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User Since
Jun 8 2014, 11:09 AM (557 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

Jun 10 2016

DenisP created T117606: KH-3A Fenghuang Drone Improvements.
Jun 10 2016, 11:36 PM · Arma 3

May 10 2016

DenisP added a comment to T85806: Virtual Arsenal Depicts Wrong Armor Level.


Well alright then. :D

May 10 2016, 12:48 PM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T85806: Virtual Arsenal Depicts Wrong Armor Level.

My mistake, I assumed it wasn't on Dev-Branch yet. >.<

May 10 2016, 12:48 PM · Arma 3
DenisP set Category to category:virtualarsenal on T85806: Virtual Arsenal Depicts Wrong Armor Level.
May 10 2016, 12:48 PM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T85686: Changing hitpoint system to a chance system.

Good point Fennek. I also see that it's been acknowledged. Hopefully something will be done to improve the current system, or replace it completely.


Not necessarily. The changes I suggested are not mirrors of those suggestions, but more or less a broader view of possible changes which while it does carry elements of the Realistic Wounding System suggestion, is not entirely the same.

Granted, there are many imaginable situations, and of course, I'm not saying you should be able to survive a hailstorm of bullets, which is why I suggested the effects, which would impact overall survivability completely. In a situation in which you're bleeding, there could be a chance of dying or increasing the type of bleeding every 30 second-interval. Bullets would have a 100% chance of causing bleeding, and depending from where, it'd affect how you fare on the battlefield.

We currently have two kinds of damage effects. If you're damaged in the legs, you can only walk slowly, and if you're shot in the arms, your aim is affected significantly. I don't think that these effects are enough when compared to effects in VBS and ArmA 2 and its expansions.

May 10 2016, 12:45 PM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T85686: Changing hitpoint system to a chance system.
May 10 2016, 12:45 PM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T84756: Removing access to radio channels when not equipped with a radio.

Hey Terox! Thanks for the input!

I didn't know about the scripting command, though I was thinking about having it implemented as a "feature". Having it hard-coded into the game so that it applies across all servers unless the server devs themselves wish to change it with scripts. I agree that all vehicles should have a radio by default and by 2035, no doubt your average car will have a radio in it, so there's that.

May 10 2016, 12:16 PM · Arma 3
DenisP set Category to category:gameplay on T84756: Removing access to radio channels when not equipped with a radio.
May 10 2016, 12:16 PM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T84730: Dev-Branch Grenade Launcher Animation Issue.


May 10 2016, 12:15 PM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T84730: Dev-Branch Grenade Launcher Animation Issue.
May 10 2016, 12:15 PM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T84571: British Armed Forces DLC For Arma 3.


We already have British Armed Forces for ArmA 2. And that "a lot of british players would appreciate this kind of content added into the game." is not a valid argument more so than "a lot of Norwegian players would appreciate this kind of content added into the game." or "a lot of Somali players would appreciate this kind of content added into the game.".

We already have the CTRG uniforms with the UK flag-patch. Use them and stop bitching about the UK not being glorified as much as it was in ArmA 2.

May 10 2016, 12:10 PM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T81625: The CH-67 Huron tilts forward when taxiing with wheel brakes off.
May 10 2016, 10:36 AM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T80878: Ability to slow down time in singleplayer.
May 10 2016, 10:13 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T80355: Mi-290 Taru modules are not textured black when using coding to make the Taru itself black.

I'll give it a try. Thanks a lot for posting it here.

May 10 2016, 9:50 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T80355: Mi-290 Taru modules are not textured black when using coding to make the Taru itself black.

Thank you for your help. It worked.

May 10 2016, 9:50 AM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T80355: Mi-290 Taru modules are not textured black when using coding to make the Taru itself black.
May 10 2016, 9:50 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T79917: Open a vehicle window or hatch and fire trough it..

This should be a thing, even for MRAPs with hatches like the Strider and Hunter.

May 10 2016, 9:37 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T79859: Some buildings cannot be damaged using <i>setDamage</i> - damage models needed.

