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[Suggestion] Add traps/nets from trees to the game to trap unsuspecting players.
New, WishlistPublic


I think it would be fun if we could find nets and put them in our inventory.

  1. Equip Net, Attach to tree branch (animation would be the net laying on the ground)
  2. Unsuspected player happens across and BAM they get wrapped up and dangled in the air.
  3. If they have a knife or something in their inventory to get themselves out fine.
  4. Players could loot the trapped players.
  5. Put like a 10-15 minute timer on this, otherwise they fall out and break a leg.


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Additional Information

I think it would be fun if we could find nets and put them in our inventory.

  1. Equip Net, Attach to tree branch (animation would be the net laying on the ground)
  2. Unsuspected player happens across and BAM they get wrapped up and dangled in the air.
  3. If they have a knife or something in their inventory to get themselves out fine.
  4. Players could loot the trapped players.
  5. Put like a 10-15 minute timer on this, otherwise they fall out and break a leg.

Event Timeline

tritonb edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jan 20 2014, 10:32 PM
tritonb set Category to Other.
tritonb set Reproducibility to N/A.
tritonb set Severity to None.
tritonb set Resolution to Open.
tritonb set Legacy ID to 3345116382.May 8 2016, 4:32 PM

Some nice ideas, hope the mods can find something useful.

I was thinking of the idea to place bear traps on the ground to break legs of players or zeds that step on it after placement. Especially for good to get players who constantly clear out all the good weapon or food caches.

nice idea, but it's not feasible atm. No one in their right mind would wait trapped until they get robbed or fall down and break their legs if they could just escape by switching servers.
Let the devs deal with combat logging/ghosting/server hopping first (hopefully by getting rid of that hive system)

Yes, this would make the game more interesting, and might make the use of the handcuffs more probable...

More ways of entrapment of other players would be fun, like you are able to setup some kind of place to loot wich is actually a trap....wich locks the player for a certain time....

Instead of killing it would be robbing