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Apr 5 2013, 10:13 AM (621 w, 4 d)

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Aug 27 2022

celticalliance edited Steps To Reproduce on T167292: [Arma 3 2.10] Issue with Vehicle Respawn module: respawn delay does not work.
Aug 27 2022, 1:24 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance edited Steps To Reproduce on T167292: [Arma 3 2.10] Issue with Vehicle Respawn module: respawn delay does not work.
Aug 27 2022, 1:24 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance edited Steps To Reproduce on T167292: [Arma 3 2.10] Issue with Vehicle Respawn module: respawn delay does not work.
Aug 27 2022, 1:23 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance edited Steps To Reproduce on T167292: [Arma 3 2.10] Issue with Vehicle Respawn module: respawn delay does not work.
Aug 27 2022, 1:22 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance edited Steps To Reproduce on T167292: [Arma 3 2.10] Issue with Vehicle Respawn module: respawn delay does not work.
Aug 27 2022, 1:22 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance created T167292: [Arma 3 2.10] Issue with Vehicle Respawn module: respawn delay does not work.
Aug 27 2022, 1:20 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T123940: Vehicle Respawn Module broken after 1.68.

My mistake. I meant to say it worked fine quite some time ago. I'll create a new ticket for the current issue.

Aug 27 2022, 1:04 PM · Arma 3

Aug 26 2022

celticalliance added a comment to T123940: Vehicle Respawn Module broken after 1.68.

Just tried the Respawn vehicle module after the mentioned fix and I can confirm vehicles do respawn every time now, but I think there's a new issue now. The delay before the vehicle respawns doesn't work. Right now every time you reach the abandoned distance the vehicle does respawn but not with the delay you have set. It just respawns immediately.

Repro please, concrete module setting, concrete actions sequence, expected result vs actual result

Aug 26 2022, 8:10 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T123940: Vehicle Respawn Module broken after 1.68.

Just tried the Respawn vehicle module after the mentioned fix and I can confirm vehicles do respawn every time now, but I think there's a new issue now. The delay before the vehicle respawns doesn't work. Right now every time you reach the abandoned distance the vehicle does respawn but not with the delay you have set. It just respawns immediately.

Aug 26 2022, 4:30 PM · Arma 3

Aug 7 2019

celticalliance added a comment to T142703: ArsenalBugs.

@Astaroth It is working again. Both saving and loading works as before so our community is happy again.

Aug 7 2019, 11:41 AM · Arma 3

Aug 3 2019

celticalliance added a comment to T142703: ArsenalBugs.

@kajschak that's what we did with the ACE Arsenal. We are going to run a VANILLA server though that will still support usage of TFAR so this needs to be fixed, or reverted to the old system for that to work. We also want to use the 3CB uniforms etc. so we need to be able to use BI Arsenal to load our loadouts.

Aug 3 2019, 4:00 PM · Arma 3

Aug 2 2019

celticalliance added a comment to T142703: ArsenalBugs.

We have quite a few custom loadouts made by all our members, so having to re-create them is something we really don't feel like doing. Instead, would it be possible to make it so that for now loadouts with missing items can be loaded again? The mod creators than have time to fix the issues with their mods.

Aug 2 2019, 8:04 PM · Arma 3

Jul 30 2019

celticalliance added a comment to T142697: Virtual Arsenal.

It's posted on several places that BI is to blame for this issue. I suggest waiting for them to fix it instead of putting in a lot of time and effort yourself ;)

Jul 30 2019, 5:56 PM · Arma 3

Jul 29 2019

celticalliance added a comment to T142697: Virtual Arsenal.

Right. I did not know this yet. I just did and saw it is related to Task Force Radio, something I didn't think was the case.

@kajschak do you mean running it in a mission on server level? We have never tried using ACE Arsenal so wouldn't know how to add it. Also, does ACE Arsenal allow us to load loadouts made with BI Arsenal?

Do you have ACE Running on your Server and Achilles for Zeus? In that case, place down a Supply Box as Zeus, go to „Systems“ then just type Arsenal and it will show you the option „Add ACE Arsenal“. This comes with ACE, but Achilles, or most other Zeus Enhancing Mods are very good to have and create better Content for your players.

