--------------------------------------------- Log C:\Users\kilia\OneDrive\Dokumente\My Games\ArmaReforger\logs\logs_2024-10-30_23-47-21\console.log started at 2024-10-30 23:47:21 (2024-10-30 22:47:21 UTC) 23:47:21.880 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding relative directory 'C:\Users\kilia\OneDrive\Dokumente\My Games\ArmaReforger\logs\logs_2024-10-30_23-47-21' to filesystem under name logs 23:47:21.880 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding relative directory 'C:\Users\kilia\OneDrive\Dokumente\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile' to filesystem under name profile 23:47:21.881 ENGINE : Initializing engine. 23:47:21.890 ENGINE : Addon dirs: 23:47:21.890 ENGINE : dir: './addons' 23:47:21.890 ENGINE : dir: 'C:/Users/kilia/OneDrive/Dokumente/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons' 23:47:21.891 ENGINE : Available addons: 23:47:21.891 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/core/core.gproj' guid: '5614BBCCBB55ED1C' (packed) 23:47:21.891 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj' guid: '58D0FB3206B6F859' (packed) 23:47:23.250 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/data/' (pak count: 10) to filesystem under name ArmaReforger 23:47:23.267 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/core/' (pak count: 2) to filesystem under name core 23:47:23.267 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=0 name=ArmaReforger path=./addons/data/resourceDatabase.rdb) 23:47:23.381 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=1 name=core path=./addons/core/resourceDatabase.rdb) 23:47:23.387 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=2 name=profile path=C:\Users\kilia\OneDrive\Dokumente\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile/resourceDatabase.rdb) 23:47:23.387 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=3 name=logs path=C:\Users\kilia\OneDrive\Dokumente\My Games\ArmaReforger\logs\logs_2024-10-30_23-47-21/resourceDatabase.rdb) 23:47:23.467 ENGINE : GameProject load 23:47:23.467 ENGINE : Loaded addons: 23:47:23.467 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/core/core.gproj' guid: '5614BBCCBB55ED1C' 23:47:23.467 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj' guid: '58D0FB3206B6F859' 23:47:23.469 ENGINE : GameProject load 23:47:23.469 INIT : GameProject load project data @"./addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj" 23:47:23.469 RESOURCES (E): Wrong GUID/name for resource @"{C014582791ECBF24}Language/localization.st" in property "StringTableSource" 23:47:23.470 ENGINE : Loading custom engine user config '$profile:.save/app1874880_user76561197961845156/settings/ReforgerEngineSettings.conf' 23:47:23.475 INIT : GameProject engine user settings load @"$profile:.save/app1874880_user76561197961845156/settings/ReforgerEngineSettings.conf" 23:47:23.475 ENGINE : Engine user settings config loaded 23:47:23.475 ENGINE : Locale info: system de-DE (German), user de-DE (German) 23:47:25.107 RENDER : (OK) Adapter 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060' supports feature level 12_0 23:47:26.525 RENDER : (OK) Adapter 'Intel(R) UHD Graphics 770' supports feature level 12_0 23:47:26.529 RENDER (W): Adapter 1 (Intel(R) UHD Graphics 770) failed to provide some output 23:47:26.529 RENDER : Basic screen setup: 23:47:26.529 RENDER : Back buffer width x height: 5120x1440 23:47:26.529 RENDER : Back buffer format : TEXFMT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB (29) 23:47:26.529 RENDER : MSAA : none 23:47:26.712 RENDER : Driver for NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 is from 15.10.2024 (16 days old) 23:47:26.712 RENDER : GPU_NVIDIA (0x10DE) (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060) with 1 GPU detected, VRAM 7957MB (fast 0MB), shared 32656MB, driver version 566.3, stereo not available 23:47:26.712 RENDER : Detected output devices: 23:47:26.712 RENDER : * 1 device/s connected to NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060: 23:47:26.712 RENDER : Generic PnP Monitor (\\.