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Mi-290 Taru modules are not textured black when using coding to make the Taru itself black
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When inserting the following code, the Taru itself is textured black, but not the module attatched to it:

null = [this] execVM "a3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Scripts\Heli_Transport_04_basic_black.sqf"

Attempting to use the same code on the standalone versions of the pod modules will make them look like a mess.

I'm unable to find any code to texture the pod modules anywhere, but then again, I am a novice coder. Could you at BI Studios please make the pod modules texturable as well, and if they already are in the game, could someone provide the code for utilizing them for both the Taru variants with the modules and the standalone versions of the modules as well?


Legacy ID
Not A Bug
Helicopters DLC
Steps To Reproduce

1: Go to the editor.
2: Spawn in an Mi-290 Taru and utilize the code above.
3: The Taru will have the texture, but not the pod attatched to it.
4: utilize the code written above on a standalone version of any pod.
5: The pod module will have a really messy texture.

Event Timeline

DenisP edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 9 2014, 2:18 PM
DenisP edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
DenisP set Category to Helicopters DLC.
DenisP set Reproducibility to Always.
DenisP set Severity to None.
DenisP set Resolution to Not A Bug.
DenisP set Legacy ID to 1018589092.May 7 2016, 7:57 PM
pettka added a subscriber: pettka.May 7 2016, 7:57 PM
pettka added a comment.Dec 9 2014, 5:14 PM

There is a good solution described on the forums by Tilion:

Could You, please, give it a try if it's what You need and close this issue if it is so? Thanks a lot.

DenisP added a subscriber: DenisP.May 7 2016, 7:57 PM
DenisP added a comment.Dec 9 2014, 7:51 PM

I'll give it a try. Thanks a lot for posting it here.

DenisP added a comment.Dec 9 2014, 8:02 PM

Thank you for your help. It worked.