And yes it allows to acces BI Arsenal Loadouts. The ACE Arsenal has the option „Loadouts“.

Jul 29 2019, 2:48 PM · Arma 3

Jul 28 2019

celticalliance added a comment to T142697: Virtual Arsenal.

Right. I did not know this yet. I just did and saw it is related to Task Force Radio, something I didn't think was the case.

Jul 28 2019, 5:51 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T142703: ArsenalBugs.

Ah, that would be a solution for our modded server but I'm not sure if you can import BI Arsenal loadouts into ACE Arsenal when you are on the server?

Jul 28 2019, 5:49 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T142697: Virtual Arsenal.

You're welcome.

Jul 28 2019, 3:06 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T142697: Virtual Arsenal.

Same issue here. Hope there is a workaround.

Jul 28 2019, 12:06 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T142703: ArsenalBugs.

Same issue here. Would be nice to have some sort of workaround.

Jul 28 2019, 12:05 PM · Arma 3

Jul 27 2019

celticalliance created T142681: Can not save or load any loadouts.
Jul 27 2019, 5:07 PM · Arma 3

Sep 20 2017

celticalliance added a comment to T120521: Arma3 Launcher feature request - duplicate / alternative mod checking.

I don't really recall. I do recall that we woudl get a big list of mods with some mods offering subscription links and others showing up in red saying signature mismatch.

Sep 20 2017, 8:59 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T126773: Launcher: skip Steam Workshop checks on manual installed local mods.

This issue is now resolved.

Sep 20 2017, 7:43 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T120521: Arma3 Launcher feature request - duplicate / alternative mod checking.

@BISWizard: we got it working now. Turns out removing a number of mods from the -mod= parameter and adding them to the -servermod= parameter in the server commandline fixed it. Some members have joined both our servers and reported no issues.

Sep 20 2017, 7:41 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T120521: Arma3 Launcher feature request - duplicate / alternative mod checking.

Well, all I can tell you is that the mods we are using are installed in the Arma 3 folder, each in their own modfolder as it should be. It's the same for everyone else.

Sep 20 2017, 5:45 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T120521: Arma3 Launcher feature request - duplicate / alternative mod checking.

Clearly I speak for a group of people feeling the same way. My personal preference has nothing to do with what I said. I find the Launcher a poor product. Our group finds the Launcher a poor product. If you can't handle that that's your problem, not mine. So with all due respect, you have no clue why I feel the way I do and are just saying things.

Sep 20 2017, 4:58 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance updated the task description for T126773: Launcher: skip Steam Workshop checks on manual installed local mods.
Sep 20 2017, 4:42 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance updated the task description for T126773: Launcher: skip Steam Workshop checks on manual installed local mods.
Sep 20 2017, 4:40 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance updated the task description for T126773: Launcher: skip Steam Workshop checks on manual installed local mods.
Sep 20 2017, 4:39 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance updated the task description for T126773: Launcher: skip Steam Workshop checks on manual installed local mods.
Sep 20 2017, 4:38 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance updated the task description for T126773: Launcher: skip Steam Workshop checks on manual installed local mods.
Sep 20 2017, 4:36 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance updated the task description for T126773: Launcher: skip Steam Workshop checks on manual installed local mods.
Sep 20 2017, 4:34 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance updated the task description for T126773: Launcher: skip Steam Workshop checks on manual installed local mods.
Sep 20 2017, 4:30 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance updated the task description for T126773: Launcher: skip Steam Workshop checks on manual installed local mods.
Sep 20 2017, 4:28 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance created T126773: Launcher: skip Steam Workshop checks on manual installed local mods.
Sep 20 2017, 4:20 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T120521: Arma3 Launcher feature request - duplicate / alternative mod checking.

It would even be better if the Launcher would not compare manually installed local mods with the SW versions. It should be so that when it detects a local mod it just skips the check.

Sep 20 2017, 3:59 PM · Arma 3

Apr 16 2017

celticalliance added a comment to T123689: Ping refresh-rate.

I can confirm this is happening for me as well. I however get the usual 3 numbers behind Ping and Bandwidth, but they don't seem to be updated / refreshed. Maybe the refresh rate was changed to a delay too high or something?