\DISPLAY1), 5120x1440 (offset 0x0), 240Hz 23:47:26.712 RENDER : * no output device connected to Intel(R) UHD Graphics 770 23:47:26.712 RENDER : Concurrent frames limit 2 23:47:27.746 RENDER : Graphics device features 23:47:27.746 RENDER : Needed: 23:47:27.746 RENDER : * Highest supported shader model: 6.6 (6.0 needed) 23:47:27.746 RENDER : Optional: 23:47:27.746 RENDER : * Allow tearing (VSYNC) : 1 23:47:27.746 RENDER : * 16 bits : 1 23:47:27.746 RENDER : * Resource heap tier : 3 23:47:27.746 RENDER : * Persistent heaps (DRED) : 1 23:47:27.746 RENDER : * DRED 1.2 is supported by compiler 23:47:27.798 RENDER : Main RT format setup. 23:47:27.798 RENDER : Main RT format for quality 0 : TEXFMT_R11G11B10F (26) 23:47:27.798 RENDER : Main RT format for quality 1 : TEXFMT_R16G16B16A16F (10) 23:47:27.894 ENGINE : Job system settings: coreCount=24, shortJobContextCount=16, shortJobThreadCount=15, longJobThreadCount=7 23:47:28.184 AUDIO : Lautsprecher (Razer BlackShark V2 Pro) 23:47:28.200 RENDER : RENDER : Reload shaders 23:47:28.201 RENDER : Enfusion shader version 124 23:47:28.470 RENDER : Loaded 3191 newer shader binaries 23:47:28.470 PROFILING : Reload shaders took: 269.615300 ms 23:47:28.470 ENGINE : Initializing inputs. 23:47:28.475 NETWORK : Initializing networking. 23:47:28.475 SCRIPT : SCRIPT : Initializing scripts 23:47:28.476 SCRIPT : SCRIPT : ScriptProjectManager init 23:47:28.476 PROFILING : ScriptProjectManager init took: 0.026000 ms 23:47:28.486 PROFILING : Initializing scripts took: 10.681100 ms 23:47:28.486 ENGINE : Enfusion engine successfully created. 23:47:28.577 GUI : Using default language (en_us) 23:47:28.577 GUI : Loading 'en_us' localization file. 23:47:28.577 INIT : INIT : Loading StringTable 23:47:28.588 PROFILING : Loading StringTable took: 10.808500 ms 23:47:28.588 SCRIPT : SCRIPT : Compiling GameLib scripts 23:47:28.600 SCRIPT : Module: GameLib; loaded 282x files; 509x classes; used 478/2097 kB (22%) of static memory; defines: "PLATFORM_WINDOWS,ENF_ENABLE_VHC_OVERRIDE,ENF_ENABLE_RPLCOMPONENT_IN_GAMECODE"; CRC32: 46b6820e 23:47:28.604 PROFILING : Compiling GameLib scripts took: 15.337400 ms 23:47:28.604 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{1C71B463B3B66BAB}UI/layouts/Menus/MainMenu/IntroSplashScreen.layout" 23:47:28.604 GUI : Layout load @"{1C71B463B3B66BAB}UI/layouts/Menus/MainMenu/IntroSplashScreen.layout" 23:47:28.604 GUI (E): Unknown class 'SCR_WidgetExportRuleRoot' at offset 282(0x11a) 23:47:28.714 SCRIPT : SCRIPT : Compiling Game scripts 23:47:29.380 SCRIPT : Module: Game; loaded 4191x files; 8560x classes; used 18735/41943 kB (44%) of static memory; defines: "PLATFORM_WINDOWS,ENF_ENABLE_VHC_OVERRIDE,ENF_ENABLE_RPLCOMPONENT_IN_GAMECODE,ENABLE_BASE_DESTRUCTION,DEBUG,RESPAWN_TIMER_COMPONENT_DEBUG,DEBUG_NEARBY_CONTEXT_DISPLAY,DEBUG_CONFIGURABLE_DIALOGS,DISABLE_WEAPON_SWITCHING,SCRIPTED_AIM_MODIFIER_DEBUG"; CRC32: 63dd5095 23:47:29.636 PROFILING : Compiling Game scripts took: 921.750500 ms 23:47:29.636 INIT : Creating game instance(ArmaReforgerScripted), version built 2024-08-16 15:22:11 UTC. 23:47:29.651 ENGINE : Game successfully created. 23:47:29.691 PLATFORM : Save data from container 'settings' have been loaded 23:47:29.794 PLATFORM : Save data from container 'sessions' have been loaded 23:47:30.225 PLATFORM : GameProject user settings load from profile @"ReforgerGameSettings.conf" 23:47:30.225 ENGINE : Game user settings config loaded 23:47:30.233 WORLD : WORLD : Entities load 'worlds/MainMenuWorld/MainMenuWorld.ent' 23:47:30.233 PROFILING : Entities load took: 0.097500 ms 23:47:30.233 WORLD : WORLD : Game::LoadEntities 23:47:30.235 NETWORK : Enabled lag compensation, 29 frames with 100 FPS and 280 ms rewind limits. 23:47:30.235 WORLD : WORLD : Preload 23:47:30.236 PROFILING : Preload took: 1.512100 ms 23:47:30.236 WORLD : WORLD : Wait for preloading data 23:47:30.236 PROFILING : Wait for preloading data took: 0.000200 ms 23:47:30.236 WORLD : WORLD : CreateEntities 23:47:30.236 WORLD : WORLD : CreateEntities 23:47:30.236 WORLD : WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated 23:47:30.237 RESOURCES : Loaded mission headers from 2 addon(s)! 