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Sep 23 2022, 10:40 AM (127 w, 2 d)

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Mar 9 2024

JerseyD911 added a comment to T179743: Tripwires not working properly.

Your just being a kid dude, you think I need to argue with some guy over nothing? Year, you're the boss, server owner and so on, but act like one too. 'Case first time instead of showing some reasonable couter-arguments you just went "you don't understand shit and your avatar is dumb". And now you completely forgot and playig lawful citizen "Geez, please, let me get rid of this guy", feel free Geez, sorry Geez. Don't need to sorry for me, sorry for yourself dude. Imagine if somebody at school came to your child and said "ya know kid, your face looks like you're dumb or so, yea, that tells a lot about you", and later that person will just act like nothing happened. Next time just think first maybe. I didn't got anyone, you got yourself long befory anyone else. And you're right about the noise, it must be the reason why you insult first, and backing down later with the tail between the legs. 10 years... server owner... and throws stupid insults like a 1st grader in CS:GO.

Mar 9 2024, 7:25 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T179743: Tripwires not working properly.

@Spaggie I love that you typed "Please do stop gatekeeping the feedback process @JerseyD911" while you were the one who started to talk to me in the first place. Your answer is very apt, thanks for the laugh.

Mar 9 2024, 5:07 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T179743: Tripwires not working properly.

@Spaggie oh, so you are the hoster, nice to meat you man. OFC I'm dumb shit hater who don't even understand what's going on, ofc you're a saint super good guy, I don't doubt in that and not questioning that. But If I would go and set up dedicated vanilla server right now, somehow I won't get that error, and you have it. Do we have different Dayz maybe? And be easy with the avatar judging mate. You don't know me, maybe I really do have down syndrom, or asperger, or else. It's OK if you were some random player, but you're a serv hoster, and not one serv as far as I can tell. And you letting yourself to put your rep in danger like this, because of this tiny argument on the ticket? Dame, you have my respect, you need to have large cohones for a move like that. I think you're very talanted in what you do as you willing to risk your rep over nothing, that tells a lot about you as man of the business. Good luck with your issue. And ofc I was fooling you, it's not your side fault, it's the trickie devs send you busted version of dayz, bustards. They must thought it would be funny to make it work for everyone else an to fail only on your serv. Yes, classic devs prank : ) Have fun.

Mar 9 2024, 3:54 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 created T179783: Feedback about writing notes.
Mar 9 2024, 3:09 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T179735: Improvised Feet Wrapping Sound.
Mar 9 2024, 3:03 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T179743: Tripwires not working properly.

And if you want fix it yourself - start with launchiing full vanilla server, test tripwires, if works - add mods one by one till you determine the faulty one. Even if vanilla with zero mods not working - means you set up the serv badly, or maybe some of the files are damaged/not loaded.

Mar 9 2024, 2:59 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T179743: Tripwires not working properly.

@mrdarn Tell you a story, I had a friend who worked as a PC tech (fixig, reinstalling soft and so on). He said 90% of the time client said "everything is FINE, but still it keeps lagging/glitching", and he is so persuasive that you start to belive "damn. if everything is like he says that this is real mistery". Till the moment when you check his PC. You look inside - and there's mess, It's like dealer tried to sell you old totota civic as porshe spider. I'm not saying that you are like those clients, my point is you can sell it to me as hard as you can, the in the end the fact is that the server is "custom", set up by not "bohemian" personal. You say you're sure in that person 1000%, sure that he won't make a tiniest misstake? OK. But I see you 1st time, and haven't see your guy at all. You got the point, right. My advice if you are interested in solving the problem take different approach: contact directly server hosters, and here start with "hey guys, I have custom server and this problem with this settings and this mod list, maybe you could help me". PPl will take you more positive and will to help you more you know. 'Cause starting something like "I have your game, doesn't work, come on, fix it" it will only stretch the process in time you know.

Mar 9 2024, 2:56 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T179248: Add Masking to PP Effects.

I know it is possible, I was talking about adding it to vanilla.

Mar 9 2024, 2:46 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T179743: Tripwires not working properly.