Apr 16 2017, 7:29 PM · Restricted Project

Feb 3 2017

celticalliance added a comment to T123169: Feature request: add reasons to the "You were kicked off the game" message.

I am merely asking for this additional feature so we can actually provide people with an answer when they ask why they have been kicked.

Feb 3 2017, 4:41 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance created T123169: Feature request: add reasons to the "You were kicked off the game" message.
Feb 3 2017, 4:39 PM · Arma 3

Dec 9 2016

celticalliance added a comment to T121973: 08/12/2016 hotix update broke BattlEye Launcher.

The error code I am getting when BattlEye Launcher stops working is this:

Dec 9 2016, 1:33 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T121973: 08/12/2016 hotix update broke BattlEye Launcher.

I am not sure if this is related to this issue but after the hotfix I have noticed that in the Launcher, in the Mods section, there is an orange star behind the preset name to indicate it is not saved yet. This started happening AFTER the hotfix was applied and I made a few changes to a preset.

Dec 9 2016, 1:09 PM · Arma 3

Dec 8 2016

celticalliance added a comment to T121973: 08/12/2016 hotix update broke BattlEye Launcher.

I can confirm this issue may be related to mods. Used Vanilla preset and no issues.

Dec 8 2016, 9:21 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T121973: 08/12/2016 hotix update broke BattlEye Launcher.

Verifying game cache does not fix the issue.

Dec 8 2016, 5:04 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance created T121973: 08/12/2016 hotix update broke BattlEye Launcher.
Dec 8 2016, 4:33 PM · Arma 3

Sep 23 2016

celticalliance added a comment to T116822: JIP players can't ping Zeus unless they respawn.

I placed two GM modules. One for each person who needs to be able to access Zeus.

Sep 23 2016, 2:34 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T119288: Arma 3 main menu turned into an overadvertisement for Tanoa and Apex / Open issues that need fixing.

Just sharing here that the issue of Zeus not working for JIP players unless they respawn is still present in version 1.64.

Sep 23 2016, 1:52 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T119294: Apex - Include file a3\functions_f\Params\paramWeather.hpp not found [RESOLVED].

Informing Bohemia this issue is fixed for me in version 1.64. Thank you for the fixes :)

Sep 23 2016, 1:50 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T116822: JIP players can't ping Zeus unless they respawn.

I just would like to inform Bohemia this issue still remains with version 1.64.

Sep 23 2016, 1:49 PM · Arma 3

Jul 30 2016

celticalliance added a comment to T119294: Apex - Include file a3\functions_f\Params\paramWeather.hpp not found [RESOLVED].

Right, I have done some more testing.

Jul 30 2016, 2:11 PM · Arma 3

Jul 29 2016

celticalliance added a comment to T119294: Apex - Include file a3\functions_f\Params\paramWeather.hpp not found [RESOLVED].

Wow, so people have to go through all that to fix this error?

Jul 29 2016, 8:08 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T119447: Game crash when trying to start Apex Protocol.

Yep, game crashes to desktop every time you try to run it in singleplayer and try to host a game.

Jul 29 2016, 7:47 PM · Arma 3

Jul 19 2016

celticalliance added a comment to T119288: Arma 3 main menu turned into an overadvertisement for Tanoa and Apex / Open issues that need fixing.

Alright. Thanks for the reply :)

Jul 19 2016, 7:38 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T117667: Importing missions into Eden editor with no unit set as player wipes everything.

Alright. Thank you :)

Jul 19 2016, 7:38 PM · Arma 3

Jul 12 2016

celticalliance renamed T119288: Arma 3 main menu turned into an overadvertisement for Tanoa and Apex / Open issues that need fixing from Arma 3 main menu turned into an overadvertisement for Tanoa and Apex? to Arma 3 main menu turned into an overadvertisement for Tanoa and Apex / Open issues that need fixing.
Jul 12 2016, 12:25 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance created T119288: Arma 3 main menu turned into an overadvertisement for Tanoa and Apex / Open issues that need fixing.
Jul 12 2016, 12:23 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T117667: Importing missions into Eden editor with no unit set as player wipes everything.

When is this issue going to be fixed? This ticket was posted like a month ago and not even a single hint of it being seen or whatever has been shown.