23:47:30.237 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated took: 0.589300 ms 23:47:30.237 WORLD : Game::LoadEntities 23:47:30.237 WORLD : CreateEntities 23:47:30.237 WORLD : CreateEntities 23:47:30.237 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:2" ('Music', GenericEntity) at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 23:47:30.237 AUDIO (W): SignalManagerComponent not present, functionality will be limited 23:47:30.237 WORLD : WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized 23:47:30.237 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized took: 0.005900 ms 23:47:30.239 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 23:47:30.239 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_AddonManager') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 23:47:30.239 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x000001F46409C030> @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_AddonManager') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> Internal_CheckAddons() 23:47:30.239 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x000001F46409C030> @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_AddonManager') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> Callback_CheckAddons_OnSuccess() 23:47:30.239 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x000001F46409C030> @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_AddonManager') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> FinalizeInitAfterAsyncChecks() 23:47:30.239 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x000001F46409C030> @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_AddonManager') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> Init Finished 23:47:30.239 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x000001F46409C030> @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_AddonManager') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> User Workshop access: 1 23:47:30.239 WORLD : WORLD : NotifyEntitiesInitialized 23:47:30.239 PROFILING : NotifyEntitiesInitialized took: 0.016800 ms 23:47:30.239 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 1.879000 ms 23:47:30.239 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 1.886400 ms 23:47:30.239 WORLD : WORLD : EOnActivate 23:47:30.239 PROFILING : EOnActivate took: 0.000600 ms 23:47:30.239 PROFILING : Game::LoadEntities took: 4.947400 ms 23:47:30.392 DEFAULT : Entered main menu. 23:47:30.498 DEFAULT (W): No GameMode present in the world, using fallback logic! 23:47:30.498 WORLD : Frame start 23:47:30.498 NETWORK : Projectiles will simulate using: EOnFrame 23:47:35.912 PLATFORM : Saving of data to container 'settings' started. 23:47:41.689 SCRIPT : [SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi] presetsResourceName: {9381BF296A0E273B}Configs/Dialogs/LoginDialogs.conf, tag: PLAYER_PROFILE, customDialogObj: SCR_PlayerProfileDialogUI<0x000001F464095758> 23:47:44.809 BACKEND (E): [RestApi] ID:[12] TYPE:[EBREQ_WORKSHOP_GetAssetList] Error Code:400 - Bad Request, apiCode="userService.notFound", message="User not found" 23:47:44.811 SCRIPT (E): SCR_WorkshopApiCallback_RequestPage<0x000001F453D75458> OnError: EBERR_OK 400 79 23:47:44.812 SCRIPT : [SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi] presetsResourceName: {814FCA3CB7851F6B}Configs/Dialogs/CommonDialogs.conf, tag: timeout_try_again_cancel, customDialogObj: NULL 23:47:50.352 BACKEND (E): [RestApi] ID:[14] TYPE:[EBREQ_WORKSHOP_GetAssetList] Error Code:400 - Bad Request, apiCode="userService.notFound", message="User not found" 23:47:50.354 SCRIPT (E): SCR_WorkshopApiCallback_RequestPage<0x000001F453D754D0> OnError: EBERR_OK 400 79 23:47:50.355 SCRIPT : [SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi] presetsResourceName: {814FCA3CB7851F6B}Configs/Dialogs/CommonDialogs.conf, tag: timeout_try_again_cancel, customDialogObj: NULL 23:47:51.569 PLATFORM : Saving of data to container 'settings' started. 23:47:53.092 PLATFORM : Saving of data to container 'settings' started. 23:47:53.093 PLATFORM (W): Save data commit to container 'settings' failed. Save operation in progress. 23:47:53.093 PLATFORM (E): UserSettings save transaction failed to start. 