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- User Since
- Jul 1 2016, 8:33 PM (456 w, 1 d)
Feb 16 2017
Feb 14 2017
I wear ghillie all the time, but i have seen this bug once before, hyperthermia your face is melting and you go completely grey and can die.
Here is the screen shot which you can figure out without one.
Feb 13 2017
All i really can say is, all 50 players had this issue except a couple sitting at white face mountain.
Feb 3 2017
Left side rock, you can see the height.
Feb 1 2017
Assaub, have a friend join the server prior and see what errors you get while joining. I bet it is a damaged file, why i posted the above exe error.
Jan 20 2017
Jan 19 2017
Nice please close.
Correct please close this then location incase not aware, is boe mil base
Thank you sir, a few people asked about this.
Jan 18 2017
Small house Woodhouse, looks awesome with smoke in the chim. The one with the small stove, table, storage cab.. then you go into the bedroom, storage cab, bed and fireplace.
As always will do boss.
Jan 17 2017
+1 is it releasing the memory? after each logoff.... i think that might be where it lies.
Re introducing items back into the new rendering engine? or is it really messed up with half the items not showing up.
For a lamp?
Jan 16 2017
Jan 14 2017
OK CPU did not go up over 18% use. I checked it. Ram however sky rocketted to almost 100%
Jan 13 2017
It happens still on experimental once in awhile.
Geez you know how hard that is? when it comes around it happens at the fastest second one can think of. I have had this stutter 0-10fps to 150fps back up.
Jan 11 2017
Dec 31 2016
Try space bar, it may also push you into a action and force you up or over, or through stairs, windows, walls etc.. I was using it today and it helped climb stairs. Sometimes with fists it seems to push you forward. Even on the boat on the ocean.
Dec 16 2016
I went into this radio tower 2 patches ago, some doors are too tight and kick you back out, then last night i tried to even enter the building and it kicked me completely out.
@posla have you checked your cooling too? i run liquid cooling, and ramp the speeds up to 100% for video, and cpu. I stay at around 36-39C max. On cold boot 23C and windows run 30C ish
OK that has to be impossible, so many of us on x64 bit with the same type system. I get the odd freeze up when it appears you render or alt tab to a different window.
Dec 15 2016
hmm, laggy or still loading the 1000000 servers?
When that happens, it usualy means something is up with the memory error upon exit or it is leading up to it. I too have the same issue for many patches. Sometimes it will drop fps, cpu values so low it freezes you and you see 1-8fps then rises. At first i thought it was the loot storage, but nobody has any tents so it is buildings only.
I had tested the bear trap 3/3 times you sprain your ankle when setting it. Never have i seen broken even while setting it.
Dec 14 2016
But that may be because of my poor cooling capacity of my laptop.
Dec 13 2016
I got the same issue, sometimes it floats for an alt tab catchup thing when your doing dual screens.
then you get the loading of players in the area.
Mods: DZ
Distribution: 0
Version 0.61.136670
Fault address: 00801F50 01:00400F50 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\DayZ_x64.exe
file: (__CUR_MP)
world: ChernarusPlus
Prev. code bytes: E9 03 00 00 00 CC CC CC 48 83 EC 28 85 D2 78 2B
Fault code bytes: 3B 91 D0 0F 00 00 7D 23 4C 8B 01 48 63 C2 48 8D
note: Minidump has been generated into the file C:\Users\Rob\AppData\Local\DayZ\DayZ_x64_2016-12-13_16-03-30.mdmp
Geez i have had it both ways, in floor spawns, and ran from outside. Some even have glitched through the walls.
Only reason why my leg got sprained was because the bear trap set before i scrolled and hit F to activate the trap.
Was wondering what i did.
Geez my above post i was setting the trap, but got leg sprained close to it. I set it in a house, but as i was about to use the scroll wheel to set it, i got a sprain ankle. This then lead to the pain in my leg, and the sounds did not disappear.
-went away after puking, and getting max health again.
Dec 9 2016
I was reset back 1 or more minutes, lost any items i put into my bags.
Build id = 1509085
Dec 8 2016
Dec 6 2016
Same network?
same server?
Oct 8 2016
Ok i just quit discord and it logged off arma 3 in steam.,.......
Any solution to what might cause this devs?
I play 4 hours and i end up with 26 hours just leaving the computer on. Steam automatically has arma 3 loaded.
Oct 6 2016
Nope had nothing to do with going afk, was typing a message in discord and it said i was playing arma 3 just now. Nothing loaded in processes either. Damn
Testing with possible solutions, steam overlay may have this effect?
Oct 5 2016
Last hours 440, it now said 442 hrs so its gaining hours logged in and nothing is loaded with arma. I already redid arma 3 install prior.
I was wrong, it worked for about 1 hr behind the computer, but when steam goes afk or away the system starts up arma 3. I came back and i have no power options on, just turn the monitor off. Steam shows me logged in.
It was the CCG, A3 launcher for some reason keeping it locked in place and would randomly open arma 3 for no reason at all.
Sep 12 2016
I CC this, seen it before.
Might not be a super bad thing being inside the tent but shooting someone outside while its raining heavy is a bad thing.
Aug 28 2016
Massive desync you have there. Very clear of this. Its best to try another server, or your internet is really dropping packets.
Go to the middle pole inside the tent and right click on the image at the top, or the scroll window pops up to pack the tent.
Aug 26 2016
Aug 25 2016
Many guns also have this issue, magnums and repeaters i believe. You know you loaded them before you stored them in the tents, now they disappeared. Seen it 100times already.
6 pet bottles to go hydrated dark green not bright green
I also had a problem up close with the red 9, at less then 10ft. Nothing would land, but shot. Could be packetloss that is being effected here.
I forgot i even increased and descreased the .22 with longrange scope. Even had a buddy look closely at it. I said if the 22 is going to act like this i dont want to use it for sniping. I will keep the magnum for close ranges, as i know it works good and use a cr527, or the winchester. So finally my buddy got sick of watching me go through 2 mags 50/50 and shot it for me at 200m on his cr527
Yup i know how to shoot, trust me.
It actually was about 25m at the time. i am assuming like the .22 it is desync or memory issue error.
Ok then it must have been desync, we tried at 200 meters and it wouldn't land.
Aug 24 2016
Aug 21 2016
Duping happens, it is an issue, the devs are Very well aware of it, and once the big engines get finished, i am sure they will put focus on the database duplication issues.
Aug 20 2016
Aug 19 2016
The ammo that is being found in clothing is .380, some 9mm but that is basically it. The rest is in dear stands, and around the coast, or military bases. We usually raid others tents for ammo.