Jul 12 2016, 12:20 PM · Arma 3

Jul 3 2016

celticalliance added a comment to T74106: Female soldiers models should be available in the game.

Yeah, I figured Bohemia would have closed this ticket already because some people just don't know when it's obvious their comments no longer serve any purpose, or completely derail the discussion going on.

Jul 3 2016, 3:36 PM · Arma 3

Jun 11 2016

celticalliance added a comment to T117667: Importing missions into Eden editor with no unit set as player wipes everything.

I wasn't sure how to edit my report but this issue has already been reported on the Bohemia forums in February 2016.

Jun 11 2016, 7:44 PM · Arma 3
celticalliance created T117667: Importing missions into Eden editor with no unit set as player wipes everything.
Jun 11 2016, 7:42 PM · Arma 3

May 28 2016

celticalliance created T116822: JIP players can't ping Zeus unless they respawn.
May 28 2016, 2:44 PM · Arma 3

May 10 2016

celticalliance edited Steps To Reproduce on T83238: When I run a server on my own computer it crashes to desktop.
May 10 2016, 11:31 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T83229: ARMA 3 HAS QUIT IN UNUSUAL MANNER..

This is probably related to my issue. It tells me something about a file not being present.

Link to issue:

May 10 2016, 11:31 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance edited Steps To Reproduce on T82002: After making changes to a profile the main menu acts rather weird.
May 10 2016, 10:49 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T82002: After making changes to a profile the main menu acts rather weird.

As far as I can tell this issue turns out to be related to a mod I have installed. With no mods active the issue doesn't happen.

I also wish to note that the CBA A3 RC4 mod spits out an error message once the game has finished loading and shows the main menu: "Script variables\fn_undefCheck.sqf not found". Not sure if this is related to the issue, but I felt it couldn't hurt to add it here as well.

May 10 2016, 10:49 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T81744: starts with luncher no mods.

While the launcher is nice and all I find it rather annoying I do not have the choice anymore to directly play Arma 3 when I want to run the game through Steam, or try to join servers through Steam's server browser. It keeps throwing me into the launcher which is just annoying and a rather odd move if I may be so honest.

Can this please be reverted? I do not intend to use the launcher and just want to be able to run Arma 3 directly from the Steam menu, or join servers from Steam's server browser.

Just bring back the options we had on Steam before, play Arma 3 etc., after you ran Arma 3 from the Steam menu.

May 10 2016, 10:40 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T80827: Every time I boot Arma 3 up, it crashes my entire PC and a hard restart is required..

If BI doesn't seem to be that serious about issues like this anymore than maybe all of us should stop playing Arma 3 and return to Arma 2.

Maybe that will make them act on things.

May 10 2016, 10:11 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T80827: Every time I boot Arma 3 up, it crashes my entire PC and a hard restart is required..

@diegotristanUK: On the following page it says the base frequency is 980:

I am not sure if that is the default core frequency though. For me it was mentioned on the box the graphic card came in.

Let me know if you found it and running the card on the default core frequency actually helped fix anything.

May 10 2016, 10:11 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T80827: Every time I boot Arma 3 up, it crashes my entire PC and a hard restart is required..

I am using the GIGABYTE Nvidia GeForce GTX 580 and I have had CTDs with Arma 3 for quite some time, and again I read the same responses as I see here when I addressed the issue here: GPU overclocked? Overheating? They also told me my DirectX drivers crashed, and I had NO PROBLEMS with other games whatsoever.

For me it turned out to be the core frequency of the graphic card. It was overclocked by the manufacturer and for some reason made the game crash to desktop. I fixed it with finding out the default core frequency of my graphic card and using MSi Afterburner to switch the core ferquency back to the default setting.

Now, this sounds all great and all, but ALL OVER THE INTERNET there are guides and explanations as how to make sure a game can still continue to function AFTER DirectX drivers crash. In fact all that is needed at such times is a restart of the DirectX drivers. This has been said and explained on here over and over but still nothing is done with this information. I find that rather odd really.

Yes, this is an issue with Arma 3. Denying it by saying it's someone's hardware is totally nonsense, because it's happening to MANY people with DIFFERENT graphic cards. That does mean something, does it? So to all the fanboys out here, I like the game too now it finally runs for me, but this is a serious issue and needs a little more than just the regular your hardware is overclocked responses people are getting. The fact remains many manufacturers overclock by default, so isn't it about time game devs (not just Bohemia) take this into account and code their games in such a way they can deal with it?

