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Game Hang - Dayz becomming unresponsive when connecting to an official server
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Whenever I try to connect to an official server the game hangs when the loading bar gets halfway.

What I've noticed is (I have the fps counter from steam shown) that I get a normal number until the application hangs, at which point it looks as if there's 3 different number written over each other (no idea if this is somehow related to the issue I'm having)


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Game Freezes
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Open the launcher as normal
  2. Try to connect to an official server

In my case:

Server name: 4313 | EUROPE - DE | 1st Person Only
Server version: 1.26.159040
Required game version: 1.26.0

Map: Chernarusplus
Mission: Official DayZ game server
  1. Have the game load seemingly normally until the loading bar gets to halfway, at which point the game becomes unresponsive and hangs.
Additional Information

Launcher version: 1.6.158923

Game version: 1.26.159040

Branch: Stable

Tried to connect to multiple different official servers. All have the same result -> loading bar gets to the halfway mark, application hangs and fps number becomes all scribbled

Event Timeline

Tummie created this task.Dec 14 2024, 6:47 PM
Tummie renamed this task from Dayz becomming unresponsive when connecting to a server to Game Hang - Dayz becomming unresponsive when connecting to an official server.Dec 14 2024, 7:02 PM
Tummie updated the task description. (Show Details)
Tummie edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Dec 18 2024, 11:00 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Tummie.
Can you please try the following?:

Verify the game data through Steam and delete the configuration files when prompted to do so (make sure Steam cloud sync is disabled for DayZ before doing this) - you can also delete the config files manually by clearing the C:\Users\*username*\Documents\DayZ folder

Open the DayZ launcher
Select PARAMETERS menu
scroll down and check "Bulldozer" parameter
Launch the game
Once launched, close the game
Uncheck bulldozer
Launch the game again without any parameters


Tummie added a comment.EditedDec 18 2024, 10:29 PM

Followed the steps and got to the launching of the game without issues. This time in stead of actually even showing me the loading screen the game just crashed (I've attached the crash report here)

tried the steps a second time and at least the loading bar doesnt hang anymore, but I still cannot seem to connect to a server

EDIT: I can sometimes connect to a server and other times I get "Login error: database connection timed out" P.S. I have already checked the uptime on my internet connection and that isn't the cause

Geez changed the task status from Need More Info to Reviewed.Dec 19 2024, 10:31 AM