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Blocking out of the Arma Workshop
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Game Version number: (Steam)

Modded?: No

Out of nowhere Im completley blocked out of the Workshop of Arma Reforger. I cant access anything related to the Arma Reforger Workshop, cant download any Mods when trying to connect to a modded Server and am only able to play vanilla for months. I didnt change anything on my PC.

Testet it also over a different Steam account of a Friend on the same PC with the same game files. Started Arma Reforger (using his Steam account) and no problem. Had accsess to the Workshop and i was able to join the Modded Server without any issue. After I relogged into my Steam account and tried it, it didnt work.
Reinstalled the Game 4 times, deleted all files, backups in the system, reconnected to my BI-account - end up with the same Issue and Error massages.

I wrote with the Support over weeks, tried many solutions but nothing worked and the last advice was to report this bug to the Devs. directly.

Video of the Issue:


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

No idea how to reproduce this issue

Additional Information

Event Timeline

Manaherz created this task.Dec 19 2024, 6:01 AM
Manaherz edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Manaherz edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Dec 19 2024, 6:05 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Dec 19 2024, 2:22 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Manaherz.
Can you try to push the Logout button here?

Also have you deleted your bohemia account in the past?

Manaherz added a comment.EditedDec 19 2024, 7:29 PM

Hello Manaherz.
Can you try to push the Logout button here?

Also have you deleted your bohemia account in the past?

Hi, Geez :)

  1. I had Logged out of my Bohemia Account multible times and but no matter it didnt changed anything sadly. When I logged in I cant open the Workshop, but also when I logged out of it. I get the same error every time.
  1. I had a second Bohemia account jn the past but wrote the Support a few months back to got my old account deleted because I was unable to unlink my Steam account from it. Had Changed in the time my E-Mail provider and made a new account, after the Support had deleted the old one, which i linked to my steam acc. The Support wrote me they had manual unlinked the profil again a few times but after weeks of support tickets and try to find the error they told me to take this case to the Devs. because they have no idea whats going on. Database looks fine, my Profil looks fine, the error and console files looks "fine" too and so on^^

Since nearly 6 Months im unable to play anything beside Vanilla Arma Reforger.

Manaherz added a comment.EditedJan 16 2025, 9:25 AM

@Geez Anything new to the issue? :/

Geez added a comment.Jan 16 2025, 10:44 AM

Can you try now please?

Can you try now please?

Yeah, worked now and I get into the Workshop and also on mod. Servers without a Problem :) Thank you very much! <3

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jan 20 2025, 2:40 PM
Geez claimed this task.

No problem! Feel free to hit us up in case anything else pops up :)