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Livonia EU - DE 9485 blocked entrance to the Dambog underground
Reviewed, NormalPublic


This guys managed to find out new more efficient way to protect their base, + rep for them for this new method. They put gates vertically one beside another, so basically the entrance is undestructable (side piles doesn't take damage, or thake it very minor, I tested in offline mod, they took 10 yellow-double C4, I stopped testing after 10, they were still pristine). It's behind the main entrance. And if you play solo this is your only entrance to Dambog. I wouldn't make a ticket about this, 'cause this is really cool and guys had straight A++ on imagination lessons at school, but ppl snitched out (reported) the only working way to stash your loot safe from cheaters and you turned that off (it wasn't a bug/exploit or esle, a legit way but somebody reported so.... nothing personal gate guys). Anyway, fix this, ppl can't get to Dambog on this server.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Spawn on Livonia EU - DE 9485, solo, got to Dambog, try to enter the bunker

Additional Information

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Sep 20 2023, 9:26 AM
Unknown Object (User) added a subscriber: Unknown Object (User).Sep 21 2023, 6:49 PM

I think after destroy the walls it's removable with shovel etc.