Also having these same issues since 1.26 update as well. I have tried DDU reinstall for NVidia drivers, Complete fresh install of DayZ via stream, and also removing any overclocking via GPU and still nothing has fixed the shuttering or fps loss/dips that have been really noticeable this update. I stopped messing with the hardware because i noticed with other games nothing in terms of performance has changed so it has to be something with this patch and optimizing. I have almost 6,000 hours in dayz and this is by far the worst performance I've had patch wise and hope that it gets fixed soon!
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Dec 19 2024
Please provide your full vigor ID so we can check
Yes, this was tested and yes the highest targets cannot be reached because they are further than the maximum firing range of the crossbow.
You can't see the arrow impact because the arrow despawns at crossbow maximum firing range and that's how all our weapons and projectiles work. All crossbow challenges are doable and can be completed.
Closing the ticket as detailed info has been provided in private by @Technicolourmatador
Hello Radicai.
The crash dump points towards nvwgf2umx.dll which is a part of the nvidia drivers. Please try to do a clean install and make sure to install the latest version of the driver.
In T186385#2721778, @Geez wrote:Hello, we have tested this but we were unable to reproduce the issue on our end.
Hmm.. I think it would troublesome because your trackIR sensitivity can make you lose track what you want to focus on when using bino. In Arma 3 when using bino trackIR doesn't track I believe. You use mouse to turn around.
Hello crisro1223
The crash dump points towards nvwgf2umx.dll which is a part of the nvidia drivers. Please try to do a clean install and make sure to install the latest version of the driver.
Hello chris_durdel85.
Can you please describe the issue? Is this a server or client issue? as you have provided a server .mdmp file.
Hello chris_durdel85.
Unfortunately the dump you have provided has 0kb and is not readable, therefore there is nothing for us to analyse at the moment.
Hmm true this does happen, but it seems right. Having used binoculars extensively, I never kept them held up to my face, turned my head and not the binoculars with my head. In fact, I do just like the game, lower the binoculars in front of me and look around.
Hello husten2002g.
Please try the following:
Thank you for the report.
This will be investigated by BattlEye.
In T187301#2722214, @Geez wrote:not a bug, this value corresponds with the intended design.
Have you checked your Aim Down Sight and Additional focus intensity PIP settings? All of my views seem to work as expected.
It happened again on Myren died in radiation at safe zone... 😐
I lost 15mins of my life again and all of my loot and airdrop I want a compensation! Really!
Why you can't fix your game?
What happened in season 21, why does it have so many bugs?
I lost all of my weapons too... So annoying!
The best part is, I went to find out what the hacker was doing there and got shot. You made my night. Ha ha ha ha, handsome.
If you havent already please put in a private bug report with the steps to dupe supply, also thankyou for not putting the steps to reproduce on the public bug report. Supply duping has ruined this game for a long time now, the less people that know how to do this on the new release the better.
Geez, thank you for following up with this. I feel this has not been resolved completely. Maybe this issue should be framed or tabled to a future weapon update. It is still viable for folks to run around like maniacs with LMG's and assault rifles but the bow, a skill weapon, it's maximum distance has been severely retarded? Did the " Steps To Reproduce" make sense? Did you or the tester even try hitting the furthest targets of the shooting range or try hitting the tallest peak of the shooting range to look for an arrow impact? I do appreciate the follow-through with the ticket.
!!! [CE][LoadPrototype] 5 groups have no points...
19:32:33.997 !!! [CE][LoadPrototype] 11 groups have wrong points...
50000 failed - check Prototypes for proper records !!!
16972 failed - check Prototypes for proper records !!!
!!! [CE][Point] Removing 9216.499023, 7262.335938 from Land_Wreck_truck01_aban2_blue
Most of the issues regarding the preview images have been fixed in the Experimental update, however there are still some issues, which have been listed in the updated ticket
Dec 18 2024
This issue has now been resolved in the Experimental update.