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[Experimental] Pilot survival vests don’t come off from the pilot and crew characters
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


Game Version number: Experimental (Steam)
Modded?: No

Issue Description:
When trying to take off the pilot survival vest when playing as either the helicopter pilot or crew characters (both US and Soviet factions), the vest is unable to be taken off. The vest is able to be put on and taken off if you get it from the arsenal box. I have noticed that it goes to the armored vest slot instead of the vest slot. I believe to fix the issue you would have to update the prefab for both of the vests, so they go to the vest slot instead of the armored vest slot. Additionally, the vests are set up to block the vest slot, so the blocked slot would have to be for the armored vest slot (if you intend to block armor being used with the vests)

Here are two videos showing off the issue:


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Reproduction Steps:

  • Spawn in as either a helicopter pilot or crew character (US or Soviet)
  • Try to take off the vest

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jun 5 2024, 11:44 AM
Commander_Falcon renamed this task from [] Pilot survival vests don’t come off from the pilot and crew characters to [] Pilot survival vests don’t come off from the pilot and crew characters.Jun 6 2024, 10:56 PM
Commander_Falcon updated the task description. (Show Details)
Commander_Falcon renamed this task from [] Pilot survival vests don’t come off from the pilot and crew characters to [] Pilot survival vests don’t come off from the pilot and crew characters.Jun 20 2024, 6:44 PM
Commander_Falcon updated the task description. (Show Details)
Commander_Falcon renamed this task from [] Pilot survival vests don’t come off from the pilot and crew characters to [] Pilot survival vests don’t come off from the pilot and crew characters.Jun 27 2024, 5:15 AM
Commander_Falcon updated the task description. (Show Details)
Commander_Falcon renamed this task from [] Pilot survival vests don’t come off from the pilot and crew characters to [] Pilot survival vests don’t come off from the pilot and crew characters.Jul 3 2024, 7:30 PM
Commander_Falcon updated the task description. (Show Details)
Commander_Falcon renamed this task from [] Pilot survival vests don’t come off from the pilot and crew characters to [] Pilot survival vests don’t come off from the pilot and crew characters.Jul 18 2024, 6:45 PM
Commander_Falcon updated the task description. (Show Details)
Commander_Falcon renamed this task from [] Pilot survival vests don’t come off from the pilot and crew characters to [] Pilot survival vests don’t come off from the pilot and crew characters.Jul 25 2024, 7:37 PM
Commander_Falcon updated the task description. (Show Details)
Commander_Falcon renamed this task from [] Pilot survival vests don’t come off from the pilot and crew characters to [] Pilot survival vests don’t come off from the pilot and crew characters.Jul 31 2024, 7:40 PM
Commander_Falcon updated the task description. (Show Details)
Commander_Falcon renamed this task from [] Pilot survival vests don’t come off from the pilot and crew characters to [Experimental] Pilot survival vests don’t come off from the pilot and crew characters.Sep 8 2024, 1:25 AM
Commander_Falcon updated the task description. (Show Details)
Commander_Falcon renamed this task from [Experimental] Pilot survival vests don’t come off from the pilot and crew characters to [Experimental] Pilot survival vests don’t come off from the pilot and crew characters.Sep 12 2024, 8:24 PM
Commander_Falcon updated the task description. (Show Details)
Commander_Falcon added a comment.EditedDec 18 2024, 11:53 PM

This issue has now been resolved in the Experimental update.