You guys should pin something like this on your twitter page, or here on feedback tracker, you'll have a bit less of unnecessary work to do

Mar 9 2024, 5:45 AM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T179743: Tripwires not working properly.

Dudes you're being ridiculous. With due respect, but once a server has at least one mod, even tiny, the vanilla dayz ecosystem is no longer valid, therefore it's not Bohemias problem, contact directly hosters via discord or else.

Mar 9 2024, 5:43 AM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T179248: Add Masking to PP Effects.

It also woud be nice to have alpha mask overlay of dirt/scratches

Mar 9 2024, 5:39 AM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T179770: Feature: smoke nades to causes player to cough.

Basically like from the toxic gas, but you don't have any damage/cuts

Mar 9 2024, 5:35 AM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T179770: Feature: smoke nades to causes player to cough.

but when you wear Gasmask+filter, Combatmask, face cover you don't cough. Yep, that is nice one

Mar 9 2024, 5:34 AM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T179760: Reload glitch stable 1.24.

Hope this will help somehow

Mar 9 2024, 5:33 AM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T179760: Reload glitch stable 1.24.

I thought I cracked the sequence, but turned out I didn't. I tested it with AUG X (long one with scope rail), and it worked fine for it, reload every time you press/hold "R". Then I re-entered the serv after some time - it stopped to work. I had space for reload 60rnd stanag mag for AUG (6 slots), AUG X, and 2 60rnd mags, one in the weapon, other one in Press Vest as spare. So the first time it worked with press/hold "R", but it din't work 2nd time. I had to reload it manualy via tab (drag-n-drop), and that action gave me +1 for reload, I mean I coud reload it with press/hold "R" one more time, than I had to reload it manualy again to gain +1 press/hold "R" reload action, so you see. It worked like this for some time. Than I drove a car for about 30min and tried it one more time - it started to work normal again, unlimited amount of press/hold "R" reloads. Don't know what can cause it.
But it is possible to recreate this bug:

  1. Equip yourself with PlateCarrier+Pouches or Press Vest;
  2. Get AUR X + two 60 rnd Stanag mags;
  3. Load one mag into Aug and put the other one in the pouch / press vest;
  4. Make sure you have space for reload in the pouch / press vest (3x2 slots);
  5. Assign Aug to hotkey ("1" for example) and take it in the hands;
  6. Leave the server;
  7. Log back again (10-15 sec after logging out);
  8. Reload Aug (which you have in your hands from before) via press/hold "R";
  9. 1st reload had to be OK, but 2nd (or 3rd) won't go through (press/hold "R" won't work); - if it works anyway means you didn't recreate the bug this time, try same sequence, but with small aug and 2 30rnd aug mags, rest of the steps are similar
  10. If it didn't reload on the 2nd (or 3rd) time via press/hold "R", means you recreated the bug;
  11. Now it doesn't reload via press/hold "R", so reload it via TAB/drag-n-drop;
  12. Now after you did manual relod - reload it via press/hold "R" again - it has to reload it this one time, but after you need to provide "manual" reload to gain +1 via press/hold "R" reload and so on...
Mar 9 2024, 5:30 AM · DayZ

Mar 8 2024

JerseyD911 added a comment to T179760: Reload glitch stable 1.24.
Mar 8 2024, 11:00 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T179735: Improvised Feet Wrapping Sound.

This is not a bug, they've changed it in one of the previous updates and replaced it with standard shoe sound (some guy about a year ago cried because of he got killed by somebody who sneaked to him from behind, and it was easier to cry here than crank up yhe volume). So now rags has standard shoe sound. It is very veird that Geez marked it as "Awaiting internal Testing". It was if official patch notes, but I don't remember the patch, somewhere near 1.20 or so. Don't tell me guys you gonna change it back as it was before the update. That would be nice ofc, but a hell of a LOL too, fixing your own patches :). Yea, no offence, I just remember that situation when you were about to change it from silent to normal shoe sound, which is kinda weird, dayz is so realistic, but rags has standard rubber shoe sound :) Have fun

Mar 8 2024, 4:33 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T168127: Missing wall textures in Kopa Prison (Livonia, Version 1.19.155361).

it is not missing textures, that is probably multi texture/rvmat over there, and the black spots are visible if you look closely, it's the shadows that acts weird, not the textures

Mar 8 2024, 4:28 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 edited Steps To Reproduce on T179760: Reload glitch stable 1.24.
Mar 8 2024, 4:26 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 created T179760: Reload glitch stable 1.24.
Mar 8 2024, 4:23 PM · DayZ

Mar 2 2024

JerseyD911 added a comment to T179600: Sniping state in 1.24.