May 10 2016, 10:11 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T79055: Getting Kicked from Server while joining (without any Error Message).

I second Sami's suggestions.

People running modded servers currently have no way to determine why someone gets kicked off their server. As Sami says it just shows player .... disconnected in systemchat, but Arma 3 doesn't show to the person being disconnected why he has been kicked off the server.

May 10 2016, 9:08 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance edited Steps To Reproduce on T78876: When prone, Sniper can not move forward left after removeallweapons this; is added to its init field.
May 10 2016, 9:03 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T78085: Fatique is unrealistic.

@Lordprimate: I believe there are more casual gamers playing this game than hardcore realism unit type of people. So yeah, I don't think looking at this particular issue from a realism unit point of view is adding to a solution to the problem. Nevertheless, you did give some good things people can do about it. I am using them as well.

Having that said, the fatigue should be an option. I think RickOShay has a very good point, give people the opportunity to adjust the settinmgs the way they want them to be. I for one am running two Arma 3 servers and if I had the opportunity to get rid of this really poorly executed fatigue system I would. Yes, you can switch it off in a mission, but it is a general setting we need, for both local game play and server game play.

May 10 2016, 8:42 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T78085: Fatique is unrealistic.

I agree with the OP in terms of the fatigue system being way too quick. I don't mind learning to keep fatigue in mind but with the current system for me it is just unbearable to even play the game.

I really liked the way it worked in Arma 2, but now I feel BI are taking drastic measures to slow down player movement and such.

Can it at least be toned down to somewhat more realistic levels? The time it takes before you can't even properly move anymore is ridiculous really. For me it's a real game breaker.

May 10 2016, 8:42 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T74106: Female soldiers models should be available in the game.

I'd like to invite X39 to our server and play with our CO, who happens to be female. And I know a couple more ladies who actually play Arma 2 and Arma 3, so all this mumbo jumbo about women not playing the Arma series of games - I call your bluff.

As for the models, I believe I never said anything about it being required, it would be nice though to accomodate the female audience playing this game.

May 10 2016, 7:03 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T74106: Female soldiers models should be available in the game.

I have been watching this ticket for a while now although I decided not to add anything to it anymore, but some people are clearly acting like kids over here. Not to mention trolling, because some of them really can't let it go, can they?

Vlad, your comments about history and conflicts - totally irrelevant. Women are serving in the Army, sometimes even in combat roles, so who are you to bring in history and women's involvement in such? Get over it, the times men could confine women to their homes and what not because the men wanted to feel good about themselves are long gone. Ever heard of equality?

I also can't believe this ticket hasn't been closed already, or that at least some people were blocked from posting in this ticket. Those that really wish to leave a serious opinion or actually treat this request seriously are being ridiculed by a certain group of individuals that clearly don't have anything better to do and are so stuck in their male dominance and wisdom of the game that it is actually becoming more of an annoyance when they decide to yet again repeat themselves over and over.

BIS, close this ticket or at least block some people from posting here. Some people are just not mature enough to discuss anything they don't like in a serious way.

May 10 2016, 7:01 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T74106: Female soldiers models should be available in the game.

This is totally not relevant to this ticket, but since Arma 3 is supposed to be a milsim or at least close to it, Bohemia may want to read this and consider adding female models:

It's not exactly for combat roles, but still it does say something the Rangers are willing to see how they can fit female capabilities into their units.

I know chances are slim this will get female models in the game, but we can always hope can we? ;)

In the meantime our CO is using a mod...

May 10 2016, 7:01 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T74106: Female soldiers models should be available in the game.


Why don't you keep your freaking mouth shut? If you insist on ridiculing everyone's opinion because you seem to be the God of wisdom here then you can kiss my European ass. And what's that lame talk about people joining clans and what not? How fucking stupid are you? What does that have to do with female models and what not. You really have issues with women playing games do you?

If you don't like my opinion, then just ignore it and leave the mature talk to someone else the next time I say something. And for those wise asses now saying I don't speak in a mature way myself right now, no I indeed do not when it concerns people who clearly feel the need to talk down on opinions they don't like.

