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Vehicles Exploding On Mission Start Or Refusing To Move
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Hi there,

Got a bit of a big problem, only, I have no idea what's causing it. Since the latest update, vehicles are literally exploding at the beginning of the mission, or refusing to move! It occurs only when vehicles simulation is enabled via SQF (I think!). For a good example, please subscribe to my campaign on Steam and observe what happens - unfortunately, it's completely unplayable at present! It was running fine before the update. Also, it tends to happen only on the very first playthrough - but weirdly, it seems to happen consistently, on the very first playthrough!


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

If you check out my campaign on Steam - Right at the beginning, a truck arrives and the cutscene ends. You'll notice though the truck never arrives. It's because it has exploded on the road to the right of the player's position (you can see the pillar of smoke). This is also happening on later missions too.

EDIT: I've implemented a fix by disabling damage on the vehicles affected; also, it seems to have something to do with the process of exporting missions from the 2D editor to the 3D editor, as only missions exported in this way are causing problems.

Additional Information

Problem occurs since update. Affecting most subscribers. If you need to look at the scripts, from the intro scene, just check out the init.sqf.

Event Timeline

Kazanzakis edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Kazanzakis edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Kazanzakis updated the task description. (Show Details)Jun 2 2016, 11:23 AM

Still happening on Dev Branch; it's nothing to do with mods, as I'm not running any :)

PiepMGI added a subscriber: PiepMGI.Aug 1 2016, 3:41 AM

Yes, It's a vanilla bug! Place helicopter of plane units on Tanoa Map (airport) Make the enableSimulation false with Eden attributes. Add a trigger BLUFOR present (or else) firing at player with on act:
{_x enableSimulationGlobal true} forEach ((allMissionObjects "") select {_x inArea thisTrigger}) or vehicles or what you want to target the units.
If trigger is not firing (civil player instead of BLUFOR), the units are effectively enableSimulation false;
If trigger is firing, these (disabled sim) units explode.