That's why bigger caliber that used only by this new weapon is a problem solver. 1 shot to kill on 800+m, extremely rare, to compensate in cqb - long barrel, 5rnd mag or even only single round chambered rifle will make it hard to use in close quarters. Shoud have done years ago, but Dayz is a mistery game: motorcycle helmets without bikes, pilot helmets without any air transport, ghilly suits with barely alive sniping X_x

Mar 2 2024, 5:39 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 created T179600: Sniping state in 1.24.
Mar 2 2024, 2:56 PM · DayZ

Feb 28 2024

JerseyD911 added a comment to T179443: Feature request.

Feb 28 2024, 6:48 AM · DayZ
JerseyD911 created T179443: Feature request.
Feb 28 2024, 5:26 AM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T179412: Feature request.

my bad, wrong thread

Feb 28 2024, 5:26 AM · Arma 3

Feb 27 2024

JerseyD911 created T179412: Feature request.
Feb 27 2024, 2:54 AM · Arma 3

Feb 15 2024

JerseyD911 added a comment to T179114: The Lod Texture on these bushes can be missleading.

Agreed. Also golden deagle looks like a golden bar, very missleading too. I think you should add gigant letters that says "this is deagle, not golden bar" right above the player every time he takes it out of holster.

Feb 15 2024, 8:38 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T179090: Cheaters on the server.
Feb 15 2024, 8:32 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T179090: Cheaters on the server.
Feb 15 2024, 8:29 PM · DayZ

Feb 14 2024

JerseyD911 added a comment to T179090: Cheaters on the server.
Feb 14 2024, 1:20 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 updated the task description for T179093: Feature Request.
Feb 14 2024, 4:51 AM · DayZ
JerseyD911 updated the task description for T179093: Feature Request.
Feb 14 2024, 4:51 AM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T179090: Cheaters on the server.
Feb 14 2024, 4:48 AM · DayZ
JerseyD911 created T179093: Feature Request.
Feb 14 2024, 4:45 AM · DayZ

Feb 13 2024

JerseyD911 added a comment to T177051: Purple sunset/sunrise atmosphere.

vanilla, not modded

Feb 13 2024, 1:29 PM · DayZ

Feb 12 2024

JerseyD911 added a comment to T179002: padlock code detector trick.

It's 15 min to crack 3 digit codelock. ~2,5 hours to break 4 digit codelock. And this is if he starts with 0000 and the code is 9999. If all doors had same code it is 2,5 hours max + 2,5 hours for last door (different code as you said). If he had a lot of time and persistence - why not. Cheater would probably just use teleport instead of unlocking all doors.

Feb 12 2024, 7:15 AM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T179010: Rendering of "Land_City_Hospital" is Bugged.

No man, that's the Dayz Red Face the Reality pill. That's the joke ofc. Funny it is red, looks like red berette

Feb 12 2024, 7:11 AM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T177818: A request from all Modders.
Feb 12 2024, 7:08 AM · DayZ Modding, DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T177818: A request from all Modders.
Feb 12 2024, 7:07 AM · DayZ Modding, DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T177051: Purple sunset/sunrise atmosphere.

I like the purple sky. Plus you don't know whole story. Maybe the sun went rouge and burned half of the ozone layer, maybe it is one of the reasons told by Nate (pollution/volcanic ash). Anyway, it's not something that can't be changed on custom servers. Yes, not like IRL, but if it was IRL there are reasons for that, so not fictional, or "cartoony". I think it's nice.

Feb 12 2024, 7:01 AM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T178678: Question: Navmesh with DayZ Editor or other methods.

@Nate_LapT you can extract coords of new placed buildings and put them in init.c (google it, it's not hard), and the method will work for you. As far as I know this is the only way to add custom navmesh, but I may be wrong.