23:47:56.894 BACKEND (E): [RestApi] ID:[31] TYPE:[EBREQ_WORKSHOP_GetDownloadList] Error Code:400 - Bad Request, apiCode="userService.notFound", message="User not found" 23:47:57.994 BACKEND (E): [RestApi] ID:[32] TYPE:[EBREQ_WORKSHOP_GetDownloadList] Error Code:400 - Bad Request, apiCode="userService.notFound", message="User not found" 23:47:58.997 BACKEND (E): [RestApi] ID:[34] TYPE:[EBREQ_WORKSHOP_GetDownloadList] Error Code:400 - Bad Request, apiCode="userService.notFound", message="User not found" 23:48:01.185 BACKEND (E): [RestApi] ID:[35] TYPE:[EBREQ_WORKSHOP_GetDownloadList] Error Code:400 - Bad Request, apiCode="userService.notFound", message="User not found" 23:48:02.265 BACKEND (E): [RestApi] ID:[36] TYPE:[EBREQ_WORKSHOP_GetDownloadList] Error Code:400 - Bad Request, apiCode="userService.notFound", message="User not found" 23:48:02.589 SCRIPT : [SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi] presetsResourceName: {471EFCF445C3E9C6}Configs/ServerBrowser/JoiningDialogs.conf, tag: CHECKING_CONTENT, customDialogObj: NULL 23:48:03.052 BACKEND (E): [RestApi] ID:[37] TYPE:[EBREQ_WORKSHOP_GetDownloadList] Error Code:400 - Bad Request, apiCode="userService.notFound", message="User not found" 23:48:03.055 SCRIPT : [SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi] presetsResourceName: {814FCA3CB7851F6B}Configs/Dialogs/CommonDialogs.conf, tag: request_error, customDialogObj: NULL 23:48:05.399 PLATFORM : Saving of data to container 'settings' started. 23:48:05.971 SCRIPT : [SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi] presetsResourceName: {814FCA3CB7851F6B}Configs/Dialogs/CommonDialogs.conf, tag: exit_game, customDialogObj: SCR_ExitGameDialog<0x000001F4640AD2F0> 23:48:07.226 ENGINE : Game destroyed. 23:48:07.229 RPL : Pip::Destroy 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): ==== Resource leaks ==== 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/LoadingDots/LoadingDots_atlas.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_mouse/icons_mouse-glow-200_atlas.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_mouse/icons_mouse-200_atlas.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_gamepad/icons_gamepad-200_atlas.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Fonts/RobotoCondensed/RobotoCondensed_Regular.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_wrapperUI-400_atlas.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_place_geometry_uiuc.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_transform_geometry_uiuc.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/cursors_atlas.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_objective_uiuc.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_waypoint_uiuc.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_rotate_uiuc.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_transform_snap_disabled_uiuc.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_transform_snap_uiuc.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_move_camera_uiuc.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_wait_uiuc.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_transform_disabled_uiuc.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_transform_uiuc.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_place_uiuc.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_select_uiuc.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_raw_uiuc.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/Panels/Shadow/panels_fadedBackground-16-100_atlas.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/Panels/Outline/panels_roundedOutline-400_atlas.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/Panels/panels_roundedCorners-400_atlas.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/WeaponInfo/panel_style_magazines.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/debugUI.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/WidgetLibrary/ScrollBarRectangles.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/default.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_wrapperUI-48_atlas.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_wrapperUI-32_atlas.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_wrapperUI-32-glow_atlas.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_wrapperUI-64_atlas.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_wrapperUI-glow-400_atlas.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_keyboard/icons_keyboard-200_atlas.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_keyboard/icons_keyboard-glow-200_atlas.edds 1 23:48:07.262 RESOURCES (E): ui/fonts/robotomono_msdf_28.edds 1