The way enviromental destruction ArmA works is through building models. The most common building models you'll find are the standard model, the damaged model and the destroyed model. Once a building has taken enough damage the game will execute a script which will play an animation (usually sinking down into the ground, but in the case of cranes, it will fall over) and create a cloud of smoke, replacing the standard/damaged model with a destroyed one.

Unfortunately, in the case of churches, there's no destroyed model of the building, and therefore no script. This also goes for other buildings like Office Buildings, the Ghost Hotel and the Military Offices.

It would be nice to see those models and scripts implemented though, so I'll graciously offer you my upvote.

May 10 2016, 9:35 AM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T79840: EOD/Bomb Suits.
May 10 2016, 9:34 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T79818: LRPS scope: remove central dot from reticle and add third zoom level.

I agree. The magnification should be increased to x150

May 10 2016, 9:34 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T79809: Arma 3 'Adapt' Campaign Mission 5 is bugged, I cant continue after eliminating all the guards..

It is a common bug, I had it as well.

Unfortunately, one or two of the AAF guards clip into the rocks below the main guard tower, and as such you have to clip into the rock in order to kill them. See if it helps.

May 10 2016, 9:33 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T79803: US Plate Carrier Rig Kerry to be optimized with player name (also one available for all factions ).

Would be a neat feature, though it would just be easier to add a new chest rig and backpack called (Name) instead of (Kerry) to avoid clogging up with the one worn by Ben Kerry in the campaign.

May 10 2016, 9:33 AM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T79789: Driving model improvement request for ground vehicles.
May 10 2016, 9:33 AM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T79778: Picking up uniforms from the ground moves the uniform into the inventory of the uniform you're wearing..
May 10 2016, 9:33 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T79775: Adding BLUFOR AND OPFOR Air-to-Air jets.


May 10 2016, 9:32 AM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T79775: Adding BLUFOR AND OPFOR Air-to-Air jets.
May 10 2016, 9:32 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T79774: Loadmaster of the Mi-290 Taru not functional.

I believe the reason the loadmaster can't do anything is because he's there to only assist with slingloading.

The CH-67 Huron has a slingloading camera visible in the cockpit, which the Taru doesn't. As such, the loadmaster needs to relay information to the pilot to help with the slingloading.

It may have another purpose in the future, but for now it's only there for looks.

May 10 2016, 9:32 AM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T79771: Unable to fire from seats inside of vehicles.
May 10 2016, 9:32 AM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T79736: Give Kerry his old shirt back.
May 10 2016, 9:31 AM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T79734: Improving Black vest equipment.
May 10 2016, 9:31 AM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T79716: Make armoured vehicle interiors.
May 10 2016, 9:31 AM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T79715: Making the black variants of the Mi-290 Taru, MH-9 Hummingbird and AH-9 Pawnee unique vehicles.
May 10 2016, 9:31 AM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T79705: Bullets do not penetrate characters/AI.
May 10 2016, 9:30 AM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T79703: Able to survive high-speed car crashes even while driving with the seatbelt off..
May 10 2016, 9:30 AM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T79702: Unable to climb the ladder on Barracks (Old).
May 10 2016, 9:30 AM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T79700: Helicopter gatling guns are incomplete.
May 10 2016, 9:30 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T79695: Unable to assault the outpost in Breaking Even.

I could hear the FIA AI on my team call out other targets, but I couldn't actually see them myself. Thanks man! I hope this gets fixed though.

May 10 2016, 9:30 AM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T79695: Unable to assault the outpost in Breaking Even.
May 10 2016, 9:30 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T79660: The black Mi-290 Taru seen in the public Helicopters DLC announcement is missing.

Seems to come up with Missing ; when I try to execute that command.

May 10 2016, 9:29 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T79660: The black Mi-290 Taru seen in the public Helicopters DLC announcement is missing.

I suppose it would be easier to add the black variant to the vehicles list once they've figured out how to make the mission pods attachable.

That being said, what is the code for the black versions of the Hummingbird and Pawnee? I have to admit thought, it's strange that they would add the separate versions of the Ghost Hawk, but not the other helicopters.

