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- Mar 8 2013, 3:25 PM (622 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
At my rifle optics (real) too!
Realism... Do not remove!
Is different of the 0002452.
0002452 is for soldiers inside the armored cars. My is for aerial vehicles.
K60 have Flares!
Its ARMA not BF or CoD. All PILOTS needs to known how to evade this. With ACE Mod its be diferent. But its good to day (vanila).
+1 to more realism, like arma 2 with altimeter for halo jumps.
You can set a waypoint for yourself on the map with shift + L-click
The purpose of this topic would create the possibility of making a flight plan and not just a reference direction, until that, when you put the veteran difficulty, these markings distances and points disappear when you are not looking at this map.
If we could do a flight plan map, the same could be imported into the GPS and so the pilot could orient themselves. Just like in a real TAD.
Realy...Realy...Realy good to see this in game!
Im never play the last CoD game, but, now a days, the US Army, use this kind of vests to make fome missions and and testing other kinds of wing suits with jet engines.
This vests is used to do many kinds of missions. Exemple is a stealth missions with far LZ and hi altitude halo.
Other kind of missions can be made with this kind of suit.
Will be nice if Boemia put this kind of suit in acessories.
Wingsuit will very nice if its been put in arma3. Now a days, army forces use this vests to do some missions with long range jump, without spot aircraft on radar!
Balistics need to be improved.
here... works fine.
To bind keys, if this still duplicated, you will have a problem... See if this key, its not in use for other controls.
Its a MOD/Addon. Its been made by another group.
Same here!
I could configure my joystik X65F, but X65F have a Force Sence sistem and its, bugging with game sensibilities.
The game do not recognizes all butons in X65F, forcing me to use the Saitek Profile editor.
I have a Saitek X65F (Joystik) and i have many dificulto to set him at Arma 3.
I dont know why.
Its will be nice for game realism.
Consider.... Wind can exert influence in aerodinamic and fly!
I did not want to explain so technically but very good Scorpion.
Thats the point.
Overspeed results in loss of aerodynamics of the aircraft, causing the loss of control, in some cases system failure or even destruction of the equipment.
probably, because you stay at over speed for this model of chopper.
This is a problem with a mission wen its have been made!
Script error probabli.
May 9 2016
Hapens with me too on the wather and land.
But at my case, I touch the blades on ground and my chopper bounce in the air again and i can to control him and manage him to emergencial landing with more 5 players at the chopper.
Only 2 needed medical assistance (me and my co-pilot).
I have a GTX680 OC 2Gb and I7 3820 and 28Gb of RAM DDR3 1600 and OS at SSD Vertex4.... and I have a low FPS (18-60) and low usage of my hardware (6%-25%).
CPU usage: 6%-20%
GPU usage: 6%-25%
CPU: I7 3820 LGA2011 @4.0Ghtz
RAM: 28Gb DDR3 1600
GPU: GTX680 OC 2Gb
OS: Win7 Pro 64bits at SSD Vertex4
Please, close!
It's resolved.
Name of mission is Domination Lite.
MP Mission at server.
Im as Pilot class (but only pilot can pilot at that mission), i go to the ammo box, pick my gun and ammo.
Wen i fly and land i lost all my ammo. i go again to ammo box pick more ammo and again i lost before land my helicopter (littlebird - Transport version and Atack).
Thx for feedback.
Sorry, but im never played the Wasteland mod before. Im asking about SP and MP original game mode.
My problem is with, Intel Processors and Nvidia GPUs at single GPU, not AMD Chips.
Diferent Architectures.
But Thanks.
I have a GTX680 OC 2Gb and I7 3820 and 28Gb of RAM DDR3 1600 and OS at SSD Vertex4.... and I have a low FPS (18-60) and low usage of my hardware (6%-12%).
CPU usage: 6%-20%
GPU usage: 6%-25%
CPU: I7 3820 LGA2011 @4.0
RAM: 28Gb DDR3 1600
GPU: GTX680 OC 2Gb
OS: Win7 Pro 64bits at SSD Vertex4
I have a GTX680 OC 2Gb and I7 3820 and 28Gb of RAM DDR3 1600 and OS at SSD Vertex4.... and I have a low FPS (18-60) and low usage of my hardware (6%-12%).
CPU usage: 6%-20% - Only 3 or 4 cores be used (only 2 cores at heavy activity). I have 8 cores!
GPU usage: 6%-25%
CPU: I7 3820 LGA2011 @4.0
RAM: 28Gb DDR3 1600
GPU: GTX680 OC 2Gb
OS: Win7 Pro 64bits at SSD Vertex4
Me too...
I have a GTX680 OC 2Gb and I7 3820 and 28Gb of RAM 1600 and OS at SSD Vertex4.... and I have a low FPS (18-60) and low usage of my hardware (6%-12%).
Problem its already been fixed! Thx.
But the game needs a x64 .exe.
I see it too. The wather pass intro the boat model. Correct is the boat jumps or kicks this waves, forcig the driver drive carefully.
ArmA Soldier do not use this kind of night vision (PVS-7). At ArmA 3 they use a modern version (the game is modern). I think, it can have a contrast control like a old ACE2 MOD.
I have.
- 26Gb of RAM 1600;
- i7 @4.0;
- ASUS P9X79;
- GTX 680 O.C
- Win 7 64bits at SSD;
- Arm3 at dedicated SSD.
At Full ultra setings with all on (Viw distance at 6000 objects at 3000 Shadows at 200), my game do not pass 29fps in Altis and 40 at Stratis.
But i have MANY drops in my FPS to 9 - 15 at all islands.
ArmA3 is 32bits.
Will really good if BIS makes a 64bits exe for ArmA 3.
Nowadays all games have 64bit exe, I dono't know why the ArmA 3 don't have it, it's a new game.
I7 with 4Gb of RAM! lol
You need to expand your RAM too, and BIS to fix this problem with sistem usage.
I have a GTX680 OC 2Gb and I7 3820 and 28Gb of RAM DDR3 1600 and OS at SSD Vertex4.... and I have a low FPS (18-60) and low usage of my hardware (6%-25%).
CPU usage: 6%-20%
GPU usage: 6%-25%
CPU: I7 3820 LGA2011 @4.0Ghtz
RAM: 28Gb DDR3 1600
GPU: GTX680 OC 2Gb
OS: Win7 Pro 64bits at SSD Vertex4
AI can spot us an long ranges even at darkness nights. They shoot us without facing us.
Change at the control options.
Mouse Up for Mouse Down
Mouse Down for Mouse Up.
Problem resolved! :D