investigating books worthwhile.
@Cerdo: yes that translation is correct. Well, I was thinking in a practical manner, but a book burning feature might be too crass considering there's so much wood around. So yeah, crafting recipes found in in random books would be a better purpose...
Haven't seen any school buildings and parking decks anywhere around Chernarus. I guess you mean the small office building (I call it job agency) and the construction site that looks like an office building too.
Anyway, backpacks in a construction site seems a bit odd. But as long as there are no vehicle parts and base building materials in the game, I'm fine with that. A 3-floor building full of useless wrenches and hammers wouldn't be that great you know :P
I've also noticed an abundance of motorcycle helmets, sometimes 3 in the same room. But that's just a minor balancing issue, nothing to worry about in the current state of the game development.
I agree with the other comments, loot table balancing is very low priority. If you want more immersion, just pretend that the stuff you find in odd places was dropped by people who got killed and eaten away by zombies ;)
Sigh.. so many people are not able to read...
Anyway, I had this happen with weapons mostly. Weapons disappear forever, other items reappear.
Example: Dropped a tuna can and a FNX in the same area. Both disappeared. After half a minute, the can reappeared, FNX did not. Checked back after an hour or so, tuna can still there, FNX not.
Also happened with M4s and Magnums that I dropped, they never re-appeared. As far as I've tested it, all other items (incl. containers and attachments) re-appear after a while (a few seconds to a few minutes).
What does NOT matter in this issue (at least in my experience):
- Number of players in the area
- Number of players on the server
- Lag and Desync
- Location on map.
This can happen anywhere, so please stop with those "glitched thru floor" theories. I think that's a different issue, related to multiple-floor buildings like the fire station (items dropped in the tower's upper floors may appear on ground level).
Game version: 0.34.115106
Sorry this doesn't have to do with the actual bug, but it's quite funny how many people still think this building is a school, even if it doesn't have any classrooms at all. In fact, there isn't any school building anywhere around Chernarus. This building however looks more like a job agency or township office. Anything but a school. I'm hoping for the devs to add a real school building with a few classrooms, a gym and a kindergarten. Like the one from DayZ Origins ;)
playing the game will lead to KOS
NO additional options please. If anything, make eating/drinking a process that happens over time, and have a bar display the percentage remaining in the consumable item. Larger portions require more time, for example banana takes 2 seconds, tuna takes 6, beans take 10. The process stops if you are full. Cancel the process anytime by moving your character (epoch-style).
^ "in real you eat until you have no hunger/thirst too"
Yeah but you also eat your meal in several portions, and you stop eating after one of these portions. You don't gulp down a single portion, and you don't match its size to your hunger level.
In terms of realism, the current way (1 meal = 4 portions) is good as it is. You can stop eating when your status shows "energized". Absolutely no need for a change. I think you guys are just too lazy to click a few more times.
If you were sprinting around like crazy from place to place, you'd need more food and drinks too. As other's said, just a minor balancing issue. Downvoted.
I'm getting used to wall-hacking no-clip zombies and those random sounds everywhere, no problem.
But this bug enrages me everytime. It happens at least 50% of the time when I press a hotkey number. My character takes out the gun/axe/compass/whatever and puts it back immediately. Or nothing happens at all. So annoying, especially in combat situations. Happens on less populated servers too.
Weird thing is, it seems like the longer I play on a server, the less often it happens...
Confirmed in 0.53:
When you try to connect on a server, and the screen only shows "wait for host", DO NOT WAIT staring at this screen! Instead, return to the server browser, wait there a few minutes and then try to reconnect.
If you wait in the "wait for host" screen until it throws you back to server browser/main menu, your character is mostly likely gone. Even if it finally manages to connect to the server, your char may be gone.
This is often happening when a server has just restarted (either because of regular restart schedule, or a crash), so when that happens, be patient and do something else for a while before attempting to reconnect.
Also, it doesn't matter if it's public hive or private shard. It seems that if the game cannot read your character data from the server for whatever reason, it will reset the character.
yeah I guess a lot of players who experienced character loss did in fact get torn apart by Zeds or shot by other players while logging out or in.
Also many players confused the hives (regular/hardcore/private) when joining a server and wrongly assumed their char is gone.
Granted, these cases definitely exist but given the numbers of reports in this thread alone, it is a real issue that has to be adressed, the game can't go beta with this kind of gamebreaker.
As I said earlier, I myself have experienced this half a dozen times, under different conditions.
Last wipe happened a few days ago, I was way up north of the NWAF in the woods where no zombies spawn at all and rarely any players go because the area doesn't have any loot. My buddies were with me, they logged out and in at the same time as me and their characters didn't get wiped. If it really was a Zed or another player that killed my char, they'd have seen something.
@frozen byte:
Some few people may not realize that they joined a different hive and therefor start a new char and think the old one is wiped, but for the majority of players this isn't the case, this is a real gamebreaking issue.
If one of the following happens:
-server crash
-client crash
-server restart
-character death
-battleye kick
-admin kick
-kick due to massive desync/connection lost
there's a good chance your current character is wiped and gone forever, even if you rejoin the same server you've been playing on before.
I can confirm it still happens in the current version 0.42.116181
One more thing I noticed, I had like 5 or 6 character resets since January, but all of them happened on regular servers. My hardcore character was never wiped.
I guess you didn't read all the notes in this thread and dozens of similar threads, so just let me tell you this:
Even if you logged out/crashed/got kicked while in a remote location, without any Zed spawns and no other players on the server, a character wipe can happen.
This has nothing to do with the 30sec logout timer or being a sitting duck while logging in. Also, awareness of this bug first came up in earlier versions that didn't have the timer and didn't have aggressive zombies at all.
This is a database/connection issue. Your suggestions are worth discussing but won't help this issue at all, unfortunately.
Happened to me after a server restart. I was just looting a NEAF hangar and picking up some stuff when it restarted.
After the restart, the server I've been playing on wasn't in my history anymore, nor was it in the main server list after refreshing all servers.
I waited at least 10 minutes but the server didn't show up anymore, I guess it crashed (it was a hardcore server called Wochenend-Gamer if that helps)
So I switched to another hardcore server. Fresh spawn at the village near Three Valleys.
I switched to a few other hardcore servers, same fresh character.
After switching for the forth or fifth time, I got that "Unable to load character, admin notified" message and spawned at the factory north of Solnichniy.
Game Version: 0.34.115106