If you wanna turn Arma 3 into the game YOU want Rogerx then by all means join the developers. But in the meantime just keep your fucking mouth shut because it is obvious most people don't give a fuck about what you say. At least I don't. The reason I replied here is because you again ridicule something I say and I am not afraid to tell anyone who does that to shove their opinion up their ass.

I surely hope I will NOT run into you while playing. It's people like you I do not wish to play with. And having that said, I am done talking to you, pompous ass.

May 10 2016, 7:00 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T74106: Female soldiers models should be available in the game.

I thought the Arma community consisted mainly of mature people, instead of people who keep repeating themselves and feel they are entitled to share the same opinion over and over, and use every new comment made to spread their opinion again and again? Geez guys, get a life.

I am in a clan and our CO is actually a female player. She just enjoys games really, and mostly remains silent because of the mumbo jumbo testosteron type of male players hanging around.

This is a feature request and in my opinion a valid one. I don't give a shit about all the reasons given by some hardcore "this is a male world" attitudes about not allowing female models. This is a freaking game, not real life, and in most games there actually are female models.

Voted up.

May 10 2016, 7:00 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T73652: Random crashes to desktop.

Giova, I think the default core frequency of your GPU is 775 MHz. At least, that's what I make out of the documentation here: But I advise you to check this first with someone who can confirm this, as I don't know anyone who can.

If it is correct though, my suggestion would be to change the core frequency to 775 MHz in MSi Afterburner, click Apply and then try playing the game.

Do not use the Apply overclocking at system startup option yet, as it is best to test it first before you make the changes permanent. This way after you finished playing you can just click the Reset button to put the frequency back to the value it was shipped with.

Hopefully this will solve your issues. Let me know.

May 10 2016, 6:48 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T73652: Random crashes to desktop.

All the DXGI errors can be fixed by restarting the DirectX drivers. This is documented extensively on the internet, and mentioned on multiple forums where people discuss the same issues. It has even been mentioned on this website on several places.

Giova, can you check if the core frequency of your GPU is running on its default setting? If not, use MSi Afterburner to set it to its default setting. I can now play Arma 3, and so far (fingers crossed) the game never crashed for me anymore.

Now everybody may say, well celtic be happy your problem is solved but I still feel these errors can be dealt with by the software, i.e. the game, itself. Documentation on the internet says so, so maybe it would be a good idea to actually implement that and not send people on mostly a wild goose chase?

May 10 2016, 6:48 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T73652: Random crashes to desktop.

Well, after quite some time of not playing this game because of the many CTDs I decided to give it a try again. Yes, you guessed it right, again a CTD.

I am now getting really annoyed by this. I have provided the necessary bidmp files and RPT logs several times, and still this issue isn't fixed. The only answers I get here are: is your hardware overclocked? NO! Or, try installing the beta drivers. No, I will not install those.

Bohemia, it is time you fix this issue and spend less time on creating stuff like Zeus and what not. I feel like this issue is not even taken seriously.

I want to play this game, and not steer clear of it because it crashes more often than not.

I also feel right now I have wasted money on a game I can not enjoy.

May 10 2016, 6:48 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T73652: Random crashes to desktop.

I am sorry but I find this a very odd response. The ticket you linked this problem to has some similarities with my issues, but all the solutions provided there didn't help me at all.

It's like you're telling me now, "uhm, we don't understand what's causing the problem so you just go find your own solution". FYI, people already HAD this issue when you released Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead. Wouldn't you think that by now you would be able to prevent such issues?

So, here it is. If you can't fix this game to run without issues for me (and many many others with the same issues) I won't play it. I paid good money for this game and it's unplayable for me. And so far Bohemia hasn't done zilch to help me in any way to fix the issue.

As such I am now done with Arma 3, and won't even touch it anymore until you fix your crap. You can also say goodbye to my money for your DLCs as long as you can't seem to be bothered to look into an issue many people already reported.

Good day.

May 10 2016, 6:48 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T73652: Random crashes to desktop.

Well, I am glad it got solved for you. And what I'm about to say is not meant as an attack on you.

