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[Feedback] Global AI vehicle spawner and improved location for the spawner icons after the simulation begins
Feedback, NormalPublic


Game Version number: Experimental (Steam)
Modded?: No

Issue Description:
The way spawning vehicles with AI works should be tweaked slightly. Currently you have to constantly select "place with crew" and "place with passengers" for each vehicle you spawn, however it would be better if it was a global toggle for all vehicles you spawn. For example, currently if you want to spawn two BTR-70s with AI, you would select the BTR-70 and select whether you want to "place with crew" and/or "place with passengers" and then it spawns with what you want (in the example we want to spawn with all AI). When going to spawn in another BTR-70, you would have to reselect the same options again in order to get the AI. However with my idea, it would be where you first toggle whether you want to "place with crew" and/or "place with passengers" and after that we would spawn two BTR-70s with the AI with only selecting the option once.

Additionally the icon for the "place with crew" and "place with passengers" seems to not fit properly on the top bar. It shows properly before you start the simulation, however after that, you have to click an arrow to see the icons again, and I believe it is because the UI for the bar at the top has too small of a boundary, as there is more than enough room to fit all the icons.

Here is a video showing off how the AI vehicle spawner works currently:


Operating System
Windows 11 x64

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jun 5 2024, 11:46 AM
Commander_Falcon renamed this task from [] Need global AI vehicle spawner and improved location for the spawner icons after the simulation begins to [] Need global AI vehicle spawner and improved location for the spawner icons after the simulation begins.Jun 6 2024, 11:08 PM
Commander_Falcon updated the task description. (Show Details)
Commander_Falcon renamed this task from [] Need global AI vehicle spawner and improved location for the spawner icons after the simulation begins to [Feedback] Need global AI vehicle spawner and improved location for the spawner icons after the simulation begins.
Commander_Falcon renamed this task from [Feedback] Need global AI vehicle spawner and improved location for the spawner icons after the simulation begins to [Feedback] Global AI vehicle spawner and improved location for the spawner icons after the simulation begins.Jun 27 2024, 5:28 AM
Commander_Falcon updated the task description. (Show Details)

in ArmA 3, left click spawns a crewed vehicle, while alt-left-click spawns an empty vehicle. there's also an settings checkbox which reverses this behaviour, so that by default empty vehicles are placed.