May 10 2016, 9:29 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T79660: The black Mi-290 Taru seen in the public Helicopters DLC announcement is missing.

oh.... I didn't know that. Not good with scripting. =/

May 10 2016, 9:29 AM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T79660: The black Mi-290 Taru seen in the public Helicopters DLC announcement is missing.
May 10 2016, 9:29 AM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T79537: Making Office buildings more detailed.
May 10 2016, 9:25 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T79528: The UGVs and their armed variants cannot be airlifted even though the UAV variants can be.

Aww... =(

May 10 2016, 9:24 AM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T79528: The UGVs and their armed variants cannot be airlifted even though the UAV variants can be.
May 10 2016, 9:24 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T79527: Adding a system similar to RotorLib to other vehicles.

Well that's kind of what I was thinking. :p Having to stop accelerating, holding a clutch key, then pressing another key to change to that gear. Could be a key combination of ctrl + (key) or something like that. =)

May 10 2016, 9:24 AM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T79527: Adding a system similar to RotorLib to other vehicles.
May 10 2016, 9:24 AM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T79526: Rotors appear in the destroyed model of every helicopter even if destroyed before blowing up.
May 10 2016, 9:24 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T79503: Destroying the helicopter instruments does not prevent use of them.

I suppose it depends on the damage that is done to the systems. Thanks for your support.

May 10 2016, 9:24 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T79503: Destroying the helicopter instruments does not prevent use of them.

I didn't talk about missile warnings, but the instrument systems like the indicators and gauges. Having only missile warnings disabled when you've taken a direct hit to your helicopter's instruments is very unrealistic.

May 10 2016, 9:24 AM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T79503: Destroying the helicopter instruments does not prevent use of them.
May 10 2016, 9:24 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T79499: Cannot raise weapon while crouched.

It's still possible to raise the weapon while crouched by pressing LMB, but I agree that you should be able to raise it by double-tapping LCtrl as well.

May 10 2016, 9:23 AM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T79456: Unable to jump out of flying helicopters while in the pilot seats.
May 10 2016, 9:22 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T79419: Restrict the carrying of large/ungainly weapons within certain vehicle seats.

With the ability to access inventories from inside vehicles, I don't see a problem with this as it could be scripted into forcing you out of the vehicle as you grab your weapon.

May 10 2016, 9:21 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T78732: "van" as working vehicle [VOTE].

It's a shame they've made wrecks for vehicles that haven't been included in the game, at least for the modern vehicles.

May 10 2016, 8:59 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T78490: Powered Exoskeleton in the Arma3.

Chinese forces, SilverDude?

That's it! That is what the expansion is about! Hear me out:

CSAT is made up of eastern and Middle-Eastern countries like Iran, Russia and China. they've all come together and speak Farsi as their common tongue.

During the campaign, most European countries are turning to the mighty and rich CSAT because they are going bankrupt, and many countries are therefore leaving NATO to join CSAT, which pisses NATO off.

In 2030, a five-year long bloody civil war breaks out on Altis, which ends with NATO deploying a peace mandate to the Republic of Altis and Stratis, which due to later tension between NATO and AAF forces because Sergeant Conway stepped on Colonel Akhanteros's toes because his CSAT buddies were abusing Stavrou and Co. at the Ministry of Defense, are forced to pack up their crap and get off their island so that they can help with the tension rising in The Pacific.

Fast-forward to the end of the campaign ending where you support Colonel David Armstrong make AAF NATO's bitch. During the Status Quo mission the briefing on the map says that the new government has decided to throw NATO out anyway, due to rising tension in THE PACIFIC.

Now according to the ArmA 3 roadmap for 2014/15, the expansion will include a new terrain which I think I recall should be different from Takistan, Chernarus and Altis. As such, desert-, woodland- and mediterranean terrain have been used and therefore the most likely terrains would be mountainous or jungle terrain, which fit perfectly to the Pacific Islands! Therefore, I strongly believe that the expansion map will cover the entire Pacific Ocean with hundreds of islands dotted throughout.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the CSAT of region will be Asians, which means that they will be better armed than you could imagine due to all the children working in the sweatshops to produce weapons, vehicles and other things for the Asian CSAT forces, and therefore NATO will get their asses kicked.