Feb 12 2024, 6:56 AM · DayZ Modding, DayZ

Feb 7 2024

JerseyD911 created T178930: Weapon magazines Feedback.
Feb 7 2024, 8:09 PM · DayZ

Jan 29 2024

JerseyD911 added a comment to T175829: Request for "Emergency Radio channel" Feature.

Agreed. We need radio to be more involved. Right now on official servers it's a dead devide. And you also made a misstake, it is "russian", not "R"

Jan 29 2024, 12:28 PM · DayZ

Jan 27 2024

JerseyD911 created T178709: Feedback.
Jan 27 2024, 4:17 AM · DayZ

Jan 26 2024

JerseyD911 added a comment to T178672: 1.24 Experimental: Bandaging doesn't take effectivity into account anymore.

agreed, bandages should stay more efficient, otherwise rags = bandages, just different model

Jan 26 2024, 6:17 AM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T178678: Question: Navmesh with DayZ Editor or other methods.

It won't update with time, you need to generate new navmesh and add it as a custom addon to the server, so there AI will see new buildings. Right now if you haven't done nothing with navmes - they are completely blind, can see only vanilla objects. This video explains pretty everything.

Jan 26 2024, 6:14 AM · DayZ Modding, DayZ
JerseyD911 created T178683: Toxic zones feedback.
Jan 26 2024, 6:11 AM · DayZ

Dec 11 2023

JerseyD911 added a comment to T177594: Unable to change mags through holding R btn..

you need to have free room to reload, especially 40-60 rounders (4 and 6 free slots)

Dec 11 2023, 6:31 AM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T169018: Aming down sight while prone.

and range finders

Dec 11 2023, 6:28 AM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T177780: disarming landmines always explode now?.

They are supposed to explode, as far as I remember there are some chances that you will save it, but not in your favour. If you spotted land mine - just realise how lucky you are and move on, leave it as a present for other person, Or if you're that crazy, at least drop everything on the ground, leave only platecarrier and helmet, and only then try to disarm it

Dec 11 2023, 6:26 AM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T177774: Reduce aiming speed and leaning change.

lemmac is right, that on the video it is not dayz, it is very overmodded don't know what. Go argue with owners, why you want to make Dayz same bad for all ppl? "No stamina is the only difference" - it is HUGE, game changing difference. Again, aiming on vanilla servers right now is perfectly balanced

Dec 11 2023, 6:12 AM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T177774: Reduce aiming speed and leaning change.
Dec 11 2023, 6:05 AM · DayZ

Dec 10 2023

JerseyD911 added a comment to T177750: Load and unload.

how does game going to know either you wanno load or unload a gun with single R push? This is not tarkov mate, loading/unloading has no issues at all atm

Dec 10 2023, 1:14 AM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T177774: Reduce aiming speed and leaning change.

The aiming is fine, drink less energetic drinks. Also you just want to leave ppl no choice but run and hide, a lot ppl want to fight back, freedom of choice.

Dec 10 2023, 1:10 AM · DayZ

Nov 30 2023

JerseyD911 added a comment to T176035: [Suggestion] Overhaul how players speak and listen over the radio transmission.

Right now on vanilla radio is the safest way to transfer the info, because nobody use it ;)

Nov 30 2023, 4:51 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T176035: [Suggestion] Overhaul how players speak and listen over the radio transmission.

Finally, some movement under the radio theme.

Nov 30 2023, 1:29 PM · DayZ

Nov 17 2023

JerseyD911 added a comment to T177216: Attached items to your character while driving.

Han man, you don't get the message that we put in that mechanic. When the gun is sticking out of the roof it says "hey, don't mess with me or my car, I have the gun". So no, that feature is permanent. Right now we're thinking about the option to add extreme front brackes, so the car would get 90 degrees position to the ground when you hit the front brakes, and if you have a gun on your shoulder in that moment you will be able to shoot from it. But this is just a concept atm, so might change. Thank you for your opinion though.

Nov 17 2023, 1:08 AM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T177193: Being teleported .