The problem is that for the time being I, and with me plenty of others, are having this very annoying issue. The only answer we get every time is do you have hardware overclocked? No, I do NOT. I have a computer that EXCEEDS the recommended requirements so I shouldn't have any problems.

My computer can run other very recent games without any problems, so the least I may expect is for Arma 3 to run properly as well. If there are DX11 features used that are not supported in Windows 7 Bohemia should work on a workaround. I am not a programmer but isn't it a bit odd you allow a game to use features that may not work on a certain range of computers?

It's a bloody fact most people use Windows 7 at this moment in time. It's actually the requirement for this game. I also expect DX11 to work properly on computers running Windows 7, so don't expect any sympathy from me when DX11 or some of its features are used as an excuse to justify these CTDs that have been there since the Alpha.

I, like many others, have paid for this game and can't play it to full satisfaction. That to me is a sign something needs to be fixed asap because this issue has been there since the Alpha. May I expect a fix to this issue rather sooner than later? Yes, I think so. May I expect Bohemia to fix this issue without me having to go through drastic measures such as reinstalling my OS, drivers and what not? Yes, I think so. To me all this now feels Bohemia is trying to put the computers of several users at fault by continuously referring to overclocked hardware, and for me that is just an empty solution to the problem.

I want to be able to play this game for hours on end without crashing back to desktop, or my computer freezing up totally. No other game gives me this crap, so yeah, what gives?

May 10 2016, 6:48 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T73652: Random crashes to desktop.

I am not going to reinstall or upgrade my Windows 7 to fix problems with just one game.

Bohemia needs to fix this, not us.

May 10 2016, 6:48 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T73652: Random crashes to desktop.

No, I do NOT have hardware overclocked. My CPU runs in Turbo mode which is a factory setting. The CPU is allowed to run in Turbo mode because the specs of my machine / motherboard allow it, so for me this can't be the cause of the issues I am having.

Other games run fine, it is just Arma 3 having this issue.

May 10 2016, 6:48 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T73652: Random crashes to desktop.

@kbiebs123: When your computer freezes do you also have that the sound is like bzzzzzzzz, krrrrrrrrrrr, beeeeeeeep etc.? It locks up the computer completely and it can only be fixed by shutting down my computer and rebooting it.

May 10 2016, 6:48 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T73652: Random crashes to desktop.

I again experienced 3 CTDs the past few days with version 1.08.113494. Game crashes to desktop, but keeps running in the background. I can hear the game sounds, but clicking on the Arma 3 icon doesn't do anything, and I have to use CTRL+ALT+DEL to close the game.

One of my clan mates also told me he saw the message "Steam ticket check failed" when my game CTD'd.

I will add some necessary files later on.

May 10 2016, 6:48 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance edited Steps To Reproduce on T73652: Random crashes to desktop.
May 10 2016, 6:48 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T73368: Everybody on the planet get crash to desktop every 30 minutes or less!.

Same here with the stable 110424 version. CTD, game still runs in the background, have to use Task manager to close the game. No PhysX error message though, but still I think my issue is related to this one.

I included the RPT, BIDMP and DXDIAG files.

May 10 2016, 6:39 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance edited Steps To Reproduce on T73340: When testing mission from editor Sniper can use Rangefinder, in MP he can not.
May 10 2016, 6:38 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T73223: Quad Tiltrotor Heavy Transport Aircraft and other vehicles..

Transport planes for the win :)


May 10 2016, 6:32 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T72819: CTDs, laggy main menu and mouse pointer, computer lock ups [UPDATED].

I am sorry but after seeing a very odd response in one of my other tickets (ticket: 15293 - Random crashes to desktop), and the fact I am being "helped" by being directed to a ticket that is not helpful to me at all, I have had enough of the lack of help with my issues with the game.

All this feels to me like all Bohemia is willing to tell me is, "uhm, we don't understand what's causing your problem so you just go find your own solution". FYI, people already HAD the same issue I described in ticket 15293 when you released Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead. Wouldn't you think that by now you would be able to prevent such issues?

So, here it is. If you can't fix this game to run without issues for me (and many many others reporting the same issues) I won't play it. I paid good money for this game and it's unplayable for me. And so far Bohemia hasn't done zilch to help me (and many many others) in any way to fix the issue.