Don't tell BIS I spoiled their expansion plans though. >_>

May 10 2016, 8:53 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T78085: Fatique is unrealistic.

The fatigue system is affected by the load you're carrying. Let's take a look at what the conventional soldier is carrying (the base uniform weighs next to nothing, so we'll be leaving it out):

First of all, you have the helmet. You can expect a decent combat helmet to, on average, weigh around 1.5kg.

But you need more protection than that if you expect to survive a hit, don't you? So add a plate carrier. Let's say this weighs 12kg.

Now you'e decently protected, and ready to take inventory! You're a conventional rifleman, so you'll get a standard assault rifle, say you're BLUFOR (which is a cliché, I know), you'll get an MX rifle. An ACR (which the MX is based upon) weighs 3.6kg. You'll neeed magazines. Add 1kg for each. Let's say you take seven, which would be the most common amount carried by each soldier. Want a scope? Add 200g for a holographic one.

However, chances are you might run out of ammo, and if you do, it's nice to have an extra weapon at hand. Therefore you'll go with a P07, the standard-issue BLUFOR sidearm. This is based on the Walther P99 9 mm, and adds another 600g. You'll want magazines for it. These weigh 100g each. Take three. You'll also be bringing two grenades and two smoke grenades of different colours. The M67 grenade weighs 400g, and a smoke grenade weighs around 500g, judging by the weight of an AN M18.

Add another kilo for miscellaneous items (watch, compass, map, radio), a kilo for NVGs and 250g for one FAK.

Now it's math time! I use a calculator.



29.25kg, just for the basic equipment of a conventional rifleman! And that's without a backpack. Let's round it off and say that you carry 29kg. Carrying this, you're good IF you know how to deal with fatigue. Now, there are different walking paces, and each of these have a different impact on your soldier's fatigue. There's the walking-, jogging-, running- and sprinting pace. With your weapon lowered at the walking pace you'll slowly regenerate stamina, and at the sprinting pace, you'll be giving everything. Do you really think you can sprint for long carrying nearly 30kg of equipment? And that's as I've stated before, the equipment of a conventional rifleman without a backpack. There's no AT launcher, no special weaponry, just an assault rifle and a sidearm.

The game bases itself on average soldier performance, which means that fatigue is equal for every character. If two units in-game are set to carry the exact same equipment and do the exact same task, oyu can expect both of them to finish it at the same time, if not accounting for variabels. Sure, there are athletes in real life that can carry an unimagineable amount of equipment and still perform well, but as I've said, the game bases itself on average soldier performance.

So a tip for you, OP, and any supporters. Control your movement. Don't sprint unless you have to. It's a military simulator, a game that requires patience, and exhausting yourself will only get you killed.

Tl;dr: Get the fuck out of ArmA.

I guess now is a good time to tell you that I'm downvoting.

May 10 2016, 8:43 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T77947: All Campaign Characters should be available in the Editor.

It means they know about it.

May 10 2016, 8:39 AM · Arma 3
DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce on T77846: Saving your friends in a blaze of glory.
May 10 2016, 8:36 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T76447: Flatbed trucks.

I'll upvote.

It would also be nice to be able to load containers onto trucks, like the containers that can be airlifted.

May 10 2016, 8:00 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T74421: Civilian handgun & other civilian weapons.

I'd like to see more civilian weapons to improve guerrilla gameplay.

May 10 2016, 7:11 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T73925: Pistol attachments to include flashlights and or lasers..


I also think this should be implemented for the Vermin and the PDW2000.

May 10 2016, 6:54 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T71803: Blowing up of power stations.

Would be a nice feature in my opinion.

May 10 2016, 5:55 AM · Arma 3
DenisP added a comment to T65558: No or little reaction from enemies when hit/killed.

Same goes for players though.

May 10 2016, 2:04 AM · Arma 3