OMG, we heard you my friend, just give us couple of hours, we're calling immediate consilium of dev team to help you. Please, report the coordinates of the base so we would know where to look, thank you.

Nov 17 2023, 1:02 AM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T177192: Lost My M70 Tundra a looted yesterday, and did not switch server but had been .

@lemmac ;))))))))))))))))))) You are a genius :) So much moves because of a single tundra. Even PPL who lost their 6months bases because of cheaters didn't react that way. Yeah, but you keep on trying my friend, maybe one day you'll have your sniper back

Nov 17 2023, 1:00 AM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T177189: lags when shooting.

That is heavy modded custom server, go to the owners, what do you expect to reach here?

Nov 17 2023, 12:57 AM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T177186: Cheater in DayZ.
Nov 17 2023, 12:48 AM · DayZ

Nov 2 2023

JerseyD911 added a comment to T175639: NATO 6x48 optic zooms in against players will..

It happens to all optics that has secondary scope (or scope + iron scope on weapon combination). Once you in zoom mode (main scope) on one weapon, 2nd weapon automaticly switches to zoom mode (main scope) aswell (if the scope is present on the 2nd weapon ofc). And once you switch back to iron scope on that 2nd weapon and stitch to 1st weapon it will be in iron scope mode aswell. But maybe you meant something else

Nov 2 2023, 6:41 PM · DayZ

Oct 27 2023

JerseyD911 added a comment to T176588: BK-133 Experimental/Stable aim bug.

Oh, one more, 3rd screen - notice shotgun pellet on the left side in the air - same bug as for M79 reversed round after log in on the server (already created a ticket before). Looks like that bug is spread among a lot of weapons, but is visible only on some due to round position

Oct 27 2023, 8:35 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T176588: BK-133 Experimental/Stable aim bug.

Not sure what is that, a hand or a part of a gun (most likely one of the fingers), but it always there. Noticed just recently, don't much of a shotgun user

Oct 27 2023, 8:33 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 created T176588: BK-133 Experimental/Stable aim bug.
Oct 27 2023, 6:06 PM · DayZ

Oct 17 2023

JerseyD911 created T176342: Experimental branch.
Oct 17 2023, 11:09 PM · Arma Reforger
JerseyD911 created T176341: Config files request.
Oct 17 2023, 10:23 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 updated the task description for T176339: 1.22 Stable Question/Feedback.
Oct 17 2023, 8:27 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 created T176339: 1.22 Stable Question/Feedback.
Oct 17 2023, 8:26 PM · DayZ

Oct 15 2023

JerseyD911 created T176272: 1.23 Exp EU-UK 0-3 (Experimental/Unstable) Bear.
Oct 15 2023, 9:48 PM · DayZ

Oct 13 2023

JerseyD911 added a comment to T164263: Too long English translation covers the following text.

Oh man, never carry grenades like that

Oct 13 2023, 2:27 PM · DayZ

Oct 9 2023

JerseyD911 added a comment to T176057: 1.23 Experimental M14 multiple usti hlavne.

@Geez OK, but you still need to put 1 and 4 points (usti and konec) little bit higher to match center of the gun barrel (and don't forget to add trigger selection). So "starflash" is being used in Dayz or it's Reforgers selections? And yes, think this is unbinarized M14 model, found it on the internet ofc, me personally would never do such terrible, terrible crime, who want's to go to Bohemias basement jail? Heard few modders went missing month ago or so, you take it easier on them, they were just beginners. At least they will see all unreleased stuff that you keep in that basements:) Anyway, upper M14 is from reforger, and lower seems to be custom maid, so you 50% cheated and I thank you for that, keep doing more this kind of cheating. And a bit of seriousness, don't bother about the model, as far as I now modders who repack raw dayz assets and put them on workshop get fast strikes, so they don't do that as often as before, 'cause if that thing is in the serverpack the single strile will put the whole server down, they have more respect to copyright now.

Oct 9 2023, 11:16 AM · DayZ

Oct 8 2023

JerseyD911 created T176057: 1.23 Experimental M14 multiple usti hlavne.
Oct 8 2023, 1:35 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T176046: Tisy Radar stairs door trigger too small.