As such I am now done with Arma 3, and won't even touch it anymore until you fix your crap. You can also say goodbye to my money for your DLCs as long as you can't seem to be bothered to look into an issue many people already reported.

I find the attitude of "there is nothing we can do" a very poor excuse for justifying an issue that many people have, and locking a ticket as resolved because obviously you don't know how to fix your game is beyond me as well.

Thank you for making me waste my money on a game that is not even playable for me. I have been patient enough, and the fact nothing has even been done about this issue for months tells me no one obviously gives a shit.

Good day.

May 10 2016, 6:22 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T72819: CTDs, laggy main menu and mouse pointer, computer lock ups [UPDATED].

I don't think so. As far as I know nothing is overclocked. My computer was custom build by someone else and as far as I know he hasn't overclocked anything. Also, my computer exceeds the recommended requirements for Arma 3, so I don't think overclocking is needed.

I also have to add I read through several tickets on this website and set the shadow quality to standard. I also disabled Vsync. I'm not sure though if this will temporarily fix the issue.

May 10 2016, 6:22 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T72819: CTDs, laggy main menu and mouse pointer, computer lock ups [UPDATED].

As before I am still experiencing crashes to desktop, even more so after the update to 1.02. And I still see the error messages listed in the description of this ticket in the RPT file.

Something new is that I receive a message like "your graphic card drivers stopped responding and have been restored" after the game throws me back to desktop. At this point the game is actually still running in the background, but clicking on the game icon doesn't do anything and I actually have to use Task Manager to shut the game down. This happened while editing and previewing a mission on Stratis.

Also something new is that the main menu slowed down to a crawl after I had been playing on our server for about 45 minutes. The main menu and mouse pointer got very very slow, they were rather laggy, and at a certain point my whole computer actually locked up. What's also weird was that during this issue the background of the main menu remained black. Normally you'd see Stratis from above but now it didn't show, as if it couldn't be displayed or something. I don't know how to explain exactly really. Anyway, during all this my computer didn't respond to anything anymore, not even CTRL+ALT+DEL. I actually needed to perform a hard reset to be able to use it again. I have to mention as well though this happened when I left our server after testing a mission we created ourselves, but I don't think that is related.

I have added a new file called This file contains the files from the Users/...../AppData/...../Local/Arma 3 folder, including the rpt and bidmp files, and two DxDiag files I created today.

Hopefully this issue can be fixed rather soon because for me this is a serious game breaker, and may even make me decide to stop playing.

May 10 2016, 6:22 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance edited Steps To Reproduce on T72819: CTDs, laggy main menu and mouse pointer, computer lock ups [UPDATED].
May 10 2016, 6:22 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T72819: CTDs, laggy main menu and mouse pointer, computer lock ups [UPDATED].

I have uploaded some DxDiag files, the normal one and a 64-bit one.

May 10 2016, 6:22 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T70124: IF female civilians are included in A3 as they were in A2 then they should be able to operate weapons and vehicles..

Yep, this is something this game could use.


May 10 2016, 5:00 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T65354: Completely unrealistic open terrain infantry engagement movement.

This would make the game more appealing indeed :)

May 10 2016, 1:56 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance edited Steps To Reproduce on T65156: No real Sniper / Spotter roles?.
May 10 2016, 1:49 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance edited Steps To Reproduce on T65155: Add flashbangs.
May 10 2016, 1:49 AM · Arma 3
celticalliance added a comment to T62693: Advanced Combat Radio Environment (ACRE) integration.

Not too fond of ACRE myself either, because as someone already said people who don't know how to use it or set it up won't have any use for it. As such I think this should either stay around as a mod, or, if BIS is considering of adding this to the game, at least make it the choice of the players if they want to use it or not. Forcing people to use realism features while they are not part of a realism unit or just don't use voice comms that way is something BIS should really stray away from.

Just my 5 cents...

May 10 2016, 12:11 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

celticalliance added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

Uhm, some people seem to forget this is a game? All these comments from guys in the army who come up with stories of real life examples why they feel female soldiers shouldn't be in this game, it's laughable.

This is a game people, it doesn't have to be precisely like it is in real life, doesn't it?

Upvoted, because our clan is actually run by a female CO, and she is a damn good one.

May 9 2016, 8:14 PM · Arma 3