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Using bino with trackIR makes the bino turn with your head.
Feedback, NormalPublic


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Issue Description:
When using bino with trackIR, the trackIR doesn't pause so if you turn your head while using bino, the bino move also. Not like freelook when ADS.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Use trackIR
  2. Equip bino and use them
  3. turn your head
  4. the bino view should turn with your head (trackIR).

TrackIR tracking should be paused when using binocular.

Event Timeline

Mr_Centipede edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)

Hmm true this does happen, but it seems right. Having used binoculars extensively, I never kept them held up to my face, turned my head and not the binoculars with my head. In fact, I do just like the game, lower the binoculars in front of me and look around.

Hmm.. I think it would troublesome because your trackIR sensitivity can make you lose track what you want to focus on when using bino. In Arma 3 when using bino trackIR doesn't track I believe. You use mouse to turn around.

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Dec 19 2024, 1:21 PM