They are, takes a lot of time to catch open "F" option

Oct 8 2023, 1:23 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T176037: Exp 1.23 LOD Shading bug in Severograd.

Livonia, Swarog, Radar building, 1st floor, doors that leads to the stairs - dame you need to spend 10-20sec to catch that "F" pop up

Oct 8 2023, 1:23 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T176050: [EXPERIMENTAL] DayZ 1.23 - Weird moon(?) shadow in the skybox..

Sky is good, but the moon needs to be reworked I think

Oct 8 2023, 1:21 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T176035: [Suggestion] Overhaul how players speak and listen over the radio transmission.

@kuzyn your idea is good, but it's very local. Yes, it will definitelyimprove radio, but without major change nobody will use it

Oct 8 2023, 1:19 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T176035: [Suggestion] Overhaul how players speak and listen over the radio transmission.

For 10 years playing Dayz haven't caught a SINGLE transmission, and I'm trying to take radio every time I see it and always turn it on. Maybe if you implemented it in some sort of quest/mission or else, so ppl if they want to find some top/secret or else loot need to care the radio on and listen to a certain frequency or something. Few years ago on community servers you had to have radio on to get notification that airdrop is dropping here or there, if you didn't have radio - no notifications. PPL won't use radio as a communication item, that aspect is dead, everyone is on discord now, but if you implement it in some quest or mission as I said, not for talking to other players, ppl will have to use it if they want to get the loot in the end of that mission. Anyway, you got the point. As current state of things radion is a rudiment, just an item that can provide white noise, nothing more. You can also check professor Legasov mod on workshop as a reference

Oct 8 2023, 1:17 PM · DayZ

Oct 6 2023

JerseyD911 added a comment to T175919: 1.23 Experimental bug/feedback.

@Astalonte respect for what? It's like presidential elections, your candidate says to you "pst, mate, vote for me, I'll build roads, schools, hospitals". You vote for him, he wins, 4 years have passed you ask him "man where is all that stuff that you promised?", he gives you a chocolate and says "piss off mate". You say wtf dude? Than guy like you comes and says "Show some respect. Stop moaning and treating people that bad. Honestly people like you make this community much worse.". Honestly, mate, the one who is moaning is you, this is a feedback tracker, I'm posting some feedback, if you don't like it - stop moaning, if you want to post your opinion - go create new ticket and post it there "oh holy devs, you do it soo, soo good, thank you very much", or just more humble "ty devs, keep going bla bla", but I don't see tickets like that, none. It's not me complaining too much, it's you guys ready to take evertything they throw you: mime masks as a main update feature or anything else. Don't get me wrong, M14 and new skyboxes are really good additions, but what about the stuff that was promised back in 2015? And how they hinted about rabbit holes and a scary god of deepest underground before 1.23, and what?, do you have your underground system at NWAF? No, but that would be ok if they didn't hint about that. Get it now? If you have some time read about dead matter where guys like you accepted everything, and what did they had on release? Rawest pre-pre alpha, buggy as hell, check steam reviews.

Oct 6 2023, 8:17 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T175983: 1.23 Exp M14 Rifle.

@WeirdXone Dry sound means when you shoot with no bullets in chamber, try with any other vanilla weapon

Oct 6 2023, 4:45 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T175984: New Skybox - Clouds Variety.

yes, definitely needs more variations

Oct 6 2023, 4:29 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T175972: Out of map bug.

@HawkZ720 what server is that?

Oct 6 2023, 4:28 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 updated the task description for T175983: 1.23 Exp M14 Rifle.
Oct 6 2023, 3:28 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 created T175983: 1.23 Exp M14 Rifle.
Oct 6 2023, 3:14 PM · DayZ

Oct 5 2023

JerseyD911 created T175919: 1.23 Experimental bug/feedback.
Oct 5 2023, 6:07 PM · DayZ

Oct 3 2023

JerseyD911 added a comment to T175361: homePC server 40mm rounds issue.

@terrylava just find normal spawned rounds, they'll work. The one that you spawn yourseld won't work

Oct 3 2023, 6:34 PM · DayZ

Sep 23 2023

JerseyD911 added a comment to T175603: Disconnect bug when other player is nearby.

