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- User Since
- Dec 9 2013, 1:09 AM (579 w, 23 h)
Jul 22 2018
Mar 14 2017 - fix is given here :)
Jul 28 2016
Getting a little closer to fixing this issue, check out this link :)
Jul 6 2016
Still happening on Dev Branch; it's nothing to do with mods, as I'm not running any :)
Jul 2 2016
I've also noticed this transparency / AO issue affects the new Tanoa garbage - namely, the cinder blocks.
Jun 13 2016
Jun 12 2016
Jun 6 2016
Possibly linked to:
Might be related to:
Jun 2 2016
May 30 2016
May 10 2016
Try removing deleteVehicle / waitUntil if you're using a clean-up at the end of the script.
Is this broken? :(
Confirmed. I have taken away waitUntil command and now everything is working. Strange it was ok before.
Something is definitely wrong here, with this function. I can provide a repro if needed? Though IMHO the description on this ticket should be enough.
Same here. Stopped working with 1.48 update I think.
Chernarus isn't an official terrain for Arma 3.
Hi Adam, have you been able to reproduce the issue above? I am having the same issue and could provide a demo.
Indeed it is! No idea what makes it happen though.
IMO this is pretty urgent. Music stops even when my computer has to process something. Even on the main menu. Music is cutting out way too often leaving missions silent.
I think a few people are experiencing this at the moment. Can't replicate every time though.
That defeats the point, dillo - although appreciate the pointer! Just looks buggy as it is. Though I understand it's probably not high priority. If it's a quick fix, I'm sure it'll get looked at - if not, I'm sure it'll be sorted sometime in a future update.
Fix please
Yeah - I thought that was odd too!
Are you on Dev branch? Might have something to do with the getPosATL command not working.
Sorry - it appears I've made a duplicate of this post! If you use the setPosALT on the player - they get transported to this weird, under the sea place - really weird!
I hope this gets labelled high-priority (I mean that politely!).
This is only on Dev branch at the moment, right? I tried running one of my missions yesterday on Dev, and half my base had disappeared - or rather, had been misplaced! Yeah, quick fix would be great! Thanks.
Some have said that this is a 'feature' - which is ok, nothing wrong with the gunner being able to issue commands - however, I think there needs to be a way to either disable this 'feature' or allow for the gunner to be subordinate to the driver somehow - either by being outside the group or by being outranked. That way, the player can be a gunner and travel on a predetermined path, rather than be able to take detours which the mission maker has not anticipated. I feel it would really open up some brilliant opportunities - as well as immersive cutscenes! Plus, yeah, it's sort of crazy being able to boss a CSAT driver about- fun as it may be! :)
Hi, Oukej - ok - we noticed this the first time a couple of days ago on Dev branch but it is the same on Stable. Essentially, if you enter the Offroad vehicle as the gunner, you assume command and can give direction which override AI's waypoints. It does not matter if the player is subordinate. For instance, the AI driver can be a Colonel and you can be a Private - but you are in command. Also, it doesn't matter if the player is in another group. In fact, the AI driver can be a civilian and you can still give them directions. The trouble is, we can't create a cutscene/mission where the player is in the gunner position and is made to follow a predetermined route. Here's some community comments, etc.:!
Thanks for the response, Oukej - know you're mega busy! It really, really is appreciated. If you need a repro or anything, give us a shout.
As well, you can order OPFOR if they're the driver and you're the BLUFOR gunner! I tried that workaround! :P
Is the picture in picture on boards possible via scripting, I wonder?
Also - you can shoot someone in the face with a flare and nothing happens.
Need an option to disable mine markers in SP too. A command would be helpful too. 'This disableMarker true'.
I wonder, could we get an OGG converter on the Arma tools? :) Probably not possible - but it'd be a most welcome addition!
Any news on this?
Yeah - loads of people are struggling with this. I myself have tried 3 or 4 OGG converters and for some reason, each time, they are out of sync in-game. Also, there's a lot of flickering happening too.
DisableAI "FSM" / disableAI "TARGET" don't help either.
Their counterparts, the inbasepatrolling animations don't work either. I tried switchMove and playMove - they're bugged.
No, I can confirm - this has been an issue for a long, long time.
Even better - an option to record voice for radio commands!
Hopefully someone from the community might be able to help. I've tried countless times to get this to work and no luck. Sure it must be a bug.
I've noticed this is an issue. Not sure if I'm doing wrong or whatever?
Yeah - it's sort of strange: inside quiet / outside loud.
Why would anyone downvote this indeed?! I've tried out the above and the sound is bugged. I suggest others actually take a moment to test these issues. The say3D, say, playsound, KBTell, none of these are at the right volume when the player is in cargo. Playmusic is the only workaround I know of.
Like Frag, I've developed a mission and can't release it until this is resolved.
This really is needed. +1.
Please BIS, mission makers need to be able to disable AI voices. At present, there is no way of doing so without disabling custom chatter too.
We need enableAISpeech command.
I can't imagine it would be that difficult to do. As you said, Scott, the setAlive command seems to do the trick - but it's not really a good enough solution...
You need to use KB functions. Say commands are outmoded now.
Yes, I've also noticed the box truck (civ) has no object texture. Be nice to see one added.
May 9 2016
Broom broom. Shooty shooty. +1