that first person to downvote was me... I play only modded (ACE3,TFAR,STHUD,TRYK,HLC and freaking RHS on our server, every freaking day)
I downvoted because RHS intervention requires both RHS modpacks, including their mostly incompatible weapons/units with existing vanilla/dlc weapons/units. ever tried shooting an RHS russian with a non-rhs weapon? yea, try that.
RHS may be good in some instances, mostly when its rhs-only scenario... that makes it a NON-viable option for a "vanilla/dlc" arma3 module imo.
so... I do like "free" and "dlc" and both @Killzone_Kid, but there are other mods/scenarios out there which make more sense to be implemented as an arma official module.
and most of the people praising RHS in here seem to be affiliated anyways...