@PostmanPat87 wow srsly? Cool. At least private servers will be ok, with their active admins there's no cheaters problem at all.

Sep 23 2023, 12:59 PM · DayZ

Sep 20 2023

JerseyD911 added a comment to T174740: Current state of the Ghillie in DayZ - Feedback/Suggestion Post.

You guys not fixing stuff for years, not releasing the things that you showed/promised for years, the game is 10 y.o. now, and in general compared to original arma II mod it has only a tiny part of things that ppl liked dayz for, and you still think than when you release dayz 2 all ppl will be like "shut up and take my money"? Well, some part will, but there's another part that has everything OK with the memory. "Hello, here's to you dayz 2, welcome to another 10 years of promises, cancelations and doing nothing", - no, thanks. You're so lucky to have this 80lvl tolerate community, if it wasn't about modding you'd be long dead and forgotten by now, and still you have balls to treat them like shit. Toxic zones/dynamic events - copy/pasted Radioation mod, even vanilla train event goes in the same place in Solnechniy, Explosives/C4 - same, humvees - RaG Tysons mod, Dambog - from numerous amazing custom undergrounds locations on custom servers + keycard mod. Don't you have your own imagination? Did you even thank that ppl for the ideas? But yea, don't bother, just another stupid kid, what does he know, right?

Sep 20 2023, 5:15 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T175601: ADS bug is still present (when scope goes down, experimental branch).

But ofc, if WOBO posts about some bug, - fix comes with a speed of light.

Sep 20 2023, 4:07 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T175601: ADS bug is still present (when scope goes down, experimental branch).

@Jaakael, seems like it's the same, so propably yes. But I tried to aim downhill, not uphill. 3 months past after you opened your tickect, typical. Another half a decade and think we'll get fix for this one :)

Sep 20 2023, 4:03 PM · DayZ

Sep 19 2023

JerseyD911 created T175603: Disconnect bug when other player is nearby.
Sep 19 2023, 8:24 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 updated the task description for T175602: Livonia EU - DE 9485 blocked entrance to the Dambog underground.
Sep 19 2023, 7:47 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 created T175602: Livonia EU - DE 9485 blocked entrance to the Dambog underground.
Sep 19 2023, 7:43 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 created T175601: ADS bug is still present (when scope goes down, experimental branch).
Sep 19 2023, 7:33 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 edited Additional Information on T175600: Chambered round misplaced bug (Dayz Experimental).
Sep 19 2023, 7:25 PM · DayZ
JerseyD911 created T175600: Chambered round misplaced bug (Dayz Experimental).
Sep 19 2023, 7:25 PM · DayZ

Sep 18 2023

JerseyD911 added a comment to T175548: container_1aoh.p3d: missing \dz\structures\industrial\containers\data\misc_cargo1b_int_co.paa.

And yea, doors.... so many with displaced open/close sound. You open it on the 2nd floor, the sound is somewhere on the first. But this particular one became more like a feature already

Sep 18 2023, 5:22 PM · DayZ Modding, DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T175548: container_1aoh.p3d: missing \dz\structures\industrial\containers\data\misc_cargo1b_int_co.paa.

Exactly, 100%. Original dayz addon builder is soo unreliable, so many mistakes come through. At the beginning when I was using it I could spend hours just to find missing coma or something like that, on the other hand Mikero's packer is like a true magic compared to it. I noticed those small misstales too (missing rvmats/wrong paths and so), but since they mostly doing nothing about much much bigger problems, I doubt somebody gonna fix such small flaws on a 10y.o game, but who knows

Sep 18 2023, 5:20 PM · DayZ Modding, DayZ
JerseyD911 added a comment to T175548: container_1aoh.p3d: missing \dz\structures\industrial\containers\data\misc_cargo1b_int_co.paa.

You hould've combined all those into one ticket

Sep 18 2023, 11:18 AM · DayZ Modding, DayZ

Sep 17 2023

JerseyD911 added a comment to T175524: Steam launcher is awful!.

Same thing on Livonia experimental, 2-3 tries before can get on the serv

Sep 17 2023, 6:44 PM · DayZ