there we come to a problem we cant clear.
Gaming vs RL
Its just not possible to make it exactly how it is in RL.
Its much harder to hit targets in RL. Ingame you dont have to hold your weapon straight. In RL this is the most important thing to hit targets. This is completly removed ingame.
So the gaming experience differs a lot to RL.
What the game should do is not to make it close as possible to Reallife, it should make your experience close as possible to Reallife. you know what i mean?
"what do you say when one force hits another and you try to hold it steady? is it possible to hold it that steady that it does not move at all?"
lol hell no.
"what do you say about the rifle after the shot, is it possible with your body to let the rifle stay in the position of the 1cm climb?"
No. To hold a weapon steady, you push it against your shoulders( not just hold it stronger). Now when you shoot, the more you push your weapon against yourself the more will your body absorb the recoil. Its a shake for probably 0,5sec.
In this time you cant see shit and you cant do shit. You lose the the target for maybe 3mm in your sight (its not possible to compensate that by anything).
your shot will lose the target fo meters.
"it should not be a matter of how fast you can turn the mouse."
It matters how fast and exactly you can turn the mouse, and well exactly this is gaming experinece.
Go learn to controll cs 1.6 recoil by full auto, comeback and LAUGH about arma 3 recoil...